"Yes, master," said borek

Chen Yang was really relieved. He immediately said, "lead the way. We need a place to have a good rest. Also, is there anything to eat? It's the kind of good thing you want to eat! "

"Yes," he said He immediately took some food and water from his magic weapon. Food is also refined in the fruit, extremely nutritious. Water is also a pure source of water. Chen Yang and Ya Zhenyuan have a good meal.

Fortunately, their viscera were so strong that they were not in such a hurry and didn't have any trouble.

After that, Chen Yang gave him a ring Xumi and said, "look, can you open it?"

Boleck took it, groped for it, and soon said with a bitter smile, "master, your seal of commandment Xumi is mysterious. I don't have the ability to open it!"

Chen Yang knew it was expected. He is the cultivation of Dongxian. In front of a little shrimps like bleck, he is a character like a God.

In the end, Chen Yang took back his commandment.

Then, bolek takes Chen Yang and yazhenyuan back to his cave. It was a vast cavern. Besides, it's quite neat. Bolek gives his bedroom to Chen Yang and yazhenyuan.

In that bedroom, there is a hot spring like existence. Yazhen yuan wants to take a bath. Chen Yang goes out consciously.

Yazhen yuan did not forget to warn, "if you dare to peek, I'll dig out your eyes."

Chen Yang is too lazy to pay attention to yazhenyuan.

Yazhen yuan took a bath, and her whole body was much more comfortable. Wandering in this wasteland for so long, only at this moment, she found that she had a lot before. It's just that I never care.

When people stay in an environment for a long time, they will take many things for granted.

Just like Chen Yang, they never paid attention to every demon here. When they hanged, with a wave of mana, thousands of demons were annihilated. However, in fact, each demon has its own emotions and feelings.

There's a hot spring in this cave, boleck's bedroom. So Chen Yang later invited yazhenyuan out, and he also wanted to go in for a bath. Yazhenyuan was a little disgusted and said, "that's where I took a bath. You..."

"There are still many demons in it, and they have been washed by Luocha." Chen Yang is against you!

Yazhen yuan felt chilly and disgusted. But in this case, there is nothing to do.

Chen Yang took a comfortable hot spring bath and then came out in his dirty clothes.

Yazhen yuan can only wear dirty clothes.

There's really no human clothes here, bleck. Chen Yang asked in the bedroom How could this bleck call you master? "

Chen Yang was outspoken and said, "before I came here, I transformed many demons with a magic. It's also our luck. This guy is just me. When I spend time, I still choose a demon with higher mana. "

Yazhenyuan suddenly realized.

She did not have too much sadness and joy, and then asked faintly, "what are your plans next?"

Chen Yang said: "with bleck, we can at least survive. There's food and drink. Can't we recover mana all our lives? "

Yazhenyuan said, "if I were in my heyday, it would be easy to break the magic array of lingwushou."

"You said it was your heyday." Chen Yang said.

Yazhenyuan said, "if you ask bolek to send us to the entrance of Yuqing gate and return to Yuqing gate, there will be someone from the Supreme Court to remove the magic array for us."

"Damn it, you think it's beautiful!" Chen Yang said, "you're very happy to recover your mana. I'm not dead."

Yazhen yuan can't help but stop his words.

She can't say that she can guarantee Chen Yang's safety. Although she is mean, she doesn't lie.

"If you want to go back to yuqingmen, don't even think about it!" Chen Yang then said. He then said, "live here at ease. If we can recover our mana, we will rush to the Western Kingdom at once."

Yazhenyuan takes a look at Chen Yang, and she keeps silent. Chen Yang said nothing more.

In the evening, Chen Yang found another stone room to rest. He told bleck to keep yazhenyuan safe at all times. Because Chen Yang is also worried that other demons are not convinced and will do something unexpected.

In the days after that, Chen Yang kept a good distance and respect for yazhenyuan. Yazhenyuan also gradually began to have some views on Chen Yang. What she can never forget is that she was surrounded by demons on that day, and he complained bitterly.

Yazhen yuan occasionally asked himself, is it really too much?

But there is no answer.

Chen Yang and yazhenyuan have always been well water, not river water.

Both of them are trying to restore mana, but they don't have any clue.

In the twinkling of an eye, they have been in hell for nearly three months. Nalan Yunxue of yuqingmen looks for master and Chen Yang in hell every day. But she got nothing.Nalan Yunxue never gave up.

That night, Chen Yang was sleeping. Bleck came in a hurry: "master, it's not good."

Chen Yang sat up and said, "what's the matter?"

Bleck said, "master, a woman is looking for you. She swept your pictures in the mind of some of my subordinates. She's looking for it! "

Chen Yang was startled.

"Women? Who? Nalan cloud snow Chen Yang can know that if he is found by Nalan Yunxue now, it will not be a good thing.

"Let's go now!" Chen Yang said.

Bolek said, "you and miss ya go into my magic weapon. I will take you away."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

He then went to find Yazhen yuan in the bedroom. Yazhenyuan is sleeping. As soon as Chen Yang comes in, she wakes up.

"What are you doing?" Yazhen yuan looks at Chen Yang warily.

"Run away!" Chen Yang said.

"Run away again? Why? " Yazhen yuan asked.

"I think your apprentice is coming." Chen Yang said, "she found us. I don't have much to eat."

Yazhen yuan was overjoyed and said, "wait a minute!"

She then said, "Chen Yang, listen to me."

Chen Yang said, "what are you talking about?" He looked at Yazhen yuan.

Yazhenyuan wrapped up her clothes. She looked at Chen Yang and said, "Yunxue will listen to me if she comes. I can let her let you go. I'll try to let your two friends go when I get back. But after that, we will continue to chase you. What do you think? "

Yazhenyuan is sincere at the moment.

She is really fed up with such days.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

Yazhenyuan looks forward to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang thought for a moment, then said, "no, it's absolutely impossible to give all hope to the unknown. It's still up to me! "

"I won't go!" Yazhen Yuan said immediately.

"Damn, can I help you?" Chen Yang grabs yazhenyuan rudely.

Bleck has a purple gourd, which can hold people. Chen Yang and yazhenyuan enter the purple gourd of bolek.

This purple gourd can breathe inside.

Bolek immediately took the purple gourd all the way out of the cave.

After going out, Bleeker showed his speed to the limit, constantly shuttling through the void. Although it is the cultivation of Taixu jiuchongtian, it can't control the flight of Yuanshen.

But it's fast.

Nalan Yunxue and the four demon emperors have been searching unremittingly. Although Fu Zhichen limited the time for the four demon emperors, he couldn't find them. That's the only way.

The four demon emperors were also terrified and could only make more efforts to show Fu Zhichen.

When Nalan Yunxue found the master's picture from some demons' thoughts, she was overjoyed.

"Master is not dead!" At that moment, Nalan Yunxue cried with joy.

Later, Nalan Yunxue followed suit. She soon found the cave where bleck used to be.

In bolek's bedroom, Nalan Yunxue felt the familiar breath of her master.

"Master, master!" Nalan Yunxue's heart stone finally came down.

Nothing else. As long as master is still alive, everything can be recovered!

Later, Nalan Yunxue continued to search for her master.

She pursued the past all the way, shooting around with powerful ideas. When Chen Yang's full strength, Nalan Yunxue is flattery don't want to touch Chen Yang's trace.

But now, Chen Yang also just feel, is chased by a cave fairyland master, that is a how terrible thing.

Several times, when Nalan Yunxue's idea was sweeping the vast land, Chen Yang and bolek felt that they were almost found. Nalan cloud and snow are catching up.

At the same time, Nalan Yunxue also called the four demon emperors to pursue together.

Bolek said to Chen Yang, "master, we can't escape from their search."

Chen Yang communicates with bleck in the purple gourd.

Yazhenyuan also heard clearly, she naturally expected Nalan Yunxue to catch up.

Chen Yangchou is not good. He looks at the side, although it looks cold, but actually happy yazhenyuan. He said angrily, "don't be happy too soon."

Yazhenyuan said, "am I happy? I didn't! "

"Just pretend to be you!" Chen Yang said.

It has to be said that yazhenyuan, a cold and proud fairy, has been on the earth for a long time. She had lost a lot of her loneliness and gradually became a little humanized. And occasionally I would say some witty words with Chen Yang.

Maybe Chen Yang himself is a ruffian, more or less affected some yazhenyuan.

"I'll strangle you first!" Chen Yang said.Yazhen yuan didn't care, said: "you never dare, kill me, Yunxue won't let your wife and friends go."

She is a very intelligent person, and there will be no mistake in her analysis of the situation.

Chen Yang sighed.

The four demon emperors and Nalan Yunxue come after them together. He knew that if he was found out, the end would be colorful and beautiful.

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