Huo Hongjin said with a smile, "master, I haven't dared to slack off all these years."

Chen Yang said, "I can see that you have made rapid progress. Master is not as good as you. "

Fire scarlet said: "but anyway, master, you will always be the master of the disciples!"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "of course, don't you want to turn the world around?"

Fire scarlet said: "I dare not!"

Chen Yang then chatted with huohongjin about something else and said that he had a disciple.

"So I have a younger martial brother." Fire red towel smell speech is very happy.

Chen Yang said: "there is more than one younger martial brother. As a teacher, there is a son and a daughter. That's your younger martial brother and younger martial sister. In the future, you have to look like a senior sister, you know? "

Fire red towel patted chest, said: "I absolutely have a big elder martial sister look."

Chen Yang talks with huohongjin for half an hour, and then gives huohongjin 10000 Hunyuan fruits. "In a hurry, I didn't bring anything else. This is for you. "

Fire scarlet now how cultivation, a glance will know the value of these Hunyuan fruit. "Master, this disciple can't have it."

Chen Yang said: "take it. If you meet younger martial brother Ye Fan in the future, just share some with him. Give him more support, you know? "

Fire red towel smell speech then correct color say: "yes, master!"

After that, Chen Yang said goodbye to Suzhen in black. Suzhen in black and huohongjin send Chen Yang to the transmission array.

Before she left, Suzhen in black suddenly frowned and said, "Chen Yang, how can I feel that you are a little sick this time? There is no vitality. Is something wrong? Or did you get hurt in that fight? "

Speaking of this, Suzhen in black and huohongjin gaze at Chen Yang at the same time.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "there is nothing wrong." He paused and said, "I'm just tired. I don't know when I'm going to end up fighting like this."

Black dress Su Zhen hears speech suddenly, she then says: "the person lives, don't want to be idle down.". Leisure is not a good thing, it is because busy will make you feel valuable leisure. If people are happy all the time, they will pursue pain. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then laughed and said: "this is wonderful, this is reasonable!"

After that, Chen Yang left. He went straight to the world.

Chen Yang returned to Yanjing for the first time. Everything in Yanjing was safe and happy.

By the time we got to Yanjing, it was completely dark.

It was late June, and it was already a little hot.

Yanjing, belonging to Chen Yang and Shen Molong's garden villa, has bright lights and children's laughter.

It's just the weekend, so Xiao AI doesn't have to go to the evening study, so he plays with Qin bao'er and Nianci at home. Xuanyuan, Yadan and ye Ziqing are all here. Including Ye Ziqing's parents, we still feel more lively together.

Shen is not at home.

When Chen Yang appeared at the door, little Nianci first saw him, cheerfully called for his father, and then ran over. At that moment, Chen Yang felt sad and his eyes turned red.

It seems that after a lot of hardships, all I have done is to stand at the door and wait for my son to call dad. He squatted down, and the little one fell into his arms. Little guy's little hand patted his back, the real feeling makes people feel happy, so it is so simple.

Qin bao'er is strange to Chen Yang. Instead, she hugs Xiao AI's thigh.

Chen Yang holds up Xiao Nianci.

Xiao AI looks at Chen Yang. After hesitating for a long time, she suddenly shouts, "Godfather!"

Chen Yang was stunned. He was surprised and happy. He gave a warm response.

Chen Yang didn't expect that Xiao AI, a stubborn girl, would approve of him.

"Didn't my father come back with you?" AI suddenly asked again.

Xuanyuan Yadan and ye Ziqing also look at Chen Yang. They are very surprised at Chen Yang's return. But at the same time, I wonder why they didn't come back.

They all know that Chen Yang was in crisis before. Now that Chen Yang appears, it means that the crisis has been lifted, but Luo Feng and them are not seen, which makes them feel uneasy.

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd, then saluted Ye Ziqing and Xuanyuan Yadan, and said, "Hello, sister-in-law, sister-in-law." At the same time, I also say hello to Ye Ziqing's parents.

After that, he glanced at Xiaoai again, and then said, "your father is OK. At present, he is in Tianzhou. I'll come here first. It's going to be over later. They'll be back in two days. Everybody's OK, you don't have to worry! "

When he said that, people would be relieved.

Then, Chen Yang went to see his eldest brother's daughter, luosilan.

He held Luo Silan for a while and exchanged greetings with Ye Ziqing and Xuanyuan Yadan. After a while, Chen Yangcai went to play with Nianci again.

A family is happy.At last, Chen Yang went to find Shen monong. When he went out, he suddenly held little Nianci tightly. At that moment, his heart was bleeding.

"Nianci, my son, I don't know if I can see you again after my father leaves. You are so happy now, do you know that this may be the last time Dad holds you. I'm sorry, Nianci. Dad is sorry for you and your sister. You must be happy in the future! "

After that, he turned and resolutely left.

After he went out, little Nianci burst into tears. The little guy doesn't know what happened, but he seems to feel something.

"Dad, don't go, don't go!" The little guy is going out on his way. Chen Yang's heart is like a knife, but he still strides and leaves quickly

At that moment, Xiao AI in the room quickly picked up Xiao Nianci and comforted her in a soft voice.

But ye Ziqing and Xuanyuan Yadan are confused, at the same time, they feel puzzled and bad.

"Chen Yang seems strange. What happened?" Ye Ziqing asked Xuanyuan Yadan. Xuanyuan Yadan also said: "it's really strange!"

They have a good impression of Chen Yang. They always remember the strange and evil poison in Chen Yang's body, but in order not to invade them, they did wrong things. He would not hesitate to freeze himself into an ice sculpture!

The night is like splashing ink. There is no moon and no stars tonight.

The night in Yanjing is bright with neon!

Chen Yang summons Shen monong on the roof of a building. Shen Molong is dealing with some things in the Sixth Department of national security, but she suddenly receives Chen Yang's signal in her brain.

At that moment, Shen was ecstatic!

She was in the office, and in front of her were two unruly agents reporting their work. The two agents are elite with good skills. They were a little unconvinced with Shen. They thought that a woman actually managed the sixth national security department.

I haven't seen this woman's ability!

But just then, they saw it.

Because in this instant, Shen said: "I have something to do, I have to go first."

"Shen Chu, we haven't finished reporting our work yet..."

"Tomorrow!" Shen Molong suddenly exerts a big move. Then, Shen monong disappeared in the same place

So only the two agents were left in the same place.

On the rooftop, you can see most of Yanjing from the high place.

Shen Morong then appears behind Chen Yang. Chen Yang doesn't turn around. Shen Morong quickly steps forward and hugs Chen Yang tightly from behind.

Her eyes were red and tears were dripping: "I'm looking forward to your return every day. Thank God, you're back at last."

Chen Yang felt Shen's emotion, and his heart was sour.

They were so silent.

After a long time, Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Mo Nong, I have something to tell you."

Shen Molong trembled and said, "what?"

Chen Yang turns around and faces Shen Molong. Shen Molong stares at Chen Yang, and Chen Yang stares at her.

Chen Yang said, "I haven't told anyone about this. But I think I have to tell you Because, in my heart, you are stronger than others. "

Shen Mo Nong trembled and said, "what do you want to say..."

Chen Yang did not dare to look at Shen's eyes. He turned his head and looked forward.

"I went to see Nianci just now. I hugged him when I left. I thought a lot about it. I don't know if it will be the last time I hugged him."

"Chen Yang, what are you talking about? Don't scare me, will you? " Shen monong is flustered, anxious and afraid.

"You have to listen to me because I don't have much time," Chen said. Listen to me... "

"I don't want to hear it. I don't want you to be busy!" Shen Molong suddenly hugs Chen Yang tightly. At that moment, tears are pouring down.

She said, "why do you always think I'm strong, you know? I often have nightmares. I often see you covered with blood in my dreams. I often dream that something has happened to you. Recently, I dream that you are sleeping in the black hole of nothingness. I call you out, but I can't. I'm not as strong as you think... "

Chen Yang felt extremely guilty. He said, "I'm sorry, Mo Nong. I'm really sorry. I can't even give you a sense of security. "

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault..." Shen monong is busy comforting Chen Yang.

After a long time, Shen monong settled down a little.

Chen Yang said: "in this war, I burned my heart and barely survived. Heart fire... "

He explained the condition of his body to Shen Moneng, and finally said: "I need to go to outer space to find the extremely cold wormhole. If I can extinguish my heart fire there, then I can be reborn. If not, I can't come back. The probability is very small, but I will try my best to come back. Do you believe me? "

"I'll go with you!" Shen said immediately."Don't be silly." Chen Yang said, "with your accomplishments, you can't hold on there. It's no use going there. My daughter Yinuo has lost her father and mother. I don't want to say the same to Nianci. You have to take good care of Nianci, you know? "

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