Xinghe took a deep breath, and then he shot again. He worked out the law of heaven's position and condensed a fierce sword of heaven's position in an instant! The dark atmosphere around him is infinitely concentrated. Then, the sword of heaven's throne cuts Chen Yang with lightning.

This is the sword of Xinghe Laozu as a master of Tianwei realm. The sword of Tianwei, fearless weapon, rule, go forward bravely, see God kill God! When Chen Yang and ling'er encounter such forces, even if they launch immortal weapons, their magic power can't resist the sword of the throne. This is the realm suppression of heaven position realm master!

Ling'er was surprised. The cold light in Chen Yang's eyes twinkled, and he also pointed out a sword!

The great fatalistic talisman urges the formation of fatalistic sword! The sword of destiny is ethereal, but it is surrounded by a gray breath. Chen Yang does not want the burning of money. This fatalistic force is not afraid of any law in the world!

The sword of destiny and the sword of heaven's throne are cut together. Chen Yang immediately feels that the power of heaven's throne in the sword of heaven's throne is as strong as mountain and sea, as deep as abyss and prison, and it covers the sky and the earth, blocking the sky and the sun.

Can't resist, can't escape!


The sword of fate triggers the talisman of fate, and Chen Yang feels that his life is burning infinitely, one thousand years, ten thousand years, twenty thousand years!

The life span of 20000 years burns up instantly. Fortunately, Chen Yang has replenished his life.


The sword of destiny became more and more fierce, and the ancestor of Xinghe felt that the invincible power of the sword of heaven's throne was like killing thousands of cotton wadding.

But the tenacity of the wadding is beyond imagination. The elder Xinghe felt that he was more and more powerful. He was as deep as a swamp. He felt more and more difficult and uncomfortable.

"How can it be? How is that possible? " The ancestor of Xinghe thought it unbelievable. He couldn't believe it. "How can there be such a strange power in the world?"

The ancestor of Xinghe is about to leave, but the power of destiny has been contaminated. He took back the sword of the throne. In this instant, he felt a kind of fatalistic terror.

Those fatalistic breath turn into flame and burn.

First a little bit, then a big fire. His laws of heaven and place are burning fiercely, and so are the veins of his body.

Chen Yang and ling'er just watched the Star River ancestor suffer, roar and scream. His body was full of fire. At last, it became brighter and brighter until there was a roar and the whole person was burning. It was a raging fire. In an instant, the ancestor of Xinghe turned into ashes and was blown away in the starry sky.

"There's a way to heaven. If you don't go, there's no way to enter hell. Well, I have to come up and die! " Chen Yang sighed. "Probably, this is the fate of your ancestor Xinghe. You've gone through thousands of years of hard work and many difficulties and dangers, but in the end, you die in a strange way. I'm afraid you don't understand why you will die in my hands. "

When a man is dying, his words are good!

It's not a big deal to kill a star river ancestor. It's just that Chen Yang thinks that he is going to die, and he can't help feeling a little sentimental when he looks at the passing of his life.

Chen Yang didn't hurt spring and autumn too much, and then he and ling'er continued on their way.

While he was on his way, he replenished his life to 80000 years.

At the same time, the shadow of Chen Yang's great fatalism has covered one ninth.

If Chen Yang burns another 10000 years of life, it is estimated that it will be the time when the fatalistic fire will burn. At that time, Chen Yang was robbed and burned by fate, and he was doomed.

Chen Yang and monk Linghui secretly communicated about this problem.

Linghui monk said in a deep voice: "any power has a price. Fatalism can make you a master of fairyland easily kill the master of heaven. This is the magic and horror of great fatalism. Great fatalism is also worthy of being the mysterious method in the three thousand Avenue. Perhaps, great fatalism has shadow, there is fire. But when you really understand the mystery and realize the great destiny, there will be no such fate

Chen Yang said, "great destiny? I've done great fortune in the lost continent. There is no shadow or abnormality. But later, I found out that it can only be performed in the specific environment of the lost mainland. The more I understand, the more I feel that fate is impermanent and the greater destiny is beyond my grasp. Great destiny is the way of heaven. Who can master the way of heaven? If you master the way of heaven, I'm afraid... "

"What are you afraid of?" Monk Linghui asked.

Chen Yang said: "the time to master the way of heaven is the time for all the seven emotions and six desires to retreat. At that time, my flesh and blood will disperse. I will no longer be me, but impermanence. That's the secret of destiny, isn't it

After hearing this, monk Linghui was shocked and said, "Daoyou, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"The more fatalism I use, the more enlightened I seem to be about fate," Chen said

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice: "I think these are the real ways of destiny. No wonder no one has mastered the great destiny. Because once you master the great destiny, you are no longer human. It's no wonder that if you master the three thousand avenues, you will live forever, because after you master the three thousand avenues, you will become the way of heaven. Of course, the way of heaven can get eternal life! It's a pity that I understand this now! "Chen Yang said: "but I feel that mastering the art of great destiny is immortality."

Linghui monk said: "maybe, only by mastering 2999 kinds of roads can we learn the final great destiny."

"Maybe," Chen Yang said

Linghui monk said: "this big fatalism, it seems that it is best to sleep deeply."

Chen Yang said, "let's live first."

Linghui monk said, "that's true!"

Three hours later, Chen Yang and ling'er finally arrived in a space. It's extremely cold here. The natural ice cold is that the master of Xuxian can't hold on for long.

There are many ice meteorites floating in the air ahead.

Linghui monk said: "this place belongs to the north. There is a death star in front of us, which blocks the sun. There is no sunlight all the year round, so it is extremely cold. In a short time, we can't fly out of the solar system, so only in this environment can we form extremely cold wormholes. But it's extremely cold and the wormhole is floating, and it's very hard to find. At present, I have no way to find it. It seems that you still have to use the great fatalism to find the location of the extremely cold wormhole

Chen Yang nodded.

He didn't say much, and immediately drove the great fatalism search again.

"Great destiny, you are the power above heaven..."

The great fatalistic talisman was launched, and the gray air appeared in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang's idea tells fatalism what he wants to do. The gray air is like spirituality, but at the same time, Chen Yang also feels that life is being burned by the great fatalism.

At this time, the gray breath formed a streamer, which ran towards the lightning ahead.

"Keep up!" Chen Yang immediately orders ling'er.

Ling Er nodded.

Ling'er still uses the eyes of heaven to form a holy light shield. The holy light shield covers Chen Yang and ling'er, and they run after each other. In this pursuit, another distance of 30000 Li was achieved. Through countless floating meteorites, after three cold storms, finally

The streamer suddenly disappeared.

And there was a cloud ahead!

Of course, this is by no means a real dark cloud. In this remote void, there are no conditions for the formation of dark clouds.

From a distance, the dark clouds are not big. But after getting closer, we found that the range of dark clouds is about 30000 square meters. Of course, this volume is nothing in the vast universe.

"Is this the extremely cold wormhole?" Chen Yang can't help asking monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui came out of the seed of xuanhuang Shengu. He took a look and said, "that's right!"

Chen Yang said, "is this the way to go in?"

Linghui monk said: "poor monk has never been in."

Chen Yang can't help but stay.

"Then how do you know that the extremely cold wormhole can extinguish my heart fire?" Chen Yang continues to ask monk Linghui. At this time, the two still rely on the idea to talk. So ling'er didn't know what they were talking about.

Linghui monk said: "I have never eaten pork. I have always seen pigs run. I understand the principle of extremely cold wormhole. "

Chen Yang doesn't talk anymore. He takes a deep breath and says to ling'er, "ling'er, you stay outside. I'll check it first. You are here. If I don't come out in three days, you will leave with Linghui. "

"No!" Ling'er changes color immediately.

Without saying a word, she flew in with Chen Yang. Chen Yang is helpless!

Dark cloud is not a dark cloud, but a kind of cold condensed to the extreme formed by the gas. And there's no difficulty in getting in.

It's just that when you're in the dark clouds, those clouds immediately change. At that moment, the terrible ice cold power attacked Chen Yang and ling'er. Countless cracks appeared on the holy light cover of ling'er immediately. Ling'er was surprised and immediately urged the powerful mana to resist. The light shield soon hardened again.

In front of me, all of them are covered with dark clouds, and countless cold forces are attacking. Ling'er tries to resist.

But the more you go in, the more difficult it gets.

That feeling is like walking in the water, but the more you walk, the water is freezing, and the thicker the knot is.

Chen Yang studies heaven and man, and his mind shoots everywhere. But once he shoots, within three meters, his mind will be It's frozen. Even thoughts and thoughts can be frozen.

Chen Yang's mind was frozen, and he felt that his body began to get cold. The feeling of this cold is not cold, but pain

Chen Yang can't help but be shocked!

He has seen the power of ice, and the spirit of snow. But I have never been exposed to such ice.

Chen Yang feels frightened

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