"Yuqing world is now the strongest world outside the world. The experts who gather all other worlds may not be able to break the Hunyuan Taiji map of Yuqing world!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "this matter is extremely difficult, but the elder does not need to be angry. Because the 100 trillion pure Yang pill is not the most difficult one

Xuanzhenghao is some and black clothes Suzhen tit for tat, his eyes calm and firm, no fear.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will fight for it as long as I have a chance," she said. But I hope, I hope you understand, what I want is a chance. If you just say something impossible, don't blame me for my lack of respect and patience for you

Mingyue xianzun said, "that's right. The 100 trillion pure Yang pill is a huge fortune in the fairyland, isn't it? On earth, I wonder if there are 100 trillion

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, there is a river of pure Yang in Emperor Xuan. The total amount in it now is 100 trillion!"

Suzhen in black and xianzun in bright moon suddenly brightened their eyes.

"Xuan Zhenghao!" At this time, a man's voice came from the starry sky in the pagoda.

The voice appeared in the void.

"Xuan Zhenghao, don't you think so? You have a thorough understanding of the pure Yang River of the great emperor. You also know the 100 trillion pure Yang pills. But do you think it is possible for the emperor to help you save a little Chen Yang? Or do you want to rob me if the emperor does not agree

It was Emperor Xuan who spoke!

"No one wants to rob you!" "But I hope you can agree, because it's very important," Suzhen said in a deep voice. If this is a debt, I Bai Suzhen can promise you that in the future, I Bai Suzhen will spare no effort to return it to you. "

Emperor Xuan's people didn't appear. He said coldly, "Bai Suzhen, what you said sounds good. The great emperor wants you to save a person who has nothing to do with you, will you? "

Suzhen in black kept silent.

She is a proud person, but she is not unreasonable.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "I not only want Emperor Xuan to be your pure Yang River, but also want you to preside over the wind array!"

"Why?" Emperor Xuan said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "just because Chen Yang is the king of destiny, the immediate interests are not visible, and there may not be interests in the future. However, maybe one day, it will become your most valuable investment. It's up to you whether you're willing to vote or not! If we don't want to, we have nothing to do with you. You want me to give you benefits, No

Emperor Xuan said: "the great emperor is really in business, and Chen Yang has great potential. But it's too ethereal. Pure Yang River, 100 trillion pure Yang pill, what's the concept? How many schools can the great emperor cultivate with it? You Tianzhou's major sects are all in a dilemma to take out a billion pure Yang pills. My 100 trillion, how many billion? How many trillion

"Suzhen Heiyi said:" if you are willing to agree, after it is completed, I will send you a picture of the country! Also, as long as you don't violate morality and justice, Bai Suzhen will be sent by you. Besides, I'll pay you back all my life. But if you don't agree, from now on, you will be my enemy of Bai Suzhen, and I will fight against you all my life! How to choose, you decide for yourself

Emperor Xuan was silent.

Xuan Zhenghao also said: "and me, I will be your enemy."

"And me!" Bright moon immortal Zun said without hesitation. She raised her eyebrows and said, "although I can't compare my accomplishments with you now, I may not have no chance in the future!"

Emperor Xuan was still silent.

And they did not speak.

Everyone is waiting for Emperor Xuan's reaction.

After a long time, Emperor Xuan said: "good, good wine in his left hand, sharp knife in his right. Are you still robbing? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Dixuan, you are a smart man. You should know the power of the way of heaven. I think if you are smart enough, you should agree even if there are no conditions. Ying Zheng has already been robbed. How long can you hold on to it

"It's meaningless when it comes to the way of heaven." Emperor Xuan sighed and said, "ordinary people can't get rid of fate. What's the difference between us and ordinary people?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "but ordinary people still have to live. It's not that no one has ever resisted the way of heaven. Insect emperor, you should know how crazy he was, how powerful he was? When he fell into the earth, he was not as dead as before

Emperor Xuan pondered for a long time, he said: "you are right, we still have to live. It's just, it's just, what's the use of the emperor dominating the Chunyang river? If he dies, it's not all empty. Chunyang River, here you are. Wind array, the great emperor will preside over it! "

"Good!" Xuan was in a state of joy.

Suzhen in black and xianzun in bright moon were also very happy.

"Good, great!" Suzhen Heiyi said: "with the picture of mountains and rivers, the hundred trillion pure Yang pill, and the great emperor and I join hands. This Hunyuan Taiji diagram can be broken! "

"That's a long way off!" Xuanzhenghao said immediately."Well?" Suzhen in black and xianzun in bright moon were surprised at the same time.

Emperor Xuan came out of the void. This time, he came out of his real body. He was long and graceful. At first sight, he had the appearance of an emperor.

Emperor Xuan's eyes were as bright as the stars.

After he appeared, it seemed that all the focus was on him.

Except Suzhen in black!

In this scene, it seems that he and Suzhen in black are the only two.

They are all kings of the moment!

At this moment, the moon immortal straightened his back. In fact, she has been frustrated recently. How beautiful she used to be. She stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, and now she finds that there is a mountain outside. I used to be a frog in a well.

But she will not feel inferior, she is still confident. She is confident that she will be so proud in the future.

So she regained her composure.

At present, nothing is more important than rescuing Chen Yang.

Emperor Xuan didn't feel proud at this time.

Now that he has chosen to cooperate, it is necessary to make people feel happy. An enemy is an enemy and a friend is a friend. To be an enemy, you have to look like an enemy. To be a friend, you have to look like a friend. That's what smart people do. If we treat friends as enemies and treat enemies as friends, that's a big joke.

Emperor Xuan hugged Suzhen in black and said, "Miss White, I have heard of your deeds, only two words. I admire you. You are a real fighter

Suzhen in black looks at Dixuan, and there is a trace of sadness in her eyes. "If I have a choice, I would like to be a coward. Unfortunately, there won't be another chance. "

Emperor Xuan stayed for a while.

He sighed slightly.

Then, he looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "you say, our strength is still far from enough?"

Suzhen in black and xianzun in moon also look at xuanzhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said: "yes, there is no power of the world, we come to more pure Yang Dan, master, big array, are empty."

Emperor Xuan is slightly a Zheng, he said: "this is really a key point."

Suzhen Heiyi said: "emperor, why don't you have the world for so many years?"

Emperor Xuan couldn't help laughing bitterly. He then said: "Xuan Zhenghao is very clear!"

Xuanzhenghao said with a smile: "I really know this. First of all, I didn't find a suitable world. It's too hard to find a world of coincidence and integration. Secondly, Dixuan has always been in the triple realm of creation without breakthrough, so it is more difficult for him to conquer the planets beyond the earth. Besides, those planets are not very suitable, and it's not easy to find suitable ones. "

"So it is," she said

After a pause, she said, "I haven't really appreciated the power of the world. The power of the world in Shennong cauldron was illusory. It's not the real world. Is the power of the world really irresistible? "

Emperor Xuan said, "only with the world can you be king. The rules of the world are greater than all spiritual and illusory rules. The power of a world is unimaginable. "

"All right," she said

Emperor Xuan said: "but since Xuan Zhenghao said so, you should have a way, right?"

"After that, it's more difficult," he said. I need a total of 12 destiny people to preside over the array. "

"It's not a big problem to find out 12 destiny people to preside over the Tianzhen." Emperor Xuan said immediately.

Xuanzhenghao said: "also, 3000 Xuxian, of course, the strength to reach the Xuxian line, is Dongxian, tianyujing and so on better!"

"Three thousand false immortals?" Emperor Hanzhen and Emperor xuanzun took breath.

"There are no more than four immortals in my whole moon palace." The bright moon immortal Zun can't help saying.

Emperor Xuan frowned and said, "all the empty immortals in Tianchi Pavilion add up to only about 120. This fairy is not a Chinese cabbage. Every fairy's life is a magnificent history book

Suzhen Heiyi said, "all the virtual immortals in my Shennong world add up to only 60."

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "I can have about forty empty immortals here."

Suzhen Heiyi said: "so, it's only more than 200 points. It's a long way from three thousand. Why do you need so many false immortals? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the fire array needs three thousand. Three thousand is the number of three thousand avenues and the number of three thousand worlds. Not without one

"Well, let's step up," she said. To force the immortals from all over the world to come out and help, and to catch them everywhere in the void! "

"Is there more than 3000 false immortals on the earth?" "I doubt that," said Mingyue xianzun

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I really don't know if I have it or not, but if I want to break the Hunyuan Taiji diagram, I must have this 3000. After that, I can completely drive the big formation! Besides, among the three thousand in the fire array, there must be an expert who is proficient in fire Taoist art! ""Suzhen Heiyi said:" master of fire Taoism, I have one here. "

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