Today, Chen Yang holds the great fatalism, and he still has 90000 Hunyuan fruits. In addition, he felt that his life would not be long, so he didn't have any scruples to use the great fatalism. Therefore, he had no scruples when he went to the Western kingdom. Even if he came to a heaven level master, he could beat him back.

What's more, there are few experts in the Western kingdom. The God King Zeus is just a fairyland! Even if Chen Yang didn't use great fatalism, he could hang Zeus.

When he left the world, Chen Yang did not want to see Yuanjue. He listened to Qiao Ning's words and went to ask for Yuanjue's hand. Chen Yang has a very clear understanding of Yuanjue. Although Yuanjue seems kind and harmless, it actually has no personal feelings. On friendship and so on, it is superfluous.

Chen Yang didn't hate Yuanjue either. After all, he was saved several times by Yuanjue. He could tell right from wrong.

At this time, Chen Yang was walking through the hell, and his mind was sweeping in all directions.

Soon, he also found the place of the demon king. It's a complete coincidence!

Chen Yang's mind moves and his figure flashes. The next second, he appears in front of the demon king.

The demon king was trapped on the Tongtian jiejiao tablet. His only attack and kill method was 3000 hairs. He lost a lot of vitality. He was closing his eyes at this time. But as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Chen Yang.

"You beast again!" As soon as he saw Chen Yang, he was very angry!

His eyes were almost cracked, but he was afraid of Chen Yang. Chen Jiuyang had a headache before. What's more, now Chen Yang Xiuwei has reached the peak of fairyland.

Chen Yang was amused to see the reaction of the demon king. He is not angry, ha ha a smile, said: "what a coincidence, I was passing here, did not expect to meet between our old friends."

"Get out of here. What do you want to do?" Chen Yang is regarded as the God of plague.

Chen Yang said, "when we meet old friends, why don't you welcome me so much?"

The mixed world demon king is slightly stunned, and then looks at Chen Yang. "Here you are," he continued So, the goods automatically gave Chen Yang about 100 Jin of flesh and blood!

Chen Yang was stunned. He didn't really mean it.

"What are you doing? I'm just passing by Chen Yang said.

"You just want to rob me, don't you? This seat is now on the table. "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "come on, I have enough. Anyway, I can't live for a few days. What do I want from you? "

"No?" The demon king quickly took back the flesh and blood, these flesh and blood are his nourishment! He is not willing to.

"I won't rob you in the future. Don't worry." Chen Yang continued.

The demon king originally hated Chen Yang to death, but now because of Chen Yang's refusal, he lost most of his hatred. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "how many days can you live? What's the situation? "

Chen Yang said: "it's a long story I don't think we'll have a chance to meet in the future. "

"Can you do me a favor and let me go?" Asked the demon king.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. Then he shook his head and said, "who knows what you will do if you let go. No, I don't know you

The mixed world demon king said: "I just have a grudge with Gaia. In the fairyland, the demon king and the heavenly king were different camps. You belong to different camps. You are also a monk. You should know that there is too much relationship between cause and effect and right and wrong. "

Chen Yang said: "I still don't understand what is the situation between the devil king and the heavenly king."

The demon king said: "when the first people arrived at the fairyland, their ideas were different. Tianjun stresses the inheritance of blood and the origin of the original. The devil believes that all who believe in me can enter my Tao. Later, there happened to be some demons in our school, which caused some problems. So the emperor launched a crusade against us. We also hate those evil men who make trouble, but we can't deny the whole sect just because of one or two bad people. Among the heavenly kings, there are also scum. However, when they appear scum, they say that these scum are in his mother's devil and that they belong to our camp. It's just a piece of shit, don't you think? "

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "it's really unreasonable!"

He said: "later, in order to distinguish them, we simply called him the devil. Until then one day, as long as we are strong enough, maybe the devil is commendatory, and the emperor is bad. "

Chen Yang said, "that's true. But what's the name of your camp? "

He said, "we are interceptors."

Chen Yang can't help but look silly and say, "is Tianjun an elucidator?"

"That's not true!" "You know that," said the demon king

Chen Yang said, "how can this tablet suppress you? Isn't that what you're cutting off? "

Chen Yang anticipates the existence of jiejiao, but did not expect that jiejiao is actually the camp of the devil king.He knew that hermeneutics was due to the legend of gods in the world.

Chen Yang then said, "is your leader

"Sage of heaven!" Said the demon king.

Chen Yang said, "is it difficult to do that? Is the leader of the elucidation the first emperor of heaven?"

"Exactly, the sage of the Yuan Dynasty!" The demon king said: "but our leader and the original sage have disappeared for many years. I can't blame the sage of Yuanshi! "

Chen Yang thought about it, and he said, "how can this tablet suppress you?"

The demon king said: "this stele of Tongtian jiejiao is a handy magic weapon before the sage of Tongtian, which is just a top grade Taoist tool. Originally, this is my magic weapon, but later I was defeated by Gaia But Gaia didn't please me. I was hurt by you. Damn, she took away the Tongtian jiejiao stele before she was here. She refined it for a while, and then suppressed it in her place. "

"Tongtian jiejiao stele? Mountains and rivers, country and country Chen Yang murmured: "all these holy instruments have been left behind. Now, the map of mountains, rivers and countries has been destroyed. What else is immortal? "

"Chen Yang, as long as you let me go. I'll let bygones be bygones, and I'll pay you back this feeling in the future! " The evil king of the world looks forward to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "I'm going to die. What do you want me to do?"

"This seat can be returned to your family and friends," he said

Chen Yang said: "you wait, I'll think about it!"

He immediately asked the Linghui monk in the seed of xuanhuang Shengu and said, "is it necessary to save him?"

Linghui monk has been listening. He said, "what he said just now is not a lie."

Chen Yang said, "I haven't heard from you all the time."

"You didn't ask!" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "Gaia is not a good man."

Linghui monk said: "this guy is miserable. A generation of demons are trapped here and seriously injured. To see a little mole ant like you, I have to beg for mercy. According to the poor monk, it's OK to let it go. You should know how hard it is for a person to suffocate in the water. Now you are the only straw to save his life

Chen Yang said, "OK!" After a pause, he said, "I can save you, but you..."

"You said, as long as I can agree to your terms, all right!" There was a fanatical expectation in his eyes.

Chen Yang said: "it's not a condition. You make an oath. After you come out, you will never disturb the innocent. To be a good man, if you break the oath, heaven will destroy the earth, and you will not die well! "

This kind of oath is very frightening for the universal demon king.

The demon king stayed for a while, and then said, "it's not a disaster to revenge Gaia, is it?"

Chen Yang said: "gratitude and resentment cause and effect, I manage so much there."

"Good!" said the demon king

Chen Yang said, "take an oath."

The demon king immediately swears. After making the oath, he looks at Chen Yang with fiery eyes. That look, like looking at a lover.

Chen Yang didn't say much at the moment, so he was ready to help the demon king out of trouble.

The demon king said: "last time Hades and some guys were going to rescue me and help them. But then Gaia showed up and stopped them. It is estimated that there is Gaia's array in this tablet. Maybe you will disturb Gaia. "

Chen Yang said: "it is said that Gaia has been forced to leave the earth by Yuanjue."

He didn't know the specific situation. These are the conjectures of Linghui monk.

"Left? Has she recovered from her injury? " He was surprised and said.

Chen Yang said: "not only has it recovered, but also his accomplishments have risen greatly."

He knows it very well in the Eternal Lord.

"That's good!" said the demon king

But at this time, in Chen Yangmei's heart, in the seed of xuanhuang holy Valley, monk Linghui said, "Gaia is now invincible. Her absence from the earth does not mean that her power cannot come to the earth. In particular, there is a Dharma array left by Gaia in the Tongtian jiejiao tablet. She can really bring down a spirit. "

Chen Yang frowned.

He didn't know that Chen Yang was talking with monk Linghui. He immediately said to Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, what are you thinking about? You're not afraid, are you? "

Chen Yang said, "Gaia is so powerful now. How can I not be afraid? "

But you said, she's not on earth

Chen Yang said: "if she passes on a trace of Yuanshen through Fazhen, it will be enough for me to drink a pot."

He said, "you are..."

Chen Yang said, "I'll go somewhere else first."

"You can't wait to see the dead!" The devil king is about to cry.Chen Yang said, "I will come back."

He said: "anyway, you are going to live soon. What are you afraid of?"

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