At Chen Yang's finger, the thunder flickered, which soon formed a scale. And begin to absorb the surrounding light quantum, arc lightning and so on!

The thunder in his hands is getting stronger, brighter and more dazzling.

This is a magical scene, an intuitive display of the mana world.

This is the result of the entanglement between Qi and light. Chen Yang was able to cultivate it because of his rich mana experience. The reason why van DIUS can survive is that he has the gene of insect king.

Others can't do it at all.

In fact, all this is still under the control of fate.

The reason why van DIUS can succeed is that he will perish.

Chen Yang was able to succeed because he didn't belong here.

The reason why Sun Yi wants to die is that his mission has been completed.

The thunder and lightning in Chen Yang's hands became stronger and stronger, and then a lightning dragon was formed. The lightning dragon is lifelike and gives off a rolling dragon power. At this moment, Shen and others feel that they will never forget.

Chen Yinuo is full of pride in her heart. What she thinks in her heart is that her father has never cheated me

Thunder and lightning dragon roared, this dignity, people can't help but want to worship.

Fantius was almost desperate "Why? It's impossible How could it be Why do you... "

With a faint sigh, Chen Yang said: "van DIUS, many things may not be able to say why. You ask why, I also ask you why some people are born poor, some people are ignorant and deceived by you. And you were born noble, almost ten thousand people, but you are still not satisfied? What are you after? ever-young? Is it really happy to live forever? Do you live your limited life well? If the present life is not good, what else should we ask for? The world has a death, but you want not to die, how can you not die? "

"If Ying Zheng can succeed, why can't I?" Van DIUS roared.

Chen Yang said: "because you are you and he is he. Everyone's life and destiny can't be copied. There are so many helpless things in the world. Why are you qualified to ask

"I don't agree with you. I'm not reconciled." Van DIUS roared continuously.

Chen Yang said, "but you still have to die!"

Then, the Thunder Dragon roared out, and then devoured van DIUS into ashes.

After that, Chen Yang accepted Thunder Dragon. To tell you the truth, the Thunder Dragon's power is not worth mentioning. In the world of mana, Chen Yang is embarrassed to use it, but in this world, it is the best existence in the world.

Chen Yang is here. Even if he practices Qi and light quantum, his magic power is still weak and not worth mentioning.

In the light quantum, there is indeed a channel to break through the parallel world. It can produce some kind of reaction with the quantum of light in the world, and achieve the channel like effect. But this is not allowed.

The past is still full of unspeakable difficulties. What's more, ordinary people don't have this qualification.

The only ones that have the qualifications are probably Chen Yang, fantisius and fan Yao.

But not necessarily.

Chen Yang didn't want to go to the world through this light quantum. He didn't need it. What's more, the time here is no longer equal to that of the world. So, what will happen in the past is unthinkable.

Chen Yang deeply knows that to cooperate with the way of heaven, it is best to follow the way of heaven. The consequences of sabotage or self intelligence are not very good.

Experts like Yuanjue all know how to follow the way of heaven!

Fantisius, he's dead.

Meanwhile, Chen Yang found fan Yao in three days.

Before coming, van DIUS communicated with Chris, which is why Chris dare to be so rampant. And Chris never dreamed that Chen Yang would come back again. This is the tragedy of Chris!

Chen Yang has always known the existence of fan Yao, and this time the emergence of van DIUS finally exposed the location of the hive.

Instead of going to the hive, Chen Yang had a video communication with fan Yao through some communication method.

The news that fandixius was dead had reached fan Yao's ears.

In the video, fan Yao's eyes are complicated.

Chen Yang said, "you should know who I am."

Fan Yao said in a deep voice, "I do know."

Chen Yang said: "the insect emperor and I are close friends of life and death. It and my body are in the wormhole. Today, the reason why I don't come to you directly and kill you is to give him some face. "

Fan Yao felt touched when he heard the speech.

"Are you serious?" Fan Yao said.

Chen Yang said, "do you think it is necessary for me to cheat you at this moment?"

Fan Yao could not help but feel that it meant nothing and said, "yes, you don't even have to cheat me."

Chen Yang continued: "the insect emperor wants me to bring you something."Fan Yao immediately got up, and then knelt down very solemnly. "Listen to the instruction of the insect king!"

Chen Yang also said: "give up, fan Yao, you can't do what you can't do. You don't understand what's behind your world. "

Fan Yao's eyes turned red. After pondering for a long time, he said, "I'll follow your instructions!"

Chen Yang sighed a little, then said: "at this point, dissolve the Holy See."

Fan Yao said, "yes!"

After that, Chen Yang ended his call with fan Yao.

Chen Yang also wanted to kill all the people in the Holy See. But later he felt that even if he killed the people of the Holy See, there would be enemies in the future. What we should do most is to make Huaxia and her daughter strong.

Shen Molong also put down his heart.

The senior officials in Yanjing are even more happy.

On this day, a barbecue dinner was held in Chen Yang's villa.

There's a lot of wine and a good atmosphere

Get together.

There are many special experts taught by Chen Yang.

In the dead of night, the villa is still full of laughter. But Chen Yang and Chen Yinuo went to the community together.

In this villa area, the environment is naturally quiet and full of atmosphere.

Chen Yinuo is holding Chen Yang's arm. It seems that they are just like lovers. In fact, they are father and daughter.

"Dad, when did you come back?" Chen Yinuo finally couldn't help asking.

At this time, there is a bright moon in the sky, shining silver on the earth!

Chen Yang said: "since my yuan God died, I have made yuan God again urgently. Yanjing is a mess. Originally, I was very worried. But when I saw that you had everything in order, I didn't come to you in a hurry. "

Chen Yinuo can't help but blame him and said, "you know I've been waiting for you to come back. I hate it."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "girl, if Dad can stay here all the time. Naturally, you don't need to be tested. It doesn't matter whether you are big or small. Whoever bullies you, Dad can stand for you. But Dad will leave here after all. I'm afraid that next time you are bullied again, I can't come here in time. "

"Are you going? When do you leave? " Chen Yinuo felt very sad.

She looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I won't go for the time being. At least I won't go for half a year. Dad won't leave until you're strong enough. But, girl, dad has many important things to do, so you must forgive dad, can't always accompany you. How about that? "

"Well!" Chen Yinuo nodded heavily and said, "Dad, I know."

Chen Yang continued with a smile and said, "your mother can see what happened to you and me in my memory. So, you can tell me what you have to say, and then your mother will see it. "

He then said, "believe dad, mom really loves you and loves you. At the beginning, she followed me. It was just a response to the emergency. It's like grabbing an object around you when you're about to fall off a cliff. It's hard for her to miss you and miss you. Don't blame her, will you? "

Chen Yinuo nodded and said, "I know you all love me. I'm glad I didn't abandon you. Really, dad and mom, I've grown up and can take care of myself. "

When she said that, big tears rolled down.

"I love you and miss you, too."

Chen Yang hugs her daughter tightly.

"It's my greatest regret that I didn't grow up with you." Chen Yang then said.

The two had separated and sat down in a pavilion.

Chen Yinuo smiles and says, "it's also my regret, but there are always regrets in life. Dad, do you think so?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's right!"

Chen Yinuo continued: "my life is different from other people's. My father, mother and other people's father and mother are also different. But it doesn't matter. The world is colorful. Why should I be the same as everyone else? "

Chen Yang feels much better in his heart. He is very happy that his daughter can think so.

"Dad will come back to see you when he has a chance." Chen Yang finally said.

Chen Yinuo solemnly said: "I'll be waiting for you all the time. It's better for you to bring your mother here."

"It's not easy. It's hard to get there. But I'll work on that! " Chen Yang said.

Chen Yinuo smiles. She is satisfied.

Three months later, Chen Tianya was seriously ill and was dying.

It's in the Union Hospital in Yanjing.

Chen Yang, Chen Yinuo, Gao Jin, and Shen monong all came.

In front of the hospital bed, it was full of people.

Lin Qian's face was full of tears. The old man who accompanied her all her life came to the end of her life. In the future, she will be the only one left in her life, which is the great sorrow of her life.Chen Tianya's spirit is much better. It's a comeback.

He remembers everything clearly. He looks at Chen Yang and is very loving at first

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