Fu Zhichen is no longer as warm as jade. His eyes are cold. "Little boy, I've been in charge of yuqingmen for many years. I haven't seen any cunning people. You want to deceive me. Do you have the ability? You know what's in the world, and I know it. "

Chen Yang touched the bloodstain at the corner of his mouth. He gave a cold smile and said, "but what should I do? It's in the world. Don't you think I'm not going to do some preparation? I've expected this day since you first shot. What if you kill me? The five grain state tree will always be as stable as a mountain in the hands of Yuanjue Dharma God. "

Fu Zhichen said: "I promised you that I would not embarrass your friends any more. But don't force me to break my promise. I can't go to the world. However, I can take my grandmaster to Tianzhou. What about the destruction of Tianzhou? In this world, there are always things you care about and ways to compromise. "

Chen Yang took a look at Fu Zhichen and said, "so I'll get it back for you. I just let the Yuanjue Dharma God keep it for me. Only I can get things back in the hands of Dharma. "

Fu Zhichen stares at Chen Yang.

After a long time, he laughed. He then said, "you are really a cunning thing. What a good saying. Let me have no choice but to let you go. But no matter how much I care, no matter how much I put on your hands. That Dharma God has the ability to solve it for you. "

Chen Yang said: "I can't help it. I'm weak. I always have to find a stronger supporter!"

"Yuanjue is not your support!" Fu Zhichen said: "son, why is Yuanjue in the world? I know better than you. He is not anyone's hitter and backer, he has his mission in the world. It is not in the hands of Yuanjue that the grain, the country and the divine tree are planted. It's on you

"Then you search, and if you find it, it's yours!" Chen Yang said with indifference.

Fu Zhichen said: "if I am not wrong, the grain state tree and you have become one. If I kill you, I will be able to force out the grain, the country and the divine tree. "

"Then you can kill me. What nonsense?" Chen Yang laughs.

Fu Zhichen stares at Chen Yang.

He then laughed.

"Sure enough!" Fu Zhichen continued: "I always have this guess. Just now, your heart beat. Although you cover it up well, I'm here, and I can't escape my eye for a trace of your spiritual fluctuation. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

This Fu Zhichen is really terrible. It is not only powerful, but also intelligent and terrifying. Chen Yang's speech has been practiced countless times in his mind. This is his last solution, but at present, it has been cracked by Fu Zhichen in a few words.

"Chen Yang, yuqingmen is not a butcher." Fu Zhichen continued: "for you and yourself, yuqingmen has no malice. Although the inside of the door has a lot of opinions on you, the loss of the inside of the door has something to do with you. You also killed elder Changyun and elder duanshui. You don't wonder why I know so clearly. That's because the four demon emperors know everything about me now. However, I didn't say these things to other people in the door. You give the grain, the country and the tree, and then I can save you from death. Otherwise, you will be dismembered, and then feel your every cell, you can always find the grain country tree. But I don't want to see that. "

Chen Yang smile, said: "the supreme is worthy of the supreme, admire!"

"Oh?" Fu Zhichen frowned slightly.

But you are not sure. So, for the sake of safety and insurance, you want me to compromise. You're afraid that after you kill me, if the grain country tree is not on me, then you will break all the clues. So at the moment, you're not compassionate, you're retreating, right? "

Fu Zhichen heard the silence, then sneered and said: "you are really a smart man. But smart people should know at this time that it's no good to resist blindly! "

Chen Yang said, "I'll think about it for one night. How about it?"

"One night?" Fu Zhichen said.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said.

Fu Zhichen said: "one night, can you think of a way to escape?"

Chen Yang said: "it's impossible to leave yuqingmen. If I had the ability to leave, I would not be caught by you. "

Fu Zhichen said: "well, I don't even have the courage to give you a night? Go back to Ziyang gourd. Tomorrow morning, I will continue to ask you. At that time, if you still prevaricate and refuse, don't blame me for using some methods I don't like to deal with you. "

"Good!" Chen Yang said.

Tianzhou, Mingyue xianzun went back to Mingyue palace for the first time.

She wants to tell jianhongchen and litianruo that she is safe. After that, Mingyue xianzun brought a lot of pills and treasures in the palace, and then joined Qiao Ning.

It doesn't help to shout all the disciples of Mingyue palace to save Chen Yang.

After the meeting of Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning, they first find a nameless peak and stop.There was blood in their hearts and a desire to die.

But they know that this alone is not enough.

How to save people?

How to save people?

Qiao Ning thought of emperor xuanzhenghao!

She said to Mingyue xianzun, "I think of two people now. One is Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao himself is resourceful, and the emperor of eternal life cooperates with him. Chen Yang also has a friend, who is said to have lived through nine times of thunder. His name is Bai Suzhen. But hidden in the Shennong world, I don't know how to communicate! "

Mingyue xianzun has always been self-respect and self-improvement. He is not willing to trouble others for his own affairs. She would rather die than ask Xuan Zhenghao.

But now, in order to rescue Chen Yang. Mingyue xianzun is willing to save face.

She said, "Shennong world, I can communicate. Although the border is very strong, bombarding the border can always attract their attention. "

Qiao Ningmei's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Then do it immediately. I'm afraid if we delay, something will happen to Chen Yang!" Qiao Ning said immediately.

Mingyue xianzun said, "Qiao Ning, calm down. Chen Yang doesn't die so easily. He is the king of destiny. "

"But the king of destiny will die, too!" Qiao Ning suddenly burst into tears.

Mingyue xianzun takes a deep breath. She doesn't say much now, so she begins to use her magic power!

In an instant, the magic power of Mingyue xianzun's brain communicates with three thousand worlds and three thousand dimensions!

It's like a computer with countless screens around it, each representing a world.

Mingyue xianzun soon found Shennong world. Shennong's world is really strong, and it doesn't reveal a trace of world power to the outside.

Mingyue xianzun aimed at Shennong world, and then made a bold move.

Her power went towards the border.

At this time, in the border, a white handprint waved, and instantly resolved the power of Mingyue xianzun.

A cold woman's voice came. "Where do you want to die? How dare you attack my border? "

It was the voice of Suzhen in black.

Mingyue xianzun was surprised.

She immediately felt the vastness of the world in this woman's voice.

Listen to the voice, let the Moon Fairy feel terrible!

All along, the moon immortal is invincible. But since she met yuqingmen, she felt that she was still a junior in practice!

"Master, I'm here!" Mingyue xianzun took a deep breath and said, "I don't mean to offend you, but I have something to report!"

"Say it The way of Su Zhen in black.

"Chen Yang is dying!" The Moon Fairy said.

"What?" Suzhen in black was also surprised.

At this time, golden light suddenly appeared in the transmission array of Tianchi Pavilion in the imperial city of Dakang.

Then, Suzhen in black appears from the teleport. There is also a border in Tianzhou. Suzhen in black borrowed the transmission array of Tianchi Pavilion directly. Later, Suzhen in black flashed out of the imperial city. The protective net of Tianlong Babu futu could not stop Suzhen in black.

The next second, Suzhen in black has appeared in front of Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

Suzhen in black, she is cool, proud and matchless!

Her beauty, let a person move not to open an eye bead.

But what's more, the coldness and arrogance in her makes people dare not feel any profane. All around her, the thunder light is faint, just like the existence of natural disaster.

Qiao Ning had never seen Suzhen in black before.

At the moment when she saw Suzhen in black, she felt frightened. Monks, seeing Suzhen in black, can't help but be frightened.

Mingyue xianzun did not dare to look directly into Suzhen's eyes.

Suzhen in black is absolutely strong.

Eight hundred years ago, she was a master of heaven.

Now, who can help her?

Suzhen in black obviously doesn't know Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun. She looks at Mingyue xianzun.

Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning can't help but want to worship.

However, the two people finally held back.

After seeing Mingyue xianzun, Suzhen in black asked in a deep voice, "what do you mean Chen Yang is in danger?"

Before Mingyue xianzun spoke, Qiao Ning said it first. For Chen Yang, she can ignore anything.

"Is the elder Bai Suzhen often mentioned by Chen Yang?" Qiao Ning asked.

Black Yi Su Zhen looked at Qiao Ning and said, "who are you?"

Qiao Ning said: "junior Qiao Ning, it's Chen Yang's friend. "

She did not know why, did not dare to say that she was Chen Yang's woman. But Suzhen in black obviously didn't care much about it. She said, "tell me about it. What's the situation?"

Qiao Ning said: "Chen Yang was captured by the people of Yuqing gate."

"Yuqing gate?" Suzhen in black was surprised.

"Do you know yuqingmen?" Qiao Ning was slightly stunned.Suzhen in Black said coldly, "how can I not know yuqingmen, the dogleg of fairyland. They want Chen Yang? Is it because... "

Suzhen in black has always known the secret of Chen Yang's xuanhuang Shengu seed.

"Because the secret of xuanhuang Shengu seed was known by yuqingmen?" Suzhen in black asks Qiao Ning.

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