Chen Yang was also surprised by the changes at this time.

The Linghui monk said, "it's not surprising. In those years, the five grain state tree restrained the immortals so much that they couldn't bear to live. At present, the rebirth of the Cereals, the country and the divine tree has been further purified than before. The seed of xuanhuang divine Valley can refine all things. I just use the great spirit liquid and xuanhuang divine Valley seed to transform their power. Daoyou, just absorb the power here. As long as Zhongchun doesn't help, I can barely support him. "

Chen Yang was overjoyed.

"I always knew that the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu could melt all things into one furnace. I didn't expect that there would be such magical effects," he said

Linghui monk said: "the so-called time, place and people, if you don't devour, you can't absorb their vitality and strength. This is another opportunity for you, Daoyou

Chen Yang said, "ha ha, good!"

In Fu Zhichen's bedroom, Fu Zhichen continuously tears the rattan egg with the power of heaven, but all his power is like a bull into the sea.

This attracted Fu Zhichen's attention.

He immediately took this rattan egg with him to discuss business with the vice leaders and elders in the temple of cloud top.

In the temple of cloud top, the elders and the deputy leaders came forward one after another to kill the rattan eggs, but all the power was absorbed by the rattan eggs.

Such strange things make people look at each other.

That dark cloud elder can't help but say: "is this rattan egg the divine tree of five grain country?"

Elder Da Mo immediately said, "but even the grain state tree can't absorb our power?"

The crowd was lost in thought again.

"Is it..." Ouyang, the headmaster, was so emotional and thrilled that he said, "has the grain country tree evolved? Now even our strength can be absorbed? "

There was a lot of discussion, but there was no result.

At this time, Fu Zhichen finally spoke. He said: "this is indeed a very strange thing. There is no doubt that this vine egg, even if it is not a grain country God tree, is inextricably linked with the grain country God tree. Our strength is limited and our knowledge is limited. This matter still needs to be settled by the grandfathers who move the Supreme Master to the venerable building. "

He has set the tone.

Naturally, there was no objection.

At this time, the change suddenly happened.

"Somebody's in the fight!" Fu Zhichen's face changed. "Go He immediately flashed out of the cloud top temple.

All the elders, the deputy leader sect immediately followed behind.

Including some outstanding disciples who were still in the Yuqing sect, they were all welcomed.

And all of them set foot in the void. Above the void is the big guard array of Yuqing gate!

In the sky, a woman in black stood up.

Although the woman in black looks beautiful, she is cold and arrogant.

Fu Zhichen leads her in the battle.

"Who's coming?" Fu Zhichen came out of the crowd. He and the woman were separated by a hundred meters and asked coldly.

Fu Zhichen is an excellent man. At the moment, he is very clear in his heart that he who comes is not good, and his cultivation is very high.

The woman in black glances at Fu Zhichen, and then her eyes lock on Fu Zhichen.

"I am Bai Suzhen of Shennong world!" It was Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black continued, "are you the supreme Fu Zhichen of Yuqing sect?"

Fu Zhichen was not familiar with Suzhen in black. He said in a deep voice, "yes, I am. It seems that yuqingmen has nothing to do with you. What's your intention of coming here today? "

Su Zhen in black snorted coldly and said, "Chen Yang, the man you arrested, is my friend. Now, I order you to release him immediately. Otherwise... "

Fu Zhichen laughed and said, "I can't believe that this little Chen Yang has such a great friend as you. But it's impossible to let him go. How are you staying? Sir, although you are capable of participating in nature, yuqingmen is by no means a place where you can go wild! "

"Good!" Suzhen in black is no nonsense.

"Protect the formation!" Fu Zhichen roared at once. So they all cast their magic power and shot at the big array. Including Fu Zhichen, Fu Zhichen runs a strong and majestic power of heaven and transports it to the great array.

The big array of Yuqing gate was immediately shining, and the golden light protected Yuqing gate tightly. Even if the thunder blows down, it can't shake the terrible array!

The black clothes are pure and the Dharma is solemn!

At this time, she just cut a sword!

There is a thunder sword in her hand!

"Big chaos thunder sword!"

Chen Yang's big soul thunder sword is nothing but a big chaos thunder sword born out of Suzhen in black!

Flash of thunder!

From a distance, it looks like the sea.

But the thunder sword cuts down, is like a sword to break the five mountains Mount Tai general!Boom!

Intense brilliance is incomparable, the next second, the big array of yuqingmen is directly torn open. All the disciples and elders, including Fu Zhichen, were seriously injured.

Especially Fu Zhichen, his face turned pale to the extreme at this moment.

His body in mid air is also tottering!

All the people in yuqingmen were shocked.

It's terrible!

This woman broke the big array that yuqingmen was proud of with one sword, and injured many backbone members of yuqingmen.

Is this woman still human?

Suzhen in black is still very proud, her eyes shot. Then I saw the countless flashes of electric light in the sky.

The next second, Chen Yang saw a rattan egg in Fu Zhichen's Ziyang gourd. Moreover, Suzhen in black also saw Chen Yang in the rattan egg.

Suzhen in black's face couldn't help flashing joy. With a big hand, she came to catch Fu Zhichen.

The hand of thunder and lightning is ferocious!

In front of Suzhen in black, these people are just mole ants. In those days, Suzhen in black killed the Bodhisattva of heaven's power just like killing a dog. At present, in her eyes, Fu Zhichen is not good enough.

When Su Zhen's fingerprints are caught, he sees thunder. This thunder light is the divine light of nine thunders. No matter how many rules and the power of heaven contact, they will be killed immediately.

See God kill God, see ghost kill ghost, invincible!

Fu Zhichen has always been a big hand, no one can stop him. And today, he finally tasted it. When Suzhen's fingerprints came, he had no resistance at all.

Seeing that the Supreme Master of yuqingmen is about to be captured by Suzhen in black, at this time, the Supreme Master of yuqingmen finally has a reaction.

"Wait a minute, Daoyou!" The first one to come is the real person in the taishangzunlou!

It's an important practice to create the environment without human beings.

There is no need for a real person to wear a blue Taoist robe, hold the silver floating dust, step into the air, and be immortal!

There is no need for real people to come to the scene in the blink of an eye, and the hands of a wave of dust. Then I saw the strong power of creation in the dust.

With a bang of the power of creation, Suzhen's lightning fingerprints were smashed.

"See you, grandmaster!" In the void, Fu Zhichen and others saluted to the immortal one after another.

There is no need for real people to look indifferent and say, "get up."

Fu Zhichen led the people to get up. Fu Zhichen was very ashamed and said, "I don't need a grandmaster. I'm ashamed of my disciples..."

There is no need for the real person to smile and say: "the palm teaches supreme, you don't need to be ashamed. You can't cope with the people in front of you. "

At this time, there was another person coming from taishangzunlou. That's Nalan Yunxue!

Nalan Yunxue had been accompanying Shifu in taishangzunlou all the time before. Now when he saw something happened in yuqingmen, he came together. As for Yazhen yuan, she did not come out. She would never interfere in yuqingmen's affairs before she recovered.

Nalan Yunxue looks at her from a distance. She whispers with some of her disciples and immediately knows that this person is here to rescue Chen Yang.

"What? A sword will break our array, and the supreme and all the elders will be seriously injured? " After hearing clearly, Nalan Yunxue was shocked.

"This little bastard has such a friend?" Nalan Yunxue felt that she couldn't believe it.

If you look at a person's achievements and taste, you can see something from his friends. Nalan Yunxue really felt a little No taste. She doesn't seem qualified to compete with Chen Yang!

At this time, there was no need for a real person to face Suzhen in black.

"Why do Daoyou fight against yuqingmen?" There is no need for a real person to look cold in his eyes and say, "it's not easy for me to practice. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't blame you for your ruthlessness and taking Qingqing's life!"

Black dress Su Zhen ha ha Li smile a, she this instant, the whole body dress clothes have no wind from drum.

She then said in a cold voice, "well, after all these years, I seldom meet anyone who dares to talk to me like this. Today, I'll cut you! "

"Don't think too much of yourself!" There's no need for a real person to hum.

He did it immediately.

There is no need for real people to see the reality of Suzhen in black. Because Suzhen in Heiyi is really powerful, but it's hard to say how powerful she is. She didn't follow the normal path of cultivation. In the eyes of no real person, this woman didn't seem to reach the realm of creation.

However, he didn't know what it meant to be a nine fold thunder robber!

There is no need for real hands of the dust called the blue sea dust, this hand, the power of creation. Thousands of silver threads are changing vertically and horizontally, and black Suzhen is enveloped in the sky like a thousand waterfalls.

The terrible power of creation can crush it down. God can block and kill God. Buddha can block and kill Buddha!

Such a power of creation is the existence of many rules in the world.

It's the power that heaven master dare not face!In people's eyes, they only saw countless snow waterfalls covering the woman in black.

But faster, boom, a thunder sword cut out. It's like a sword cutting a hole in the sky!

Big chaos thunder sword!

Only one sword, will not need the real blue sea dust power to break a hole!

There is no need for real people to lose color.

He felt the horror of Suzhen's sword!

In this sword, chaos God thunder, crushing the power of creation

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