Monk Linghui's heart is like a mirror. Only, he thought of three thousand.

"The power of the world against the power of the world, with the power of zhongchunmou, xuanzhenghao is unstoppable. However, the fire array of Tianlei Fenghuo array can burn the power of the world. It takes three thousand to burn the power of the world. Three thousand false immortals, where can we find three thousand false immortals? " After monk Linghui made it clear to Chen Yang, he also fell into meditation.

Chen Yang is also a smart man, and immediately understands the main points.

He didn't know much about the power of the world, but he knew the reason for the three thousand.

Three thousand worlds, three thousand avenues, three thousand numbers!

Everything is three thousand, and the world is three thousand, for a reason.

Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, eight trigrams, Tai Chi, these things are precious things in the road. It has always been rare for people in the west to have great powers. This is because there is a very important thing, culture and inside information. Because the Tao is in the East.

After the emergence of spiritual power, we can't give full play to spiritual power and magic power without spirit, truth, Tai Chi, eight trigrams, yin and Yang. Array, Taoism, are the heyday of Chinese civilization.

"How can there be three thousand immortals!" Chen Yang immediately said, "is he going to use the boat of one yuan and the pure Yang pill to force people into the realm of the virtual immortal?"

Linghui monk said: "that's not feasible. Time and pills can't make people become immortals. It still needs chance. Such a forced promotion may directly kill a large number of people. "

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you said, but Xuan Zhenghao always acts after planning. Since he wants to do so, there must be his reason."

Monk Linghui said, "OK!"

Then, Linghui monk said: "finally there is a glimmer of hope, so now we have to do is a very simple word, live!"

Chen Yang said: "how to live?"

Linghui monk said: "originally you and I could hardly stop the power of Hunyuan Taiji, but it's much easier to do when ling'er girl comes."

Chen Yang said, "Yin Yang spiritual cultivation?"

Linghui monk said: "yes! The power of yin and Yang absorbs the Yin and Yang Qi of Hunyuan Taiji diagram. Before, we couldn't dissolve Yin and Yang, that's because of the nature of yin and Yang. Now it's different. You are also Yin and Yang. Then there is the grain, the country and the divine tree. It's the middle of the spring, and it's hard work! Miss ling'er, nice to meet you

Chen Yang was overjoyed. He then some strange, said: "ling'er, is Xuan Zhenghao let you come?"

Ling'er shook his head and said, "no!"

She was cold, but not heartless. This matter is her voluntary, even if Xuan Zhenghao doesn't say, she will come after knowing the situation. Therefore, she does not want Chen Yang to blame Xuan Zhenghao.

She knew that she was the enemy of her husband. Even if xuanzhenghao this is to save him, but if to sacrifice himself, her husband will never get this feeling.

Chen Yang's brain turns very fast. He can see other people's lies. But Ling er's words, he still can't tell the truth for a moment.

Later, ling'er thought of something and said, "can we really get the seeds out of the grain country tree? If you can get it out, then you don't have to fight. "

"It can't be done!" Linghui monk said immediately.

"I haven't tried yet!" Chen Yang and ling'er look at monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "the way of heaven is killing and robbing, killing and robbing! It's impossible not to die. If you don't believe it, you'll have a try. You've come to this situation unconsciously. No one can retreat, Daoyou. Do you think yuqingmen doesn't want peace? But they have to get this xuanhuang seed. Otherwise, they can't explain to the fairyland. "

Chen Yang also knew that what Linghui monk said was reasonable. He frowned and said, "is this seed going to accompany me all my life?"

Linghui monk said: "that's not necessarily. This seed is spiritual. It also knows that only by sticking to you can it survive. When it doesn't need you, you can't stay! "

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "I thought it was a big bargain, but who knew it was a big trouble!"

Monk Linghui said, "you can't say that. Daoyou, think about it. How many times have you died without this seed?"

Chen Yang was stunned and then felt very ashamed.

What Linghui said is true. This seed has saved her countless times. It doesn't include all kinds of benefits and conveniences. When he met Xiang Yang that day, it was the mysterious effect produced by the seeds of xuanhuang divine valley. Later, he used fatalism in the Western Kingdom and himself, and his life was exhausted. It was also the chaotic effect produced by the seeds of xuanhuang divine valley. Even later I will meet Mrs. Honglian and so on!

I can't wipe out all the credit before it because of a trouble brought by the seed!

After thinking about it, Chen Yang said, "Linghui, don't say anything else. You say this seed, if you keep it, I am not a pointer to me personally. Is this seed good or bad for mankind? "

Monk Linghui also straightened up, he said: "if this kind of son is left in the hands of Taoist friends, it is doomed to be disastrous. Especially now, the secret has been revealed. The immortals fear that the seeds will cause them disaster again in the future. But what about those who want to deal with fairyland? They will try their best to get the seed. They are afraid that lingzun's imperial heavenly boat will send someone out to drink enough. Therefore, according to the poor monk, if you can really take them down, it is the best outcome to give them to yuqingmen this time. It's a destiny that the seed chooses you. Daoyou, if you can take it down, it's strange. "Monk Linghui then said, "I'm also curious whether I can take it down. So, you'd better have a try. In case, I hope my guess is wrong. "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "well, I don't say much. I really need to practice with ling'er to recuperate the chaotic power in my body recently! "

Ling Er nodded and said, "good!"

At present, Chen Yang and ling'er sit on opposite knees. They began to mobilize their mana, yin and Yang spiritual cultivation!

But The first time it was a direct failure.

The collision of mana makes Ling Er pale. Chen Yang's face is also very white, and his whole body's Qi and blood are not smooth.

Ling'er looks at Chen Yang suspiciously.

Chen Yang is a little guilty.

Monk Linghui said, "Taoist friend Chen Yang, you have too many thoughts. I'm worried about something, right? You don't want ling'er to know? But if you don't want to be honest, then you can't practice. If you can't do spiritual cultivation, you will die. Fortunately, now they have given us three days. If they come to attack and kill at this time, we will have no way to go

"I..." Chen Yang is extremely ashamed.

How can he tell ling'er that he once did something worse to a woman?

"I..." Chen Yang despises himself.

Ling'er didn't say much. She just took Chen Yang's hand and whispered, "no matter what happens, I won't blame you. Don't worry."

Chen Yang said, "ling'er, I Well, you'll see everything. I'm sorry, ling'er, but I'm a terrible person. "

"You are not!" Ling'er said firmly.

Later, they practiced again.

This time, it worked.

Two Manas, one Yin and one Yang, are completely integrated. In this instant, two different individuals become the same person. It's like blood, channels and collaterals are all linked together, you have me, I have you!

Chen Yang's memory, Ling er's memory, we can see each other's everything.

So Chen Yang saw ling'er's pain and love, her missing and her life in Shennong world.

And ling'er sees Chen Yang's mind, and sees that he agrees to save Chen Yihan. See how he brought Chen Yihan out.

Of course, ling'er doesn't want to see these things. She always understands Chen Yang. But she can't accept Chen Yang to go with the enemy who killed her grandfather.

Ling'er then sees what Chen Yang suffered in the 18th floor of hell.

She saw Ya Zhenyuan dig out Chen Yang's eyes, saw Ya Zhenyuan slap Chen Yang, saw her forcing Chen Yang to kneel.

At that moment, the anger in ling'er's body was fierce and galloping!

She had never been so angry.

Ling'er gnashes her teeth, she wants to roar, want to fight, want to tear yazhenyuan to pieces.

That's her favorite man!

How dare Ya Zhenyuan treat him like this!

Damn it, it's time to kill!

Soon, ling'er sees Chen Yang's reversal and beats Ya Zhenyuan angrily, but Chen Yang takes Ya Zhenyuan by force without reason

Ling'er was silent again.

Chen Yang communicated with his mind and said, "ling'er..."

"I don't want to listen to you!" Ling'er's voice cooled down.

Sure enough, she was angry.

Chen Yang's voice was bitter and said, "go, they will let you go. Don't worry about me. I'm not worth it. "

Ling'er is silent.

All of a sudden, the mana reverses, like the meridians.

At that moment, ling'er's face turned red, and then spat out a mouthful of blood. Chen Yang can't help but be shocked. He comes to help ling'er. Ling'er shakes off Chen Yang's hand.

"Don't touch me!" Ling'er said coldly.

She had been intimidated by Chen Yihan, and she hated him very much.

But the man she loved actually did those things.

Ling Er can accept many things, but she can't accept this.

Men and women are different after all.

Chen Yang is silent. He doesn't want to explain anything. There is nothing to explain. He was wrong about that, and he was very wrong. But it was in that situation, in that environment, in that atmosphere, that he did it.

Now, it's no use saying anything.

He felt that he was not qualified to retain ling'er.

"Amitabha!" When monk Linghui saw the two people's situation, he was stunned.

"This Miss ling'er, you can be forgiven for that! " Linghui monk can't help saying.

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