"Star master!" Suzhen in black called.

The star appeared on the sculpture. The star Lord opened his eyes, he calmly looked at Suzhen in black. "Miss White, I didn't expect that you would come to my seat again soon. In the world of the heavens, although the spirit of the void can appear thousands of miles away, you are still the first one who can directly appear here on earth! "

Suzhen in Black said: "I'm flattered. I just got some adventures."

The star Master said, "white girl, don't speak. I already know the purpose of your coming."

Suzhen in black was slightly stunned, and then said, "I almost forgot that the star master has the future master, and everything is under your control."

"When you come to communicate with us, there will be some information in the electronic magnetic current, which will be easy for the future Lord to judge," the star said

Suzhen Heiyi said: "since the star master already knows, it's better. I want to ask the star master a question first

"You ask!" Said the master.

"Can you save Chen Yang?" Suzhen Heiyi said

The star Master said, "yes!"

He said it without hesitation.

Black Yi Su Zhen body a shock, she said: "star master is really extraordinary, with your identity since say can, that I never doubt star master's strength."

The star continued, "but I won't do it!"

"Why?" she said

The star Master said, "it's against the rules!"

"What are the rules?" Suzhen in black couldn't help asking.

The star Master said: "the earth has the rules of the earth. This is the rules set by the sages and the fairyland at the beginning. No one can destroy it. We can't go to the earth. That's the first point! "

"You can't go to earth?" Suzhen in black was surprised.

The star Master said, "no!"

"Do you have the power of the world?" she said

The master said, "the world power of Mars is the power of this constellation."

Suzhen in black was surprised. "I see, I see! Why do you ask for immortality since you have already done so? "

"Because this seat has not yet reached immortality!" Said the master. After a pause, he said, "everything has cause and effect. Some things are just superficial. Not to mention the essence, it's because the destiny can't be broken. You don't understand

Suzhen took a deep breath and said, "in that case, I really have nothing to say. Then I want to ask you, this time, will Chen Yang die? The future master will be able to figure it out. "

"If you don't save him, of course he will die!" "But it's not calculated by the Lord of the future, it's what you think. Fate is nihilistic. When a house collapses, running out and standing in the same place will decide the final fact because of actions and thoughts. "

Suzhen Heiyi said, "OK, star master, I see. Thank you for your help. I'm leaving! "

The star Master said: "walk slowly, don't send!"

Later, Suzhen in black regained her divine consciousness.

Then, Suzhen in black returned to the bridge of one yuan. "After contacting the star master, he can really deal with the Hunyuan Taiji map of Yuqing world. But he won't do it. He said, he can't go to the earth, that's the rule! " Emperor XuanZhen and Emperor Xuanyi told him about the situation.

Xuan Zhenghao and others heard the speech, Xuan Zhenghao said: "so it is!"

She said, "well, let's split up. Emperor Xuan, you start to look for three thousand empty immortals and gather what you can. Now I'm going back to Shennong world. I'll remove the Great Barrier of Shennong world first, and then I'll rearrange other barriers. To get in and out, I have to use the teleportation array! "

Mingyue xianzun said, "I'll go to other Xuxian immediately, plus those in my palace. In addition, I'll catch them everywhere even if I catch them."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "OK, everyone act separately. I'm going to communicate with the patron saint of Tianzhou. After that, I may need your help from master Bai! "

"Good!" Suzhen Heiyi said

What did Mingyue xianzun think of? She couldn't help saying, "there's another key problem!"

So they looked at the moon god.

Mingyue xianzun said, "it's too difficult to gather three thousand virtual immortals. And it's time consuming. I'm worried that Chen Yang can't hold on for such a long time. "

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "this problem, I will solve it! Let's get busy with what we have in hand first

So, everyone will leave. Mingyue xianzun flies away first!

After that, when Emperor Xuan was ready to leave, Xuan Zhenghao said, "wait, Emperor Xuan, you have to stay in Chunyang river."

Emperor Xuan suddenly all don't want to, Black Yi Su Zhen is still looking at.

Emperor Xuan was helpless. Since he had promised, he could only fulfill his promise. Now I will sacrifice the pure Yang River.

The shape of Chunyang river is a bead, golden, fist sized, full of golden liquid."You guy, last time I told you, I only had ten trillion. Where do you guess I still have a hundred megabytes? " Emperor Xuan some displeasure of say.

Xuanzhenghao took over Chunyang River, he said with a smile: "I can cheat you, but you can't cheat me."

"Damn it Emperor Xuan couldn't help scolding and said, "I haven't met anyone more cunning than you."

Yuqing world, in taishangzunlou.

Nalan Yunxue said to yazhenyuan, "master, it is said that the woman in black has come again. The Taixu patriarch sent out the Hunyuan Taiji diagram, but still let the woman escape. "

"Hunyuan Taiji didn't take that woman?" Yazhen yuan was shocked when he heard the speech.

Nalan Yunxue said: "yes, the brothers are talking about it. They all said that the woman still had the immortal utensils left by the saints in her hands, the pictures of mountains, rivers and countries. That woman has something to do with Saints! "

Yazhenyuan pondered for a long time, then said: "what about saints? Yuqingmen's attack on Chen Yang is based on the will of the fairyland. No one can change this. What's more, saints haven't appeared for thousands of years. "

Nalan Yunxue said, "that's true."

Yazhen yuan was thoughtful, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Nalan Yunxue said, "master, do you think someone will come to save Chen Yang?"

Yazhenyuan said, "maybe, but none of them will change the ending. Now the thief has fallen into the supreme building. No one can save the thief in the whole world. Unless it's the Dharma God Yuanjue, but the Dharma God Yuanjue will never do it. "

Nalan Yunxue said: "in this way, Chen Yang is dead."

Yazhenyuan nodded and said, "yes, I'm dead. Why don't you give up? "

Nalan Yunxue said: "no, master, what you said, the thief, I want him to die. However, there is something special about this little thief. "

Yazhenyuan said, "well, I'm tired now. Go back, too! "

"Yes, master," said Nalan Yunxue

Then, Nalan Yunxue left, and yazhenyuan also returned to the quiet room and sat on his knees.

In the quiet room, it's very quiet.

Yazhenyuan is like a stone carving. She can clearly feel the heartbeat of the fetus in her abdomen.

"A rattan egg can't be broken by the three friends of the year!" Yazhenyuan was not calm in her heart. She said in secret: "Chen Yang, the thief, is a disgrace to me all my life, but I can't hate the child in my belly. Only hope, rattan eggs broken as soon as possible, as long as Chen Yang died, then the secret will be forever silent. Chen Yang, go to death quickly. If I torture you and kill you myself, it would be too cruel for my child. If you die in their hands, it's your best destination and ending! "

Another place of taishangzunlou is in the quiet room where the three friends are in.

This quiet room is quite large. Taixu and others sit in their respective positions. That's the egg in the middle!

"I can't break this rattan egg with the joint efforts of the three of us Taixuan said: "this is really the first wonder in the world."

Taiqing also frowned and said to Taixu: "brother, I'm afraid this rattan egg is the grain country tree itself. Over the years, the five grain country tree has evolved, not just for the immortal. Now even we have to be restrained by it! If it goes on like this, it won't work! "

Taixu immortal said: "what you said, I have thought of it. It seems that I'm going to put this rattan egg into the Hunyuan Taiji diagram to refine it. "

Taixuan and Taiqing looked at each other. They wanted to say something, but they finally held back.

Taixu immortal also took a look at them. He said: "I know what you think. The Hunyuan Taiji diagram starts once. The burning pills are too huge. Although our yuqingmen pills are sufficient, but the consumption is also huge. Therefore, we are not willing to open the Hunyuan Taiji diagram until we have to. "

Taixuan immortal said: "although it is a little reluctant, but in order to destroy the grain country tree, consumption of pills is also worth it."

Taixu nodded.

He then said: "since the two brothers have no objection, the poor way is about to start."

"Please show me your magic power!" Taixuan real person and Taiqing real person immediately respectfully said.

So Taixu began to close his eyes.

After a while, he grabs a big hand and opens a hole in the void.

That mouth tears open, inside the mouth is the huge Hunyuan Taiji diagram.

Later, Taixu took out a glass vase. His figure flashed, and he entered the Hunyuan Taiji picture with the vase.

In the picture of Hunyuan Taiji, it is boundless.

After Taixu entered the picture, he saw that the world was vast and boundless. There is an endless stream of dense blue air in the sky. It is said that this is the air of chaos!

And the ground is a picture of eight trigrams that can't be seen and imagined!There is no other pattern or thing in this Hunyuan Taiji diagram. Is a world of cyan gas!

As soon as Taixu grabs it, he catches the rattan egg in Hunyuan Taiji.

At the same time, as soon as Taixu turned, he took Teng Dan to the core array of Hunyuan Taiji

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