Suzhen in black killed three swords in a row!

Three swords are big chaos thunder swords!

The first sword cuts a gap in the power of creation without human beings!

The second sword, towards the head of the dead man. There is no need for a real person to suddenly spread his strength all over his body and wave the dust to form a blue sea sword. All of his creation power, law cohesion, ruthlessly kill in the past!


Big chaos between the thunder sword will be no real blue sea sword cut into pieces!

Then, the third sword will directly cut the immortal into pieces.

He is a master of creation. He is killed by Suzhen's three swords without a real person. It's like killing local chickens and wild dogs!

At that moment, there was silence!

Everyone was stunned.

Fu Zhichen's eyes showed fear. He knew that this woman's cultivation was terrible, but he didn't expect that her cultivation was so terrible.

However, at this time, there was another movement in the taishangzun building.

I can't see it anymore.

"Who is your excellency?" Taixu immortal, taixuan immortal, Taiqing immortal came through the air.

When Taixu saw that there was no need for him to die miserably, he was furious. This real person always regards harmony as the most important thing and is kind to others. How can he tolerate the evil stars like Suzhen in black to be reckless in Yuqing gate.

There are other real people, experts and old monsters in the taishangzunlou. However, these people saw the tragic death of master kongyi and master duxingzun, and yazhenyuan was seriously injured. They don't want to be the leading birds under the circumstances.

And right now, there's no need for real people to die. They're more likely to pretend that nothing happened. Just think that you are still practicing in seclusion and don't know what happened outside.

But three friends in the cold can't do it.

Taixu Zhenren is the elder brother in taishangzunlou. He has a strong sense of responsibility for yuqingmen.

Black dress Su Zhen sees this to appear of three big men, not from eyebrow frown.

Only then did she feel that in Yuqing's gate, there are many masters of creation!

It's tough!

Su Zhen in black glanced at Sui Han San you. She was ready to retreat. She said immediately, "Chen Yang is the best friend of Bai Su Zhen, my daughter of Jialan. If any of you dare to kill him or touch his hair, I Bai Suzhen will make yuqingmen restless from now on

When she had finished, she was ready to leave.

Taixu real person cold hum a, way: "way friend don't go!"

"How are you doing?" Suzhen in black looks at Taixu.

That taixuan real person in the side immediately said harshly: "Dao you killed my jade pure door real person, don't want to leave like this?"

Suzhen in black sneered and said, "yes, I'm leaving. If you have the ability, you can leave me

"Hum!" Immortal Taixu gave a cold hum and took the lead.

He is a triple master of creation, and his cultivation has reached an incredible level.

Taixu real person's big hand.

The triple creation environment is the unparalleled power!

Taixu immortal naturally didn't plan to kill Suzhen in black, but wanted to capture her and try her well.

His big handprint, unique and unchangeable, envelops Suzhen in black in the void.

Suzhen in black doesn't say a word. She kills her with one sword.

Big chaos thunder sword again!

Even if Taixu's triple realm of creation and unparalleled power, there is no way to trap Suzhen in black!

With a flash of sword light, Suzhen in black had already stood out.

"Good, good thief!" Taixu's face changed slightly, but he was still calm. Then he sacrificed a red flame sword!

This ChiYan sword is the result of essence.

This sword is called Tianyan sword!

It's a breath of essence refined by Taixu's inner and outer cultivation.

As soon as Taixu immortal pointed out, Tianyan sword flew out immediately. It's like a streamer of light, lightning extremely toward black clothes Su Zhen's head cut over.

Black dress Su Zhen immediately perceived the fierce of this day's burning sword, even big chaos thunder sword can't break it!

"Hum!" Suzhen in black doesn't act.

This day burning sword immediately shot into the head of Black Yi Su Zhen, from the eyebrow heart and enter!

There was a sudden silence!

The enchantress Did you die like this?

The scene that everyone saw was that Tianyan sword stabbed into the head of Suzhen in black.

Taixu's face was cold, and he sighed in his heart.

He didn't want to kill Suzhen in black.

However, he knew that Suzhen in black was no longer alive.

His Tianyan sword is to absorb the Tianyan essence fire outside the planet. The material on the earth will be burned as soon as it touches the Tianyan essence fire.

Moreover, Tianyan sword was launched with unparalleled power.

Taixu immortal thinks that it is Tianjun. The devil has the real world. If he is shot by his Tianyan sword, he will die.There is no doubt.

Taixu real person's only question at the moment is, how can so easily shoot Black Yi Su Zhen?

At this time, Suzhen's body began to change and gradually melt. It's like being melted by Tianyan sword.

In an instant, heizhen beach turned into water!

Taixu real person was stunned for a moment, some didn't quite understand. Why is it turned into thunder water?

Is this woman dead?

At this time, the thunder gradually began to gather. A moment later, the essence of Suzhen in Heiyi came into being.

Suzhen in black suddenly opened her eyes. She sneered and said, "do you think you can kill me with a broken sword?"

"What?" Taixu can't help losing color.

Others, too, can't help losing face.

Suzhen in black asked Taixu again, "I'm leaving. Do you want to stop me? If you dare to stop me again, I will turn your Yuqing gate into ruins! "

Originally, Taixu immortal would never put the threat of Suzhen in black in his eyes. But at the moment, the magic of Suzhen in black makes Taixu a little scared.

Later, Suzhen in black saw that Taixu didn't speak any more. As soon as her figure flashed, she disappeared in the same place. After she went away, she crushed the jade pendant and went back to the pagoda.

As the killing and robbing of heaven and earth become more and more fierce, the world has begun to set up a border!

It is no longer as easy for the great powers to travel to and from the world as before. Even with such accomplishments as Suzhen in black, she is not willing to destroy others' border at will. On the one hand, it costs huge mana, on the other hand, it offends others.

Inside the pagoda, on the bridge of one yuan, the door of void opens and Suzhen returns smoothly.

"Welcome, master!" Xuan Zhenghao, Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning salute together.

Suzhen in black fell on the bridge of one yuan.

"Master, have you met Chen Yang?" Qiao Ning asked at once.

Black Yi Su Zhen looked at Qiao Ning and said, "Chen Yang is OK for the moment."

"Really?" Qiao Ning and others were overjoyed at the news.

"The five grain country tree has played a role and formed a rattan ball to protect Chen Yang," she said. In my opinion, Chen Yang will be fine in a short time. They can't break the rattan ball

Qiao Ning said: "since I saw Chen Yang, why didn't I save him?"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "the strength of yuqingmen is very important. Although I can come and go freely, it is impossible for me to win. After I went there, I broke their sect array and killed a master of creation. But later, all the masters of the three aspects of creation in the taishangzunlou came out, and it was very disadvantageous for me to fight again, so I came back first. "

Xuan Zhenghao and others were stunned!

Because at least for them at this stage, the master of creation is in their heart, which is absolutely the existence of the mountain!

And what Suzhen in Black said is so understated!

Kill a master of creation!


Of course, they know that people like Suzhen in black can never lie.

At this time, Suzhen in black continued: "in Yuqing gate, I went there now, they will be more vigilant. It's hard to save Chen Yang again. I went there just now, and I have found out the truth. I'll see the chance and go again. See if it's possible to quietly rescue Chen Yang. "

"If I go again, I'm afraid they've already laid a net." Xuan Zhenghao said: "don't act rashly, senior!"

She said, "yes, it's dangerous. But it's almost impossible to break through. I realize that there are still more terrible things in the taishangzunlou. Moreover, there is a picture above Yuqing world

"It's Hunyuan Taiji diagram!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

"You know that?" Suzhen in black was slightly surprised.

One side of the Moon Fairy Zun and Qiao Ning listen to a Leng a Leng. The conversation between the two seemed enigmatic.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the magic code knows all things, and the younger generation knew the existence of Hunyuan Taiji diagram. Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, eight trigrams and five elements are the essence of the whole way of heaven. The essence of the whole way of heaven is in the Hunyuan Taiji diagram. They control the world power of Yuqing world with Hunyuan Taiji. If they really launch Hunyuan Taiji, even you will fall! "

"That's right, as long as there is no power of the world," she said. None of them can kill me. If there is a power that has the power of the world, it will be my nine times thunder robbing gold body, and it may also be my death. "

"In the Hunyuan Taiji diagram, there is no doubt that you will die!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's why I advise you not to go again. The first time you went, you were unprepared. But if you go again, if you die, we will save Chen Yang, and there will be no more hope. "

Suzhen in Black said in a deep voice: "life and death are nothing but leisure. Anyway, I will save Chen Yang."Once upon a time, Suzhen in black regarded death as her own!

Now, Suzhen in black still looks back to death!

Her heart, the sea and the fields, has never changed.

At that time, Chen Yang rescued her from a trace of the ghost. Without Chen Yang, there would be no Suzhen in black now!

Xuanzheng took a deep breath and said, "this matter needs to be considered in the long run."

At this time, in Yuqing gate, inside Yunding palace!

Taixu, taixuan and Taiqing are sitting on both sides

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