Monk Linghui relies on a wisp of magic power to detect the lightning in Chen Yang's body. Immediately, xuanhuang liquid opens the way, and monk Linghui is still shivering with cold. His tree was covered with white frost.

After a long time, Linghui monk's magic power was completely frozen into nothingness. Monk Linghui shook his body for a moment, and then he came back to himself. The spirit son sees in the eye, quickly also divide the holy light to shine on the spirit wisdom monk.

"Ah, it's warm!" Monk Linghui felt the holy light and was so comfortable that he almost groaned. This holy light is not an ordinary light. It has the magical function of moistening the veins.

After a long time, Linghui monk returned to normal. He said: "Damn it, I'm really being bullied by wormholes now. Such a small magnetic field makes me feel miserable. When I was a poor monk, hum, if I didn't smash this wormhole, I would have no ability. "

He was still a little angry.

But ling'er didn't care about it at all. She anxiously asked monk Linghui, "how about Chen Yang?"

Hearing this, Linghui monk said, "I'm not sure, but now it seems that Chen Yang is still alive."

Ling'er knows monk Linghui's ability, so he says that Chen Yang is still alive, and ling'er is slightly relieved. But she asked, "how can I be sure?"

Linghui monk said: "if Chen Yang Daoyou is dead, then all the magnetic fields in his body will freeze up. But now it seems that the magnetic field is still working, and a small magnetic field is formed. I understand a little bit. "

"Understand what?" Ling'er asked immediately.

With a smile, monk Linghui said, "if I guess correctly, it's really a great coincidence. If it's all the calculation of the way of heaven, the terror of the way that day will be even more victorious than the poor monk thought. "

Ling er said: "how to say?"

Linghui monk said: "as I said just now, the cold current of this kind of wormhole is not small. Even if the poor monk did not resist and let him invade the body directly, he would not survive. But Chen Yang is not dead? Why? "

He hesitated, but he didn't go on selling. Obviously, ling'er is not a person who can play tricks with her.

Linghui monk said: "the heart fire is the strongest fire, not the same as the mortal fire. And this cold current is a wormhole cold current, even people's thoughts can be frozen. Therefore, when the cold current invades, the heart fire protects Chen Yang's heart instead. It's like the outside world is frozen, but you're in a house with a big fire, even though it's freezing to death. But you may live because of the fire, which is not an ordinary fire, so it can also resist the cold. This is how Chen Yang's heart is protected As for Chen Yang's brain, there is a fatalistic fire in it. In other words, the heart fire protects Chen Yang's heart, and the robbery fire protects Chen Yang's brain

"It was impossible, but it happened again." Linghui monk said, "it's a miracle of miracles that Chen Yang Daoyou can survive."

Ling'er couldn't help but be overjoyed. She cried with joy and said, "it's so good if it's OK, it's so good!"

"But..." Linghui monk said, "we can't be happy too soon."

"Ah?" Ling'er was surprised and said, "why?"

Linghui monk said in a deep voice, "but don't forget, miss ling'er. The ice and snow outside is freezing. Once the fire inside goes out, what shall we do? "

Ling'er frowned and said, "how can we help him?"

Monk Linghui took a deep breath and said, "we can't help him. It depends on his own nature." He then said: "you don't have to worry too much. Taoist friend Chen Yang has always been resourceful. I believe he can get rid of it. When he wakes up, we can get out of here. This catastrophe has passed completely. "

"He's going to wake up." Ling'er said firmly.

Monk Linghui said, "how long will it take to wake up? I'm not sure. But girl ling'er, you've been running the holy light for a long time. Poor monk, you can use the great spirit liquid to recuperate you. But I'm afraid it's not a long-term solution! "

Ling'er said in a deep voice: "I can insist. I still have many pure Yang pills. Chen Yang's Hunyuan fruit also has, I can persist

She did not have the slightest hesitation, in her eyes, there is a kind of determination. For Chen Yang, there is no difficulty she can't bear.

Life is a hard and happy journey!

Life, there will always be lingering fear!

Tianzhou, the sunshine of Dakang imperial city is very beautiful.

This is noon time, the genial sunshine, it seems that there is no trouble in the world.

Fu Qingzhu, Luo Feng and Qin Lin have all gone back to the world.

Qiao Ning didn't go. She would stay in Shaowei house waiting for Chen Yang to come back. She is sure that Chen Yang will come back. Of course, Qiao Ning does not have the conditions to go to the world.

The sky is high and the sea is wide. Qiao Ning is dressed in silver. She sits on the roof of Shaowei mansion and looks at the blue sky and white clouds.Only in this way can she feel better.

At night, she will feel particularly uncomfortable. Long night, endless suffering.

Everything can never go back to the past.

She flashed a lot of sweetness with Chen Yang in her mind. She thought that when she was on the 18th floor of hell, Chen Yangyi would not look back to survive for her.

That man, that man she loves, she understands him too much. So she was not willing to let him have a little bit of embarrassment.

"Sister in law!" At this moment, Qiao Ning suddenly heard a voice.

Qiao Ning was slightly surprised. When she looked back, she saw another person on the roof. The comer is handsome, but with a trace of evil charm.

It's Chen Yihan, not others!

Chen Yang's younger brother.

Qiao Ning, of course, knows Chen Yihan. He also knows that Chen Yihan did his best to rescue Chen Yang. But Qiao Ning also knows the tension between Chen Yang and Chen Yihan.

Those enmities are clear in Qiao Ning's heart.

Of course, Qiao Ning also heard Chen Yang talk about the red and blue world.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yihan in a bad tone.

Chen Yihan said in a deep voice, "don't misunderstand me, sister-in-law. I have no malice."

Qiao Ning said, "I don't know what you did to your sister-in-law linger."

Chen Yihan looked bitter and said, "that's what I did wrong. Fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake completely. Does my sister-in-law also want me to be like LAN Tingyu and thank you for death? "

Qiao Ning said: "the grandfather of ling'er was killed by you. Isn't that a big mistake?"

Chen Yihan kept silent.

Qiao Ning also doesn't continue to pester this matter, she says: "this account, spirit son will naturally seek you to calculate.". You didn't come to me today to talk about the past, did you? Or do you have any ulterior motives? "

Chen Yihan said: "I want to go to the grave of my elder brother's mother to worship."

Qiao Ning's face changed and said, "what medicine are you selling in gourd?"

Chen Yihan said: "I used to hate my elder brother, even more my mother. Because I think my mother was killed by their mother and son. "

Qiao Ning said, "why did you change your mind now?"

Chen Yihan said: "I've figured out that big brother didn't do anything wrong. In fact, my father owes my brother's mother. Whether it's for my elder brother's sake or for my father's sake, I should make a sacrifice. "

"But isn't that unfair to your mother?" Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yihan said: "my mother knows that under the spring, I will not blame her."

Qiao Ning said, "I can't understand you."

"I just need to tell my sister-in-law the location of the tomb," she said

Joning pondered for a while, then said, "OK, I can tell you!"

Then, an idea mark is ejected. Chen Yihan reached out to catch it. He accepted the mark and said, "goodbye, sister-in-law."

He turned to go.

Qiao Ning wanted to talk and stop, but Chen Yihan was very careful and said, "is there anything that sister-in-law wants to teach me?"

Joe took a deep breath and said, "it's OK!"

"Is there something wrong with my elder brother?" Chen Yihan asked.

"He'll be fine," said Qiao Ning

Chen Yihan's face changed greatly and said, "what do you mean, sister-in-law? Big brother has been rescued, hasn't he? Is he hurt? "

Qiao Ning's eyes suddenly turned red.

She couldn't bear it any longer. She had to work hard.


Qiao Ning then told Chen Yang about his recent situation.

"How could that be?" After hearing this, Chen Yihan's body trembled violently. Pain flashed across his face

Chen Yihan is not reconciled to many things. He has not been forgiven by his elder brother!

He has been short of parental care since childhood, although his father dotes on him. But most of the time, he lived alone under the care of a servant.

When Chen Yang began to appear, he hated Chen Yang to the bone. But in countless fights, he failed again and again. Until that time, he was beaten to pieces by Chen Yang. Instead, he began to reflect.

He began to feel that Chen Yang was his big brother.

That kind of kinship, that kind of kinship between blood was completely awakened.

Especially when he was trapped in the red and blue world, in the boundless darkness, big brother appeared again. At that time, he was full of human eyes.

"Brother, he will be fine. He is the king of heaven. He will come back." Chen Yihan said to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "yes, he will come back."

Then Chen Yihan left.

What can he do at this moment?

Qiao Ning looked into the distance and murmured, "he will come back."

On an island in Tianzhou, the sun is setting and the sea is sparkling.The night wind was blowing and the sea was rippling.

It's beautiful and quiet, just like a paradise.

On the sea, a fishing boat moved slowly.

On the fishing boat, a group of fishermen are drinking and gambling on the deck

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