Monk Linghui said, "I have already told you this question. Great fatalism may be able to extinguish other people's heartburn, but it can't extinguish yours or Xuan Zhenghao's

Chen Yang said, "OK." He paused and said, "is there really no way?"

Linghui monk said in a deep voice: "it's not that there is no way. In a word, it's all thorny."

Chen Yang said: "it's time. What are you afraid of?"

Monk Linghui then laughed and said, "ha ha, it seems that you still want to live, Daoyou."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "nonsense!"

He will be depressed and depressed for a while, but he won't be depressed and depressed all the time. Because he is Chen Yang. Depressed, depressed just because, after all, he is still a person. People have negative emotions, he can not completely do not.

"Speak quickly!" Chen Yang urges monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "this matter is full of uncertainty. Let's not talk about it. You can finish what you're doing quickly. "

"What's at hand?" Chen Yang doubts.

Monk Linghui said, "go and say goodbye to each other. Don't leave any regrets. I'm not sure about this method. You don't have any hope. "

Chen Yang said, "tell me about it first."

Linghui monk said: "go to outer space and look for a kind of extremely cold wormhole. In the wormhole, maybe you can put out the fire. As long as the fire goes out and you don't die, your heart will be whole again! "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "why didn't you say it earlier when you had such a wonderful plan?"

Linghui monk speechless, said: "you don't know wormhole! In the wormhole, space, time, all kinds of distortion, after a long time, the danger is unimaginable. It's also possible that you'll be trapped in it for an hour, but it's thousands of years since you came out. It may also be trapped in it for thousands of years, and it's only an hour to come out, where the emperor dare not go in easily. As soon as you go in, I don't know what will happen. There's no other way. I'm always optimistic, but I'm not optimistic in that wormhole. You have to be prepared. Once you go, it may be goodbye. "

Chen Yang said, "I know something about wormholes. I understand."

Monk Linghui said, "Well!"

Then Chen Yang went to the Palace first.

He found Xuan Zhenghao.

"Here are 200000 Hunyuan fruits, all of which are of infinite use. The emperor and the Emperor gave you a half million yuan to help you

Chen Yang said directly.

Xuanzhenghao did not refuse, said: "well, these things for me, really useful!"

Then Chen Yang left.

This Hunyuan fruit was taken back by Emperor Xuan. Chen Yang gave it to them as a big head. He thought it was right.

After that, Chen Yang found his place and went to Shennong world. Shennong world can enter and exit now, but only through the transmission array.

Chen Yang directly transmitted to Shennong world in Tianchi Pavilion.

Before he went to Shennong world, he also met Su Yanran once. He knew that Su Yanran was seriously injured, but he didn't say much at the moment. With hunyuanguo and fatalism, he forced Su Yanran to recover. After some words, Chen Yang didn't say much about himself, and then went to Shennong world.

In Shennong world, Chen Yang's arrival immediately shocked Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black sends out a divine idea and leads Chen Yang to Jialan hall.

In a quiet courtyard attic of Jialan hall, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black finally sat down formally.

"You walk very fast. When I want to talk to you more later, you will go with huohongjin first." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Suzhen in black is wearing a long black dress. There is no wind in the attic. Her clothes are flying, which makes her look beautiful to the extreme. But it's hard to hide his heroic spirit between the eyebrows!

With a faint smile, she said, "at that time, you had a lot of friends, so I didn't join in the fun. Now that the door of Shennong world has been opened, it's convenient for you to visit my old friend! "

"Thank you so much this time!" Chen Yang took a deep breath, and his brows could not hide a trace of sadness.

"We don't need to talk about this between us," she said

Chen Yang said: "that's true. You didn't say thank you to me at that time."

Suzhen in black laughs. Then she said, "you should be nice to ling'er."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "of course!"

Su Zhen in black sighed and said, "Hello, I'm relieved."

After a long silence, Chen Yang said, "are you OK these years?"

Suzhen's eyes darkened. She was silent for a long time. Then she said, "I always dream about her. She was so beautiful, but when she was in bed, she was old and shameless. She wants to live hard, she lives carefully. But I take my life as a play and do it recklessly. But in the end, it's ironic. I'm not dead, but she's already gone. "Chen Yang couldn't help saying, "don't torture yourself like this all the time."

Suzhen in black took a deep breath. As long as she mentioned her sister, she would feel sad and sorry.

"Do you know? What do I regret the most? " She said.

Chen Yang said, "what is it?"

Black Yi Su Zhen tears in her eyes: "before she died, I did not say a word to her, did not call her sister. If I can treat her better, I won't have so many regrets now. "

Chen Yang was shocked. He will always remember that this is what Suzhen in Black said repeatedly after her sister went.

"Not that time can dilute everything?" Chen Yang looked at Suzhen in Black: "why, after so many years, it seems that you still stay in that year, that day forever?"

Suzhen in black also looks at Chen Yang, but she quickly looks away. "Maybe I'm stubborn. If time has diluted everything, maybe I won't help you today. "

"That's true!" Chen Yang said.

"I also thought that if you didn't do much to save me at the beginning, maybe you wouldn't have done so much later," she said

Chen Yang said, "I saved you out of utilitarianism. I want your blood and tears. I should be ashamed to say so. "

"I know who you are. You don't have to be ashamed," she said

Chen Yang said, "I almost forgot one thing. Haven't you lost your talent?"

"No, after the blood and tears came out, it really stopped me for a long time," she said. But then, slowly, everything recovered. "

"So it is," Chen Yang said

Suzhen Heiyi said, "well, no more reminiscence. Let me tell you something realistic. This idea of Jialan temple is your first idea, and now it is basically mature. But I didn't tell anyone that you are king Galan. Do you understand what I think? "

Chen Yang said, "I understand that now I am not qualified to be the king of Galan."

"If you understand," she said

Later, Chen Yang said, "I'll give you something."

She said, "Oh?"

Chen Yang took out 50000 Hunyuan fruits, which were loaded in the jiexumi. He said, "it's good. Keep it."

"Why do you give me these? I don't need them." She said. She then asked, "how, as a gift of thanks?"

"No!" Chen Yang said: "I know you have suffered a heavy loss this time. This thing can't make up for your loss at all. I'm just talking to show my heart! "

Suzhen in black waved her hand and said, "I don't need these things. Keep them for yourself. You're very grateful to me for bringing up your accomplishments. "

Chen Yang was stunned.

He did not continue to insist, he said: "that's OK!"

Black dress Su Zhen then suddenly said: "you know, you have a good big brother."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said: "my elder brother has been really good to me."

"This time, you can't imagine what he suffered in order to save you," she said. He accepted all the evil forces and demons, every inch of muscles and bones, every inch of fragmentation, every inch of remodeling. The pain is unimaginable. If it wasn't for his strong belief, I think it would be hard for him to stick to it anyway. At that time, he became a blood man. Chen Yang was his own brother. How many of them could do that? "

Chen Yang was shocked.

Some of him will not come.

"My big brother didn't say anything!" Chen Yang murmured.

She said, "he's a real man. Of course he won't talk about these things. But we can't treat what happened as nothing, can we? Remember, you can't let your elder brother down if you fail anyone in the future, you know? "

"I know!" The corners of Chen Yang's mouth are full of subtle bitterness. He said in secret: "brother, I'm afraid I can't pay you back."

Chen Yang fell into a daze.

At this time, Suzhen in Black said, "meet your great apprentice, too."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

After that, Suzhen left the courtyard attic. Then, the red scarf flashed and came to the attic.

Fire scarlet always seems to be hot, a red.

She came to Chen Yang with a red face.

Although she is a master now, her accomplishments are far ahead of Chen Yang's. But she still has a childlike heart. She stands in front of Chen Yang, just like the little girl who was begging to be a teacher.

"See you, master!" Huohongjin kneels down and kowtows to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang used to sit cross legged and close his eyes. Seeing this, he said, "get up quickly."

Huohongjin just got up. Then she said with a smile, "master, why are you here?"Chen Yang smiles and says, "come and have a look."

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