The master of fire system that Suzhen in Heiyi said is the fire scarlet that Chen Yang saved in shennongding world!

Huohongjin has been majoring in big flame, of course, Chen Yang also taught her big move! In the past 800 years, huohongjin has been in Shennong world, and has also joined the Jialan hall, and has been instructed by Suzhen in black. Now fire scarlet cultivation has reached the peak of heaven!

Cultivation has been far away from master Chen Yang.

This is also the reason why huohongjin has never seen Chen Yang. For hundreds of years, Chen Yang has not existed. After Chen Yang's existence, the cultivation of huohongjin was already superior.

Huohongjin respects Shifu, so he hopes to wait until Shifu rises again, and then he comes to meet him.

Of course, the most important point is that Shennong's world has been closed, and huohongjin can't get out.

Suzhen in Black said that Chen Yang's apprentice, huohongjin, is a master of fire, the peak of heaven!

Mingyue xianzun stayed in the audience.

She felt a little bitter. What happened to the world all of a sudden? Chen Yang was just a little shrimp in her eyes. How come Chen Yang's disciples are all at the top of the world?

Xuanzhenghao said: "that's good, at least save some things."

Emperor Xuan said: "this big array, as long as we gather three thousand empty immortals here, is it OK?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "not yet!"

"Not yet?" Suzhen in black and others were surprised at the same time.

Emperor Xuan immediately said: "this is too hard, just to save a Chen Yang, is it necessary? In the eyes of the great emperor, it's better to think of other ways. In other words, we all intrude into Yuqing world, not into taishangzunlou, and threaten taishangzunlou with hell and other creatures in Yuqing world. It's a lot easier than your method. "

"I didn't want to stir up hell, but your method is really too difficult," she said. The emperor's method may not be impossible! "

"With all due respect, Yuqing world is on guard now," Xuan said. As long as we launch the Hunyuan Taiji diagram, the power of the world will be strengthened. No matter how many people we go to, it's a dead end. Your method can't work

Suzhen and Dixuan in black looked at each other and couldn't speak.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "at present, Yuqing world can no longer easily enter. If any one of the two is slightly damaged, it will make the formation impossible. "

Suzhen Heiyi said, "you say that you need another thing in this battle. What do you need?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "after the initial completion of the grand array, I will try to integrate the world power of Tianzhou with the map of mountains, rivers and countries. At that time, the map of mountain, river and country will produce new spirit. And like Hunyuan Taiji, it has world power. "

Black dress Su Zhen Jiao body suddenly a shock.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a bitter smile: "the power of the world of Hunyuan Taiji will burn 10 billion yuan of pure Yang pills once it starts up. If it wants to start up completely, 10 trillion yuan of pure Yang pills! So, master Bai, the future of the country is extremely powerful, but you may not think it's a good thing! "

Suzhen in black was slightly surprised, but soon relieved. "The force against heaven can not be used casually. It's reasonable! "

Emperor Xuan frowned and said, "well, is there so many pure Yang pills in Yuqing world?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yuqing world is the deployment of the fairyland. The heavenly king of the fairyland controls most of the pure Yang pills in the fairyland of Kepler. Their elixir is unimaginable. The elixir of Yuqing world is beyond our estimation. Otherwise, how can they cultivate so many creators and masters? "

"Fairyland, fairyland!" "What does fairyland want to do?" said Suzhen Hei

Emperor Xuan said: "the heavenly king of the fairyland controls the fairyland. In those days, the great emperor also stayed in the fairyland for some time. The level of fairyland is very strict, and fairyland is not peaceful. There are many allusions in it. If I have a chance, I'll talk with Miss Bai in detail. Yuqingmen is an important chess piece in the fairyland and their confidant. The root of fairyland is on the earth, and there is always something on the earth to restrain them. And yuqingmen is where they deal with those who restrain them. In those days, the aborigines on the other side of Kepler resisted the colonization. Among them, Yuan Sheng took the territory with them, relying on the grain, country and divine tree, and almost enslaved the immortals completely. If it hadn't been for the important chess piece of yuqingmen, which destroyed the grain, country and divine tree, the fairyland would no longer exist. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the way of heaven on earth is not allowed to develop like this in fairyland. At the end of the day, the universe emperor of the earth doesn't want to be controlled by any living creature! "

Mingyue xianzun said immediately: "can I understand that we will win this battle in accordance with the law of heaven?"

Xuanzhenghao and others looked at Mingyue xianzun, xuanzhenghao immediately said: "I dare not say, yuqingmen is within the rules. Although man has never seen the hand of fate, he has never touched it. After all, yuqingmen is now like a strong man, proficient in fighting. At this time, we should not think about the way of heaven, the hand of destiny. Yuqingmen, a strong man, will not die suddenly for no reason. We have to think about how to defeat him. That's what we need to think! "Suzhen Heiyi said: "you are right about this. Is it easy for you to integrate the world power of Tianzhou?"

"I chose Tianzhou because I am the most immersed and familiar with it," Xuan said. Moreover, Tianzhou belongs to one of the seven world, the world is strong! There are also patrons in Tianzhou, who set up the boundary of Tianzhou. We need them to agree to help, so that we can integrate the world power of Tianzhou. "

"Another problem!" Emperor Xuan sighed.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "difficult, difficult, difficult, difficult, difficult, difficult!"

He said seven difficult words at a time.

Emperor Xuan said: "the great emperor is still that sentence, is it worth it? Just to save a Chen Yang? I know that you have a deep friendship with Chen Yang. But there is a river of blood. There are so many creatures. They are also creatures. With so many resources, for the sake of Chen Yang, is it really necessary for us to do so? It's not in line with the cost of business. Who is Chen Yang? It's just the title of the king of destiny. If he dies, the king of destiny of the second echelon will appear soon. It's just, it's just stupid. "

Suzhen in black looks at the vast starry sky.

"It's really hard, it's hard," she said. But as long as I'm alive and breathing, I have to save Chen Yang. I've lost my sister. I can't watch Chen Yang die. I save him, has nothing to do with business, has nothing to do with the king of destiny, just because he is my friend of life and death! "

Mingyue xianzun said, "I don't want to sacrifice more people, but I can sacrifice myself to save Chen Yang. I want to save him, and it has nothing to do with anything. Because Chen Yang is my friend

Her eyes are also very firm!

"It's a crazy thing to do, and the sacrifice will be great," he said. But what I have to do is not about friendship, because it's my mission. Maybe, from the moment I was born, I came to do it. Today's creation of the map of mountains, rivers and countries will probably play a greater role in the future. But we can't skip this step. We have to do it! "

"Oh, forget it!" Emperor Xuan said: "you are all a group of madmen. If you want to do it, I will cooperate. As for the result, I can't control it. "

After a pause, he continued: "however, it seems that I really underestimated Chen Yang. A mole ant, who is just a fairy, can make people like you treat each other so sincerely

He missed the moon immortal.

Mingyue xianzun naturally saw it, but she took it lightly. In Emperor Xuan's eyes, she was too insignificant indeed.

That's the rule!

She firmly believes that one day, she will also stand on the top of the world.

She doesn't need anyone to look up to her.

She said, "I just don't know how she feels about Hei Zun. Back then Forget it, what are you talking about now? "

Then Suzhen in Black said, "I still think of a man. If he is willing to help, maybe we can save Chen Yang."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in addition to the Dharma God Yuanjue, who can save Chen Yang?"

"Star master!" Suzhen Heiyi said

Emperor Xuan body a shock, say: "is that star Lord that builds numerous star temple on Mars?"

"That's right," Suzhen Heiyi said

Emperor Xuan said: "the star master is really a mystery. We didn't show any trace of him with the compass and magic Scripture!"

"He has the master of the future in his hand. You can't calculate his identity," she said

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have searched all over the world and history, but I have not found any trace of him. Such a powerful person should not have no history! "

"If he does," said Suzhen Heiyi

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't know, because we really don't know him. But, maybe? "

Suzhen Heiyi said: "OK, xuanzhenghao, you continue to plan the plan. We can't waste time like this. I'll communicate with the master first

Xuan Zhenghao said: "good!"

Later, Suzhen in black left the pagoda directly.

Suzhen in black appears on a mountain peak, and then she enters the picture of mountains and rivers.

Then, Suzhen in black led the saint's breath and began to communicate with the star master!

At the beginning, Suzhen in black relied on linger's jade card to communicate with the star master, and this jade card was still in Suzhen's hands.

Her magic power is boundless, and electric current exists in the universe. Others can't communicate on Mars, but she can!

It's amazing!

Soon, Suzhen in black really communicated with the star master!

Thus, in the brain of Suzhen Heiyi, an independent picture appeared.

That's the scene of the first Hall of stars. Suzhen in black sees herself standing in the center of the first Hall of stars

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