There are countless powerful demons in the 18th level hell.

And there are all kinds of hidden old monsters, as well as the powerful Youming Jue array and so on. Yuqing disciples dare not come to the hell on the 18th floor.

Chen Yang has been able to survive because the wasteland is too wide, so he has been hiding in the cave. And now it's under the protection of bleck.

But for now, bleck can't protect Chen Yang.

At this time, bleck said: "master, there is only one way now."

"What can I do?" As soon as Chen Yang's eyes brightened, he said in secret, "is there any hidden move for this monster?"

Bolek said immediately: "I heard that there is a hell Bodhisattva, a demon who can help all living beings, on the other side of Donglai mountain. If you go there, you can get shelter. "

"What?" Chen Yang was surprised and said, "do you say there is a Bodhisattva?"

"Yes," borek said

Chen Yang can get a lot of information every time he shoots, but he can't know the deep information from the minds of experts like bleck. Later, he tried to find a way out, but he did not ask bolek about the Bodhisattva.

I didn't expect that. It's a mistake!

"Is it far from the east? Go to the Bodhisattva immediately Chen Yang said with great joy.

"Not too far!" Said borek.

"OK, go to Donglai mountain at once!" Chen Yang said.

Bleck said, "yes, master."

Boleck is familiar with the road, all the way to the east mountain. Chen Yang's heart is burning with hope, but at the same time, he is afraid that he will be defeated by Nalan Yunxue and others.

Fortunately, one day later, bolek took Chen Yang and yazhenyuan to Donglai mountain.

There was darkness all around the wasteland, but mountains piled up ahead. Behind the mountains, there was a faint light.

If you cross Donglai mountain, you will see the Bodhisattva of hell.

In the vicinity of Donglai mountain, there are millions of demons who sincerely turn to Buddha and guard Donglai mountain. When bleck was about to cross the Donglai mountain, he was stopped by two demons.

The two demons' cultivation was not low. They were all the cultivation of Taixu eight heavy heaven. They stopped him and asked him what he wanted to do.

At this time, Chen Yang jumped out and said, "I'm an old friend of Bodhisattva. Please inform me that it's the world. Chen Yang, please see me!"

The two demons did not deliberately embarrass Chen Yang and others.

After they looked at each other, one of the demons, Luocha, said, "you wait here. I'll go to pass a message first."

Chen Yang and Blake said: "thank you so much!"

After that, the demon went away.

Chen Yang and Borak didn't wait long. About five minutes later, the demon came back and said, "Bodhisattva, please!"

At present, bolek and Chen Yang quickly cross Donglai mountain.

On this side of Donglai mountain are basins and canyons.

There is a cave in the middle of the canyon, which is the place where Bodhisattvas live. In the canyon, there are demons all over the mountains. Demons burn incense and chant scriptures every day.

In the gorge, the fire light is scattered for tens of miles.

The canyon is very big.

Those fires are the fires of the nether world. And Demons burn incense every day is to replace the fire of the nether world.

The environment here is really tough.

In the cave, Chen Yang meets the long lost Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

When he saw the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, Chen Yang was filled with emotion.

He once searched thousands of miles in order to find the Bodhisattva. When he was disappointed and gave up, he did not expect to find Bodhisattva so easily and simply.

The Bodhisattva in front of him is still kind-hearted, wearing cassock and drooping eyebrows.

Chen Yang has always respected the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, and said respectfully, "I have seen Bodhisattvas!"

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile, "little benefactor, I feel relieved to see that you are OK."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "it's hard to say enough about this search."

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I'm also curious about the experience of the little benefactor. I might as well tell you in detail."

Chen Yang said, "yes, Bodhisattva!"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "little benefactor, take your seat first!"

Chen Yang sits down.

Bleck stood respectfully on one side. As for yazhenyuan, it's still in the purple gourd. When Chen Yang is ready to speak, the Bodhisattva of dizang king looks at bolek.

Bolek immediately saluted the Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva of dizang King nodded slightly, and then said to Chen Yang, "this benefactor seems to have fallen into an evil sect of Buddhism."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then he could not help admiring the Bodhisattva's brilliant eyes. He said: "it's really a big thunder music method learned by the younger generation. But Bodhisattvas, is there any magic in Buddhism? "

The Bodhisattva king of Tibet said, "of course, the magic that goes against his own will is evil."Chen Yang was lost in thought.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "I came to the Western kingdom with benefactor LAN a few years ago to find a way to rescue you, little benefactor. I don't want to banish Zeus, the other God, to the 18th floor of hell. On the 18th floor of hell, I can't leave. I also saw the sufferings of the demons... "

He paused and said, "your magic art is to surrender against people's will. I spend all the demons to find a place for them. In this hell, demons should not have been born. Their birth, only pain. Poor monks have to do their best to let them have peace. Although the poor monk's ability is limited, if he can spend one, he will be one. "

Chen Yang was awed by the speech.

"I suspected before that Buddhism is just a deceitful thing. Now it seems that the younger generation is ignorant and shallow. " Chen Yang said immediately.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "the Dharma is good. Anything can be good. It depends on how the user uses it. Some people use knives to protect their families, while others use kitchen knives to make food. Are knives and kitchen knives good or bad? Some people use knives to kill blood, while others use kitchen knives to kill others. Are knives and kitchen knives good or bad

"A word from Bodhisattva awakens the dreamer!" Chen Yang said.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I have nothing to ask for. I hope all living beings know the beauty of Buddhism. What I have done is not in vain."

Chen Yang said: "I admire you

The Bodhisattva said, "it's nothing. Everyone has what he wants. This is what I want. I am just as greedy as all living beings. "

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Bodhisattva's bearing, he had to be convinced.

Then the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet suddenly began to read the Scriptures. The golden characters floated out to nabolek.

After a long time, the golden color in his eyes disappeared.

Its eyes are clear.

At this moment, bleck returned to the vulgarity.

Bolek looks at Chen Yang and the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet. Suddenly, a violent color flashed in his eyes. His memory did not disappear. Naturally, he remembered how he served Chen Yang.

"It's you You've done me a trick Boleck grabs Chen Yang and wants to kill him.

Chen Yang is now the opponent of bleck. He can't help but be surprised.

"Bodhisattva!" Chen Yang yelled.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the king of Tibet's Bodhisattva immediately neutralized bolek's attack.

"The Dharma is only for those who are predestined!" The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said to Blake, "almsgiver, you are violent, and I can't force you to convert to Buddhism. Go away from you

Boleck pointed to Chen Yang and said, "but he has to avenge me!"

"How?" The Bodhisattva asked.

"I'm going to fight him," borek said

Borek seemed determined.

Chen Yang is speechless. If he was at his best, would he look down on bleck?

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "little benefactor, now all the mana is gone. It's not fair for you to fight with him. But if I help the little benefactor recover his mana and fight with you again, you will feel unfair. In my opinion, you'd better leave. "

Boleck couldn't help saying.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "don't you go yet?"

Borek hated it, but he couldn't help it. He turned to go, Chen Yang said: "leave you in the purple gourd."

A chill flashed in bleck's eyes, so he grabbed the purple gourd and first crushed yazhenyuan to death.

Chen Yang can't see Blake's flowery intestines there. "You are looking for death!" Chen Yang said in a cold voice: "now you dare to touch her hair. When my mana is restored, I will go to you. I will make you unable to survive or die!"

Bleck trembled.

He thought about it and finally released yazhenyuan safely. After that, bleck turned and left.

After yazhenyuan appeared, she looked left and right, and finally her eyes rested on the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet.

"Benefactor, you have powerful magic power!" The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said lightly.

Yazhenyuan glanced at the Tibetan Bodhisattva. She obviously didn't know the Tibetan Bodhisattva. "Are you the hell Bodhisattva in their mouth?"

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said, "it's the poor monk!"

"You have so many wishes, but you can't even reach the heaven position. You are just like that!" Yazhen Yuan said frankly.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "Amitabha, the realm of cultivation is nothing but a dream to the poor monk. It makes the woman smile. "

Yazhen Yuan said with a cold smile: "dreamy bubble? Joke, since it's a dream bubble, what do you do to fix it? If you are a monk, you will have one thing in your mouth and one thing in your heart. Clearly love the road of eternal life, covet the supreme magic power, but want to make a pair of pure heart and little desire, no desire and no demand. I think you, monk, have cheated yourself. "

Chen Yang said angrily, "yazhenyuan, shut up! Bodhisattva, how can you speak and slanderYazhenyuan said: "in my eyes, he is a fart. And you, you're not even a fart! "

Chen Yang is speechless.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said with a smile, "the benefactor is an expert. In front of her, the poor monk is also a junior. Little benefactor, you don't have to say more. "

He then said to yazhenyuan, "benefactor, please sit down!"

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