Eternal devil said: "Chen Yang has not told me that."

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "he is really calm."

"What happened?" Asked the Eternal Lord. Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Yang's heart is burning. He can't extinguish it now. His life span is only one day. If he can't solve the problem within one day, he will die. That's why he's going to find the extremely cold wormhole now. "

Hearing this, the eternal demon said, "is your heart burning? This Why didn't he tell me anything? He knew that he would die soon, but he was still willing to help me... "

Chen Yang and ling'er look at the top of the mountain for a moment. Then they fly to the void.

Ling'er offered sacrifices to the eyes of heaven, and the holy light of the eyes of heaven formed a holy light shield to protect them. And then all the way out of the earth.

The moment I left the earth, the sun was dazzling. Without the protection of the atmosphere and ozone, the fierce sunlight and ultraviolet rays shot fiercely. But Chen Yang and ling'er are not afraid of this kind of damage, not to mention the protection of the light shield.

The existence of the earth is a huge protection mechanism. After leaving the earth, Chen Yang and ling'er are directly exposed to the universe. There are infinite crises in the universe. These crises are not any species, but some energy released from the universe.

Of course, we can't rule out the existence of some strange and terrible creatures in the universe.

Chen Yang and ling'er hand in hand, gallop out all the way.

Monk Linghui has pointed out the way for Chen Yang.

"The extremely cold wormhole is 100 million kilometers away from here. If you fly with all your strength, you should be able to reach it in three hours if you don't encounter too difficult danger. However, the location of the extremely cold wormhole is not fixed and needs to be found at that time. Chen Yang, you don't have much time. The extremely cold wormhole is extremely dangerous. Moreover, I don't know whether the extremely cold wormhole will help you or not. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I know. Life and death depend on life and wealth. "

Linghui monk said: "although the earth's Qi has always been on you, you leave the earth, but also have a role. However, as you get farther away from the earth, the effect will become smaller and smaller. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand!"

After passing through the sun covered area, Chen Yang and ling'er soon enter a dark and gloomy area. Where there is no sun, the cold in this vacuum is beyond imagination. But Chen Yang and ling'er are still helpless.

All the way, thousands of miles in an instant.

At the same time, Chen Yang feels more and more uncomfortable, and his heart is still burning. Moreover, he also found that in his great fatalism, fire robbery became more and more terrible. The great fatalistic talisman is once again shrouded in shadow, which is fatalistic robbery.

Chen Yang is very familiar with this situation. After the shadow of fate enveloped all the great fatalism talisman, it began to burn. Burned a ancestor god comparable to the master of creation!

The real burning power of this fatalistic fire is extremely terrifying!

Chen Yang is bitter in his heart and feels that it is too difficult for his broken body to return to normal again. If you don't talk about heartburn, you'll talk about this fatalistic robbery Last time, it was a coincidence that the ancestral God helped to deal with the robbery. And now?

What could happen there?

He could only communicate with monk Linghui secretly: "Linghui, if I really can't live. Ling'er asked you to take care of me. "

After a long silence, monk Linghui said, "I'll do my best!"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "if you can say that, I'm relieved. When you do your best, there is nothing in the world that can embarrass you. "

Linghui monk said: "poor monk, you have nothing to do with your Taoist friends now, you can only obey fate!"

Chen Yang said, "you have helped me too much."

At the same time, Chen Yang continued to take the hunyuanguo to prolong his life. That will be his strength.

The speed of the two people is too fast, along the way, also encountered countless meteorites and other crises. Chen Yang and ling'er have never been in such a hurry. Because the whole earth is not enough for them, but the universe is different.

Ten million miles away from the earth. The first hour is the fastest. Later, it will be slower!

The energy of this flight has been provided by ling'er, and Chen Yang doesn't fight with ling'er either. He really needs a good life now. Once he exerts his mana, his heart load will increase.

At this time, an inexplicable sense of danger appeared in Chen Yang's heart.

Ling'er's perceptual acuity also discovered this kind of danger.

Chen Yang showed his great eye, and immediately saw that there was a meteorite Dojo thousands of miles away. The meteorites were distributed hundreds of miles around and formed an array.

"There's a master in the universe!" Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang is well aware of the truth that there are people outside and heaven outside. The universe is not the hill and gully of the earth. The experts in it are more inestimable. What's more, Chen Yang doesn't have much time to delay now.Therefore, we should hold the attitude that more is better than less. Chen Yang and ling'er decide to take a detour!

They quickly changed their direction, bypassed the Taoist temple, and made a rapid journey of more than 10000 Li.

There know, at this time, in Chen Ling and Ling Er suddenly shrouded in a black curtain. It's like the sky suddenly turns black. Although it is dark all around, there are essential differences in this kind of darkness.

Chen Yang and ling'er immediately know that they are trapped in each other's law cave.

"It's the rule of heaven!" Chen Yang was surprised.

"Ha ha ha..." At this time, an old man's laughter came. Chen Yang and ling'er can understand no matter what language he speaks.

Chen Yang sighed and another one came to die.

Now he has great fatalism in his hand. He is not afraid as long as he is not a master of creation. What's more, ling'er is the highest cultivation in the world.

"Who, sir?" Chen Yang also transmitted his ideas. "Why is innocence in my way? We have no grievances, no grudges, and we don't even know each other! "

At this time, a figure flashed in front of Chen Yang's eyes.

Later, an old man with white hair appears in front of Chen Yang and ling'er. Chen Yang glanced and saw that the old man with white hair was wearing a silver robe, and his white hair had reached his waist. But his face looked rosy and healthy.

"I am the ancestor of Xinghe!" The eyes of the old man with white hair are strange and blood red, which makes him want to eat. After he reported his family, he laughed again. His laughter makes people feel uneasy. In his laughter, there is a kind of law of soul capture.

It seems that at the moment, he is the master.

"Not bad, not bad!" Looking at Chen Yang and ling'er, the ancestor of Xinghe was very satisfied and said, "although the cultivation of the boy is weaker, the cultivation of the girl is good, and so pure, she is still a virgin. Dabu, Dabu! It seems that I'm really lucky today. I've been here for a thousand years, and I've come across such excellent goods. "

"You are looking for death!" Chen Yang said coldly: "you dare to call yourself the ancestor of Xinghe even with your tiny skills. You dare to insult my woman. It's a capital crime. But today, I don't want to kill. Now you kneel down, kowtow three times, and then pick off your tongue and go away, otherwise... "

The Star River ancestor stayed for a while, and then he burst into a rage.

"Presumptuous, arrogant, too arrogant!" The ancestor of Xinghe is about to be confused by Chen Yang. "You are a little mole ant. You dare to talk so much in front of me. You should be damned, damned!"

The ancestor of Xinghe lived in the void, and his cultivation was also a kind of cultivation. He suffered such verbal insults there. Chen Yang's attitude really hurt his self-esteem.

The old ancestor of Xinghe did it without saying a word. He was already the cultivation of the middle stage of heaven. His law of heaven and position was launched quickly, and Chen Yang and ling'er were imprisoned directly! The black power of heaven position, like the law of heaven, quickly bound Chen Yang and ling'er. Chen Yang and ling'er can't move!

Ling'er is surprised. She has infinite skills and power. But at the moment, I can't move at all!

There is no resistance!

The difference between Tianyu realm peak and Tianwei realm is absolutely not a line.

The ancestor of Xinghe grabs Chen Yang and ling'er between raising his hand, and he is slightly relieved. He also knows that he is cautious. Seeing Chen Yang's arrogance just now, he really felt a little guilty. He thought that this boy had some special means. Will you want to be a pig and eat a tiger, and will you lose your sight?

But at this moment, the ancestor of Xinghe was completely relieved.

In his opinion, Chen Yang is just a young man who doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is rich.

"Ha ha..." The ancestor of Xinghe couldn't help laughing and said: "smelly boy, I thought you were so good. It turned out that you were just a piece of grass. If you dare to insult me, I will give you some color. Isn't this your wife? I want you to watch how I insulted your wife. Ha ha ha... "

"You want to die!" Chen Yang said coldly.

"I want to die?" The ancestor of Xinghe looked at Chen Yang and said, "yes, I'm looking for death. I have the ability. Will you send me to die?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK, as you wish!"

The next second, a sword of fate appeared in Chen Yang's hand. With a wave of his sword, the bondage in front of him was broken. At the same time, Chen Yang also rescued ling'er.

"Do you think you can trap me?" Chen Yang sneered.

The ancestor of Xinghe can't help losing face. However, he regained his composure immediately. He said, "no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. There are still some means. But young man, you also underestimate the power of the master of heaven's position... "

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