Shen monong is in great pain, but she still agrees to Chen Yang.

They have been together for a long time.

After a long time, Chen Yangcai said, "I don't have much time. I have to go."

Shen monong dried her tears and said to Chen Yang, "don't worry, I will take good care of them. You must come back, too, will you? "

Chen Yang said, "well, I promise you!" After a pause, he said, "by the way, is that soul crystal jade in your hand? It's the jade blue and purple clothes are waiting for. "

Shen said, "here I am. What do you need? "

Chen Yang said, "well, I'll go to the 18th floor of hell first and get back the flame pill. With fire god Dan and great fatalism, I can wake up blue and purple clothes. "

Shen monong suddenly realized that she said, "is it safe for you to go here?"

Chen Yang smile, said: "don't worry, I have a big fate in the body, no one can Nai me what."

Shen Mo Nong said: "but that fatalism is not..." She also knows that great fatalism has a strong ability to reverse bite.

Chen Yang's eyes darkened slightly. He said, "a person has been poisoned. Are you afraid to drink more poisonous wine?"

Shen monong suddenly kisses Chen Yang's lips.

This kiss, crazy and blazing, is full of strong reluctant and lingering.

"I won't let you say that!" After the separation, Shen said, "you will be OK."

Chen Yang nodded, then laughed again and said, "this time is very good! Fortunately, I survived the last time I went to the Western kingdom. If our parting is like that, it will be a permanent regret. "

"As long as you can come back, even if I can't see you from now on, I will!" Shen said, "everything else is OK. I want you to live

Chen Yang felt Shen's deep feeling. He nodded solemnly and said, "sorry, Mo Nong. Before, I said you are not as good as ling'er. I take back my words. In my heart, you are all equally important!"

Shen Mo Nong was slightly stunned, and she was stunned. After a long time, her tears surged down

Chen Yang always understood her.

Shen never mentioned that sentence, but she never put it down in her heart. Now, her heart knot is completely untied

After that, Chen Yang turned and left.

There are too many people and things for Chen Yang to miss, but Chen Yang doesn't want to say goodbye one by one. In life, someone will be separated. If they die, then they think they are stray passers-by!

The fact is so realistic and cruel.

Time is also very urgent for Chen Yang.

Of course, he also remembered that there was an eternal devil in the crystal of soul. But he had to meet the Bodhisattva first.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang!

Shaowei mansion, for Chen Yang has not returned, Luo Feng and others finally feel some strange.

Even ling'er, who has always been cool and calm, is restless.

Ling'er wants to go to the palace. Luo Feng says to ling'er, "I'll go with you."

Qiao Ning was worried, but she was very patient all the time. Since ling'er wanted to go, she didn't follow. She also pretends to be optimistic and doesn't let ling'er worry too much.

Luo Feng and ling'er go to the palace, and the empress asks them to go to Tianlong Babu.

Inside the pagoda, they see Xuan Zhenghao on the bridge of one yuan.

"You're not dead, master?" Luo Feng is surprised to see Xuan Zhenghao. He didn't know Xuan Zhenghao had been resurrected! Ling'er also looks at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao. She also feels strange.

Xuan is Hao cross knee but sit, he says first: "you sit!"

Luo Feng and ling'er are patient and sit cross knee in front of him.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have nothing to do. Now, I have reshaped my body. Thanks to Chen Yang

Ling'er immediately said, "where's Chen Yang?"

She doesn't care much about how much xuanzhenghao has paid for Chen Yang and how she survived. At this point, she just wanted to know where her husband had gone.

Xuan Zhenghao also knew ling'er's temperament. He said, "I don't know, but you can rest assured that he will come back to Shaowei's house soon."

"Master, there must be something we don't know, right? Otherwise, my third brother would not be so eccentric. " Luo Feng thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and said, "is he hurt irreversibly in the core of Hunyuan Taiji array?"

Ling'er's face turned white when she heard the words.

"Is the fire of the heart irreversible?" Ling'er knows that Chen Yang has burned her heart, but she thinks that everything has passed.

Ling'er then anxiously said to Xuan Zhenghao, "where is my husband now? What's the matter with him? You tell me quickly

Xuan Zhenghao feels ling'er's anxiety, and he even feels that if he doesn't speak the truth, ling'er is afraid that he will go all out to fight each other.Xuanzhenghao is naturally not afraid of ling'er, but there are some unnecessary misunderstandings, which are totally unnecessary.

At the moment, Xuan Zhenghao said: "I tell you the truth, Chen Yang has only one day to live. If he can't find a way to solve the problem, he will die. I don't know where he is now. But I think he'll come back and see you. "

"No..." Ling'er's delicate body was shocked. Then she let out a cry of sadness. Then she suddenly left the bridge of one yuan and came out of the pagoda. Xuan Zhenghao naturally won't stop ling'er!

Luo Feng was surprised. He worried that something might happen to ling'er, and immediately flew out with him.

The sea of clouds gallops, the spirit child displays the technique, the wind is swift. Luo Feng's cultivation has also reached the peak of Tianyu realm. Although it is not stable, its strength is here, so it can barely keep up with ling'er's speed.

"Sister in law, sister in law!" Luo Feng yelled from behind.

Ling'er doesn't look back. Luo Feng is in a hurry. Ling'er suddenly shoots out a sword with his backhand.

"Don't follow me Ling'er lashes out at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng is slightly stunned. The power of ling'er can't be underestimated. He dodges a little. Before my eyes, I lost the trace of ling'er!

Luo Feng has a lot on his mind. He didn't expect that he would go all out to save his third brother. In the end, what he got in exchange for was that he still had one day's life. Luo Feng felt that he could not accept the result.

"I don't think it's too hard for my sister-in-law, do you?" Luo Feng had too many worries. He thought about it, but he turned around again and went back to the bridge of one yuan.

Ling'er came to a beautiful mountain. She burst into tears. At that moment, her face was full of tears. She cried so bitterly that it made her heart ache.

She never showed her emotions in front of others, and this time, she could no longer bear it, and her tears were pouring down.

How can she accept that Chen Yang has only one day to live?

Luo Feng faces Xuan Zhenghao again.

"Master, you have the ability to find out where my third brother is. I believe there must be a way to save him. He won't just give up his life. It's not his destiny Luo Feng said.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "care is chaos. Luo Feng, you believe me, he will come back before dawn. Because there's no way he won't come and say goodbye to you! "

Luo Feng said: "there must be a way to save him, master. I know that you have the magic code and the eternal emperor has the compass. In the vast universe, there must be an immortal prescription to cure my third brother. Please do it

"Xuan Zhenghao said:" we are not omnipotent, if there is a way, when early hand

At this time, ripples appeared in the void, and Emperor Xuan appeared.

Emperor Xuan came to the bridge of one yuan. Luo Feng saluted Emperor Xuan and said, "see the great emperor!"

Emperor Xuan took a look at Luo Feng and said, "you have something to do with the great emperor."

Luo Feng said: "yes, I used to get your reincarnation compass."

Emperor Xuan said with a smile, "it's just a magic weapon that I used in my early years. It was taken by your Tongtian cave, but it was worshipped as a sacred thing of my ancestors. But it's also fate

Luo Feng felt embarrassed.

Emperor Xuan said: "but now, your cultivation is so good. It's OK to be a descendant of the great emperor. Would you like to learn from the great

Luo Feng immediately said: "sorry, Emperor! I already have my master. I dare not change my family without my master's permission! "

"You mean, silent?" Emperor Xuan slightly frowned and said.

"That's right," said Luo Feng

Emperor Xuan said, "his accomplishments are not above you. What qualifications do you have to be your master?"

"One day as a teacher, one life as a father!" Luo Feng said.

Emperor Xuan was slightly stunned. Then he laughed three times and said, "good, good!"

Luo Feng then leaves xuanzhenghao and Dixuan and returns to Shaowei mansion. To his relief, ling'er also came back.

But ling'er didn't say anything and hid himself in the room. She has always been so temperamental that Qiao Ning doesn't ask much. But as soon as Luo Feng came back, Qiao Ning couldn't help coming forward and asked, "what's the situation?"

She is much bigger than Luo Feng, so this voice can't be called out.

Luo Feng said in a deep voice: "I haven't heard from my third brother, but the emperor said he should come back before dawn."

"Is nothing wrong with Chen Yang?" Joe asked uneasily.

Luo Feng looked at Qiao Ning, he said quietly: "it should be nothing, I didn't see anyone."

He is not sure whether to tell Qiao Ning the news or not. He thinks that Chen Yang should tell him something.

Qiao Ning is not at ease after all, but at present, she also has some helpless.

Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu are also worried.

When Chen Yang went to hell, he went to the Western kingdom first. Although Yuqing's world power is greatly damaged, it is not so damaged that Chen Yang can come and go freely. He was also afraid that if he went like this, he would fall into the tiger's mouth. But in the Western Kingdom, without Gaia, it's a tiger without teeth. It's not enough to be afraid.Chen Yang quickly reaches the Western kingdom through the teleportation array, then finds the entrance to hell and goes to the 18th floor of hell.

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