Qiao Ning said immediately: "yes!" She was slightly relieved, since the elder knew the secret of xuanhuang Shengu seed. Then she can dispense with a lot of explanations.

Black Yi Su Zhen immediately said in a deep voice: "that xuanhuang Shengu seed and Chen Yang's flesh and blood fusion, and in the middle of the eyebrow. Once the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu are forcibly taken away, Chen Yang's whole body essence is leaked, and he will die immediately. Does the people of yuqingmen know the secret now? " She finally asked joning.

Qiao Ning said immediately, "I don't know yet."

Black dress Su Zhen smell speech also slightly relaxed tone, say: "that good, still have some time."

Mingyue xianzun said, "master, you should know more about the strength of yuqingmen?"

She said: "my understanding of yuqingmen comes from the awakening of ancient blood. I don't know much about it, but I know that yuqingmen has many experts in fairyland. I just don't know what kind of masters there are in Yuqing now. People in the fairyland can't get down for a while. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "I've had a fight with the Supreme Master of Yuqing sect. His cultivation is very powerful, but it's not as good as you." She could be sure of that just by feeling.

Suzhen Heiyi said: "the strength of yuqingmen will never be in the person of the supreme leader. Yuqing world is controlled by Yuqing gate, and the power of the world is in their hands. What's more powerful is Yuqing gate's taishangzunlou. " After a pause, she asked, "how long has Chen Yang been arrested?"

Qiao Ning said, "I was caught yesterday!"

"Fortunately, it's not long," she said. But we must grasp this matter. Well, I'll go to the Yuqing gate to explore the reality first! "

Mingyue xianzun immediately said, "you can't go there easily. It's time for us to find a way to gather strength. If you don't come back, how can we deal with ourselves? "

"I don't have to worry about it," she said

After that, she did not pay attention to other things, but directly absorbed herself in the world of Yuqing.

Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning look at each other. They don't know whether to stop Suzhen in black. But since Suzhen in black was determined, they thought they could believe it.

After a long time, Suzhen in black was annoyed and said, "the power of Yuqing's world has been put into operation. Even I can't break it by force."

"Damn it Su Zhen in Black said later.

There were few times when she was helpless.

"We know an entrance," said Qiao Ning

Black Yi Su Zhen eyes a bright, immediately say: "fast say!"

Qiao Ning talked about how they came out of hell. "Suzhen Heiyi said:" well, it should not be too late, you go to hell with me again

"There's no problem going to hell." Qiao Ning said: "but master, can we go to see someone first?"

"Who?" Suzhen in black looks at Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning said: "emperor xuanzhenghao of Dakang is resourceful. I don't know if he is willing to help this time, but he can at least give us some advice. "

Suzhen in black frowned slightly.

At that moment, there were ripples in the air. Then a door of void appeared.

Then, a beautiful man with a long body appeared. He was wearing a bright yellow robe. It was Emperor xuanzhenghao of Dakang!

Xuan Zhenghao appears directly in front of Qiao Ning and others.

"Who?" Suzhen in black frowned.

Qiao Ning is a happy, said: "he is the younger generation of the emperor Dakang!"

Black dress Su Zhen eyes Ling lie, she looks Xuan Zheng Hao one eye, say: "are you monitoring us?"

Xuanzhenghao saluted Suzhen in black, and then said, "I'm joking. How dare you spy on me. It's just that the elder came from the imperial city of Dakang, so I took a look at it more. I heard that something happened to Chen Yang, so I came here. "

These people are on the same side in Tianzhou.

But now in front of Suzhen in black, all of them have become the younger generation!

Let alone, even in terms of age, Suzhen is the oldest. Mingyue xianzun is only a thousand years old, and Suzhen in black is more than a thousand years old.

Let alone Qiao Ning and Xuan Zhenghao.

Here, Xuan Zhenghao is the youngest. But his cultivation is far above the moon immortal.

Of course, Xuan Zhenghao has practiced in the boat of one yuan for a thousand years. His real age is actually over a thousand years old.

Black dress Su Zhen see Xiang Xuan is Hao, she said: "you want to help us save Chen Yang?"

This sentence is very meaningful. First of all, we need to understand each other's positions.

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "that's right!"

Then she glanced at Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun. Then she looked at xiangxuan Zhenghao again: "can I believe you?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "when the younger generation wants to do it, they will do it directly. When they don't want to do it, they will never give up. At this time, there is no need for the younger generation to lie. What's more, to lie to such a magic power as you is to seek your own death! The intelligence of the younger generation does not allow the younger generation to do such stupid things. "Qiao Ning immediately said: "but emperor, you always like to be alone?"

Xuanzhenghao said: "wrong, Miss Qiao, this is not alone. I'm just doing what I'm sure of, not fighting what I'm not sure of. "

Qiao Ning said, "are you sure about saving Chen Yang?"

"We need to work together," he said

"Why do you suddenly want to help?" Qiao Ning asked.

This problem is very important!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "because without me, you can't save Chen Yang. Without me, he would be dead. "

"Is it?" Black dress Su Zhen light says: "I still really didn't see, originally you are so urgent."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this matter needs to be considered in the long run, but you have a special magic power, so it's necessary to explore the real and the false. This will be more beneficial to our next plan. If you trust me, you can go back to the imperial city of Dakang with me first. "

Suzhen in black pondered for a moment and said, "OK, let's go!"

Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun see that Suzhen in black agrees. Naturally, they can't say anything more.

Xuan Zhenghao uses his magic power to open a door of void.

Then the crowd followed.

As soon as I went in, I arrived directly in the pagoda of the eight divisions of Tianlong.

And they all stood on the bridge of one yuan.

The starry sky is all over the world!

"Here is the magic weapon made by the younger generation, the pagoda of the eight divisions of Tianlong." Xuan Zhenghao said respectfully to black. He can be in the moon xianzun, Qiao Ning in front of the king to the world. But he was careful in front of Suzhen in black.

But this does not mean that Xuan Zhenghao is afraid, or that he is snobbish. This is actually a law, the law of the strong. It's a law that everyone should respect.

Black Yi Su Zhen roughly swept one eye, then see a glimmer of electric light in this starry sky quickly turn a week sky. After that, the light returned to Suzhen's eyes.

"This magic weapon is very good. Although it's not really immortal, it has the mystery and power of immortal. It's just that this magic weapon has been integrated with the imperial city of Dakang, and you can't take it with you. " She said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the master's wise eye can see through all the illusions. I admire you!"

"If you bring us here, you can say anything," she said

Xuan Zhenghao said: "before Chen Yang went to yuqingmen, it was the younger generation who sent him there."

"What?" Su Zhen in black was surprised and said, "Chen Yang was not caught. He ran to the Yuqing gate himself."

Xuan Zheng Hao is a tiny Zheng.

Qiao Ning felt ashamed and said, "Chen Yang went to Yuqing gate to save me and xianzun."

"Save you? Who are you from Chen Yang? Just friends? " Su Zhen in black looks at Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun like this.

Mingyue xianzun feels a little uncomfortable. She is also very proud. If she had not come here to save Chen Yang, she could not bear her words and eyes.

Qiao Ning then said, "Chen Yang and I are married. Xianzun is really just Chen Yang's friend, but even if his friend is in trouble, Chen Yang will take great risks to help him. "

"I know that. He hasn't changed at all after all these years," she said. Oh, I forgot, he didn't go through many years, either

Black dress Su Zhen also don't tangle in this point, she says to Xuan Zheng Hao: "you so send him, what meaning?"? Isn't that to send him to death? "

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "this is the only thing that the younger generation can do for him. At that time, if he went alone, he might be able to save people successfully. Besides, if you don't let him go, I'm afraid he will go crazy! "

Suzhen Heiyi said, "well, in that case, you can send me there. I'm going to see what's going on with Chen Yang. If he's lucky enough to bring him out directly, there will be less trouble. "

"Yes, but it will take some time," he said. We'll have to wait all night. Tomorrow morning, this door will start, and then our predecessors will be able to pass! "

"Well, we'll wait for you here," she said

When she had finished, she sat cross - legged.

Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun also sit with their knees crossed.

They are all monks. They can meditate for a long time. It's just very common.

Xuan Zhenghao began to run the magic code, which is the compass of the eternal emperor!

His magic power is mighty, majestic, and constantly grabs materials in the starry sky. Also create elements in the magic book and the compass of the past.

As the night passed, a brand new door appeared.

Suzhen in black rose abruptly.

Xuan Zhenghao again handed out a jade pendant and said, "when you want to come back, you can crush the jade pendant. I will open the door of emptiness again for you."

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