At this time, ling'er didn't even give her face. She didn't speak!

She is a person who doesn't like to talk. So at the moment, silence is her usual attitude.

Monk Linghui was also annoyed and said, "it's noisy. It's noisy when it's time. Otherwise, I'd better open this rattan egg and send you all to death. It's all over in this way, OK? "

"Open the rattan eggs and let her go." Chen Yang then said.

"I won't go!" Linger suddenly said fiercely.

Her eyes were very fierce.

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice, "situ ling'er, can you hear me say a few words?"

Ling'er looks at Linghui monk, and she also feels his solemnity.

Seeing that ling'er didn't refuse, monk Linghui immediately said, "I know exactly what happened that day. Of course, I don't mean that Chen Yang is right, but the male and female anger is different. If the other party is male, I believe that Chen Yang will kill him directly. No, even if it's female, it will be killed by Chen Yang. But at that time, Chen Yang Daoyou couldn't kill her because he wanted to use her to save Qiao Ning. That's why he didn't do anything wrong. "

"That's not the reason!" Ling'er said immediately.

"Yes, that's not the reason, but it's the environmental condition!" Monk Linghui said, "I'll tell you something else. A person is destined to die today. The place of his death was Chang'an Street, which he seldom walked. He walked from central street every day. But today, on a whim, he went to Chang'an Street. Later, he was killed by a car. Do you know why? "

The spirit son is tiny a Zheng, say: "because this is the meaning of the way of heaven?"

Monk Linghui said, "yes, the way of heaven is invisible, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Mana is invisible, but it can move mountains and rivers. This is a kind of subtle guidance. I was wary of the way of heaven at that time, but I finally experienced a chaos of time and space. I always know that we can't challenge the rules of time and space chaos. But later, I felt puzzled why I wanted to have a try that day. Then, he was driven into the parallel world, and there was no physical body. All the dreams of dominating the heavens have come to nothing. You may not have seen it. Some people are going to see the scenery on the high buildings, and then they jump down for no reason. "

Ling'er frowned and said, "do you mean he is also influenced by the way of heaven?"

Monk Linghui said, "yes, what kind of person is Taoist friend Chen Yang? Do you want a poor monk to tell you? You should know better than poor monk. He likes women. But since I had you, he never took the initiative to flirt. With Qiao Ning, that's because you don't know how many lives and tribulations he and Qiao Ning shared. People are not plants, who can be merciless. Chen Yang has the deepest affection for you, but please forgive me for saying that you have paid the least. Of course, this time you give up your life to come, you can offset everything. When you sleep in the cold crystal coffin, Chen yangdaoyou has suffered a lot in order to save you. Do you know? In this world, no one can understand Chen Yang Daoyou and blame him. But only you can't, because no one loves you more than him. No one cares more about you than he does! "

Ling'er was silent immediately.

After a long time, ling'er looked up and said, "I don't understand why heaven wants him to do such a thing?"

Monk Linghui said, "there must be cause and effect, you know? Who is yazhenyuan? Can she spare Chen Yang's Taoist friends in the future? That's going to lead to more things. One ring after another, just like the five grain country tree, isn't it causing such a big disturbance now? I don't know how many innocent Taoists are going to die? The cause and effect of this world, dare to say that it has nothing to do with the people who practice Taoism? You see, this time Chen Yang Daoyou is trapped, life and death line. How many monks didn't know Chen Yang's friends at first, but in the end, they would die in this disaster. No one with a sword behind them, but they will still come one after another to die. Is it Chen Yang's fault? I can't blame it, because it's days, doom and fate! "

Ling'er finally looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also looks at ling'er.

After a long time, ling'er puts himself into Chen Yang's arms and embraces him.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

He can't react. He just wants to say, don't you blame me. Which know at this time, work properly son but tears eyes whirl, way: "sorry!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed. He quickly said, "it's my fault, it's my fault!"

Ling er said: "don't blame you, that woman, I also want to kill her."

Chen Yang is sweating. At the same time, he sees monk Linghui pushing his eyebrows against him.

Chen Yang can't help but appreciate Linghui, but he still admires her more. He himself had doubts. Was Lao Tzu really the will arranged by the way of heaven, that's why he did that kind of thing to yazhenyuan?

But anyway, ling'er forgives Chen Yang.

First of all, it's because ling'er is not very experienced in the world. Second, monk Linghui is too cunning!

Third, ling'er always loves Chen Yang, which is also the most important point. Fourth, ling'er thinks Yazhen yuan is too hateful and should be cut to pieces. She just can't accept Chen Yang's revenge.But in any case, Chen Yang's life will also leave this stain that can never be washed away.

His whole life is no longer a clear conscience.

Later, Chen Yang and ling'er continued their spiritual cultivation again.

This time, the spiritual cultivation was still unsuccessful. It took three times in a row to succeed. After the success, Chen Yang and ling'er have suffered serious internal injuries.

Fortunately, Taixu's group didn't know. Otherwise, the rattan egg will be broken every minute.

The two minds fused again.

It's not that Ling Er still has a bad heart, but Chen Yang is a little unable to concentrate.

Ling'er is a very pure person and doesn't put on airs. She now fully believed in Linghui's words, and she also believed that her husband would stand up to heaven and earth, and would never have done such things if he had not been harmed by the way of heaven.

So, she is now wholehearted.

Chen Yang also took in all his thoughts. He cut off all his disordered thoughts. There is no need to think about what has been done. In the future, we still need to stride forward.

The grand pass is as iron as iron, and now it's over from the beginning!

After the fusion of their mana, Chen Yang began to digest many chaotic forces in his body, including the Qi of creation. It was a great help to both of them.

The power in Chen Yang's eyes, including the power of Linghui, is a huge fortune. Now, it's time to digest. Linghui monk also used the great spirit liquid technique to transport nutrition in the past.

Chen Yang and ling'er's injuries are all cured soon, and their strength is more pure, and their progress is more rapid. The foundation of Chen Yang's body began to stabilize and even strengthen gradually.

Ling'er absorbed countless powers.

This kind of power becomes more pure under the digestion of yin and Yang mana, which is the supreme holy power.

The cultivation of ling'er is gradually rising.

Ten weeks later, we reached the middle stage of Tianyu. The cultivation of ling'er is always under pressure. But now, she can't help it. Because there's so much power to absorb.

Chen Yang doesn't have any breakthrough, but his foundation is more and more stable. This is also the magic of the power of yin and Yang.

"Ling'er..." Chen Yang suddenly called out.

Ling'er said, "eh?"

"Let's try and see if we can peel off the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu!" Chen Yang said.

Ling'er said, "good!"

Then, yin and Yang mana was transferred to the center of Chen Yang's brow. Yin Yang mana envelops the seed of xuanhuang Valley, and tries to transfer the seed to Yin Yang mana. As long as you get into the Yin and Yang mana, this mana will produce something suitable for the survival of xuanhuang divine Valley seeds.

But unfortunately, the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu did not move.

Chen Yang felt that all his veins were tied to the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. As long as the seed is forcibly pulled out, Chen Yang will immediately lose his mind, his whole body will die, and there will be no place to be buried!

This road is really impassable!

Chen Yang and ling'er tried and tried again and again, but they all failed in the end. There is no way!

Ling'er takes out the jade pendant given by xuanzhenghao. She asks Chen Yang and says, "once this jade pendant is opened, you can go back to Tianzhou. But Xuan Zhenghao also said, "it's invalid in taishangzunlou."

When Chen Yang saw this jade pendant, he was slightly stunned. Then he said with a bitter smile, "I had this jade pendant before. But the jade pendant can't be used within the scope of yuqingmen. It's still very restrictive. Yuqingmen can't be a place to come and go freely. "

He handed it to monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "I don't want to see it. It's in the depth of time and space that I go up to the grand mansion. There's no way for any teleportation array. Only they can go in and out freely! "

Chen Yang also knows that this is the result.

Monk Linghui then laughed and said, "if there is a magic weapon that can leave here, it is impossible for miss ling'er to bring it in. Those grandmasters are not fools. "

Ling'er immediately took the jade pendant.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang!

The sun is like blood.

The wind blew and the mountains in the distance joined the clouds.

The world is vast!

Over the Imperial City, a river of pure Sun runs across the clouds. The river is tens of miles long and wide, covering the entire imperial city.

At first glance, it looks like a golden lake hanging upside down in the sky.

It's so spectacular, beautiful and incredible.

It was a spectacle.

Fortunately, the people in the Imperial City have seen the world and know the way of immortals, but they are not too surprised!

"I heard that emperor Dakang had hung a hundred trillion pure Yang River over the imperial city of Dakang. I didn't believe it, but it's true. " In the distance, several figures were flashing.

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