The scale of this fishing boat is not small. It was purchased by several fishermen in partnership. It's been two months since they went to sea, and they haven't gained much. They drink wine, gamble small money, also have no time to feel such life and significance.

However, they still kept people on guard. At this time, Zhou Bing, the sentinel, called out incoherently: "no, no, come and see. What's that?"

"This week, how is it always whirring." The steady Uncle Li is not satisfied. Zhao, the elder of the ship, said, "let's go and have a look."

They also dare not be careless, so they all put down their Pai Gow. The young man named Xiaoyuan was a little resentful and said, "it's Tianpai that I want to win. You..."

But everyone has gone, and Xiao Yuan is helpless.

There is a kind of lookout mirror in Tianzhou market. It is said that it was invented by Emperor Dakang of Tianzhou. When sailing, this kind of lookout mirror is particularly effective. It can see the situation thousands of meters away.

At this time, the sentinel Zhou Bing saw the situation thousands of meters away through the observation mirror.

"Captain, where are you looking? It's like a black boat. Shouldn't it be... " The more Zhou Bing said, the more scared he was. He was shocked and said, "isn't it the legendary demon ship?"

"Impossible, impossible!" Captain Lao Zhao immediately severely reprimanded Zhou Bing. Then he took the looking glass and looked into the distance.

"It's the devil boat!" But by this time, the distant ship was getting closer and closer.

You can see clearly without a lookout mirror.

The rest of the fishermen cried out in horror.

"I've seen it all. The blood skeleton on it is the symbol of the demon ship!"

"Quick, quick, full rudder, run, run!" Lao Zhao finally believed in the devil boat. He was so frightened that he screamed out.

The ship was in a mess at once.

"The devil boat, the devil boat? According to legend, no one who sees the devil boat can survive. " A fisherman murmurs.

Some fishermen are crying out in despair, it's over, it's over

The devil boat has always been rumored among the fishermen, and no one has ever seen it. However, no one knows how it got out.

At this time, panic spread like a plague on the ship.

The fishing boat ran away quickly, but just then, the devil boat also speeded up.

In an instant, the devil boat caught up.

"It's not a boat, it's a head Water monster, no, it's not water monster, it's Jiaolong... " Some fishermen are incoherent.

The sea is no longer calm.

The demon boat is just a surface, but it is actually a dragon, a huge dragon. Before, the fishermen saw only half of the dragon's head. At this time, the sea was rolling, the Dragon roared, and the roar shook the whole sky. The sound waves set off countless waves, and the fishing boat swayed in the angry sea, just like a boat, lonely and helpless.

A fishy smell came with the sound waves, which made people feel nauseous!

The Dragon soon stopped in front of the fishing boat.

The fishermen all froze. The Dragon slowly showed its body. It was covered with black scales, and the beads in one eye were bigger than the bathtub.

The fishermen saw such a large unknown for the first time. Their eyes showed unspeakable fear, and their bodies trembled violently. One by one all can not help but kneel down, keep kowtowing, in order to want to get a ray of life.

There was a gloomy light in the dragon's eyes.

It seems to have wisdom, but it doesn't have much cultivation. It survives in this sea, by absorbing human brain to increase nutrition and intelligence.

Fishermen have felt the pressure of death. Jiaolong, however, had no pity in his eyes when he was begging for mercy from these ants. There is some disappointment in its eyes, because these fishermen are too weak.

Some fishermen kept praying: "great God of the sea, please show your spirit..."

"The great abiro..."

They prayed to the gods they had heard of or believed in, but obviously, it was not very useful to cram at this time.

But just at this time, the young man named Xiao Yuan suddenly yelled: "look, over there, look, the gods are showing, showing..."

And immediately they looked far away, and there was a golden light shining.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light became more and more intense, and then a golden dragon suddenly moved over.

This golden dragon is not big. It is only ten feet long. On its body, there is a girl in white. The girl in white was beautiful and cool.

"The dragon mother comes to light, the dragon mother comes to light!"

"Dragon mother, help

The fishermen immediately kowtowed to the girl in white.

The girl in white did not speak. She looked at the dragon. Jiaolong's body is much bigger than the Golden Dragon. With a roar, it suddenly opens its mouth and bites at the girl in white. This mouth is to swallow the girl in white and the Golden Dragon.The fishermen were shocked!

It was also at this time that the girl in White's face did not change at all. But the Golden Dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a white chill. Just for a short moment, the giant dragon was covered with white cold, and then it was frozen into ice sculpture.

With another breath of the golden dragon, the dragon's ice sculpture quickly turned into countless pieces of ice

That's the magic power!

"Mother Dragon Mother dragon The fishermen saw the magic power of the Golden Dragon and kept kneeling down.

The girl in white didn't speak, but when the fishermen looked up, the girl in white and the Dragon had disappeared

Since then, the legend of dragon mother has been spread in the sea area

During the tsunami, some fishermen were about to be engulfed by the angry sea. The dragon mother came by the dragon to save them When encountering a group of sharks, the dragon mother comes by the dragon to disperse the group.

All kinds of legends continue to spread, the dragon mother has become the patron saint of the sea! Many fishermen have a dragon mother at home.

All over the world, Luo Feng, Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin are back.

Luo Feng holding his daughter, naturally can't put it down.

Qin Lin and his daughter Qin bao'er have a good time. No matter how sad he is, Qin Lin will not bring this kind of emotion to his daughter.

Luo Feng had a talk with Shen monong in the evening.

"Brother and sister, you don't have to worry too much. The third brother has always been blessed with great fortune. It's going to be fine this time. He'll be back in a while. " Luo Feng said in a deep voice.

Shen Mo Nong nodded and said, "Well!"

Luo Feng also knows that such comfort is a little pale, but besides, he doesn't know what to say. Later, Luo Feng sighed and said, "sister in law, I've suffered you. Situ ling'er can follow the third younger brother. She can do whatever she wants. Qiao Ning can cry as much as she wants, but you alone can't do anything. You're worried about the third brother. You can't do anything. Because you have too many responsibilities on your shoulders, big brother knows the pain in your heart. But please be strong

Shen Mo Nong was slightly stunned, and then her eyes turned red. Luo Feng said the most helpless pain in her heart.

Shen Mo Nong said: "I had a wish before. I wanted to carry a bag and travel all over the world. Maybe I'll stay at the herdsman's house tonight, maybe I'll stay in the luxury hotel in Dubai, every day is a new place. You don't have to worry about anything. "

After a pause, she said with a bitter smile, "I found out later that I had never lived a day like that. After I came back, I went to the sixth national security office. I never stopped Now, with Nianci and Chen Yang, I don't want anything. Money, power and strength are not lacking. But my heart is more and more scared. I often wake up at night and dream that something happened to Chen Yang. I dare not leave Yanjing, and I dare not leave Yanjing with Nianci. I hate this damned fear... "

"Fear..." Luo Feng slightly a stay, he then said: "fear is not only you have, I also have."

Shen Molong looks at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng then said: "from small to big, the fear in my heart has not disappeared. When I was a child, I grew up in a killer organization. I was afraid of sneak attacks in the dark and wild animals in the dark. I like, want to seize things, without exception, all lost. Even now, I'm afraid that you dare not leave Yanjing, and I dare not let Ziqing and Silan leave Yanjing. Brother and sister, thank you. At least, with you in Yanjing, you don't have to be afraid that no one will protect Ziqing after an accident. It's selfish to say. We've put all our shackles on you

Shen Molong said: "brother, don't say that. You have paid too much for us and Chen Yang. I'm just doing what I can. It's not worth mentioning

Luo Feng said: "my third brother and I swore to heaven. I'm his elder brother. Blood and everything is bullshit. I should do anything for him. "

This is easy to say, but Luo Feng did the same.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help saying: "Chen Yang can have brothers like elder brother and second brother. Heaven has treated him well."

Luo Feng said: "what he is most happy about and cherishes most is his wife like you. If he dares to be unkind to you in the future, I will help you to cut him. "

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "OK, I'll thank you first."

Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan take Qin bao'er back to their villa. Qin bao'er was tired and went to bed with the nanny.

Qin Lin and Xuan Yuan Ya Dan lie down in the bedroom.

Xuanyuan Yadan lies in Qin Lin's arms, Qin Lin's interest is not very high. Xuanyuan Yadan originally wanted to make out with Qin Lin. after all, they haven't been married for a long time.

However, she was embarrassed to mention Qin Lin's worries. She was thin skinned.

"Brother Lin, are you worried about the third brother?" Xuanyuan Yadan asked.

Qin Lin sighed and said, "I don't know how the third brother is now? If it goes well, I should be back in the next few days. "

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