Chen Tianya's expression is very loving at first, but then turns to strong resentment. He pointed to Chen Yang and Chen Yinuo: "you are here, father is kind and son is filial, and my son? He's so young, he's only sixteen years old, and you took his life. My son is not as stupid as you, but he is my son. It's me and Lin Qian who raised us through hard work. What does your talent, wealth and glory have to do with us? But I, in my life, they all told me that I can't hate you. Chen Ling also advised me, but it was my son who died. Why can't I hate it? I hate you

Chen Tianya was out of breath when he finished this paragraph.

Chen Yang's heart has been very clear, Chen Tianya's knot, this life can not be solved. He knew he had made a big mistake. That is, he shouldn't have told them the truth. Chen Yang takes a lot of things for granted.

Chen Yang looks at Chen Tianya on the bed. He feels that everything is full of wonder, but also full of irony. All the father's love and mother's love he got in his life were just misplaced love. The parents in front of us are never our real parents.

Chen Yang has nothing to say. He sighs a little and then leaves the ward.

Before long, Chen Tianya died.

For a moment, Chen Yang finally understood that the parallel world, starting from the formal parallel moment, is an independent world. The people here are completely different from those in the world.

Just like in the same fork, but choose a different road, after that will lead to a different life. This is not if, also irreversible.

Chen Yang finally sent Chen Tianya to his funeral in the name of his descendants.

Lin Qian didn't say anything. Chen Yang is very grateful to Lin Qian. After he sent Chen Tianya to be buried, he had a deep chat with Lin Qian. "Thank you very much for hiding your hatred. My mother, also called Lin Qian, but she did not have your good luck, because she died not long after she gave birth to me. She didn't get my father's love all her life. "

Lin Qian sighed. She said nothing.

Perhaps, she also hopes that Chen Yang is really her son. Unfortunately, the world does not have any fluke and if.

Chen Yang and Chen Yinuo are on their way back to the villa. Chen Yinuo drives.

Chen Yang said: "when I was going to come to the parallel world, the insect emperor was ready to subvert the world and break the rules. I have no choice. At that time, it was not my current situation. But I'm sorry for them after all. "

They naturally refer to Chen Tianya and his wife.

Chen Yinuo immediately said, "but Dad, even if you don't come, can their son live?"

"But it still can't change the fact that I deprived their son of his life," Chen said

"I understand. I just want you to stop blaming yourself," Chen said

Chen Yang said: "it's not self blame, just some emotion!"

Chen Yinuo said: "the insect emperor is so powerful that he has not broken the rules of parallel world. Why can you and fantius break the rules and have mana now? "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He then said, "probably because any rule has its loopholes. Although the insect emperor is clever, he did not find this loophole. Quantum of light, arc lightning, these things are hidden very deeply, and now they are revealed because the insect emperor is gone. I think there is something very strange about Dr. Sun's sudden death. "

Thinking of Dr. Sun, Chen Yang suddenly has a deep sense of anxiety.

After the mission is completed, what will happen to you?

Chen Miaojia, Xu Tong and others were rescued, including Shen's adopted son. Chen Yang, Chen Miaojia and others gathered happily. When they saw each other again, they all felt a lot of emotion.

Things are right and people are wrong.

It takes a lot of effort for them to understand Chen Yang's new identity. Chen Miaojia is not young. She is nearly 40 years old.

Chen Yang helps them arrange the follow-up of everything, including Chen Yining, and is more and more used to their new identity. Chen Yang also took Chen Yinuo to see Tong Jiawen, including her daughters.

When I went there, I also made an appointment with song Lingshan. It was like a cross century date. Except for Chen Yang, who is still younger, all the others are old.

Chen Yang continued to stay in the parallel world for half a year. In this half a year, Chen Yang finally promoted the accomplishments of Chen Yinuo, Gao Jin and Lei Ling. Chen Yang should ensure that Chen Yinuo has the ability to protect himself.

After that, Chen Yang left completely.

He scattered this God!

This yuan God can stay forever. But Chen Yang didn't, because if he lost control, the yuan God would be independent. At that time, Chen Yang can't predict what he will do when he has self-consciousness. Without his own control, he is not Chen Yinuo's father.

Chen Yang was afraid that the yuan God would do something unimaginable in the future, so he chose to leave. In the parallel world, the power of this yuan God is too terrible.On the night of leaving, Chen Yang and Chen Yinuo talked a lot.

He said: "Yinuo, as your father, I have a lot of incompetence. But it's something I can't reverse. You are my father's heart, I think, in this world, no man can be worthy of you. But dad doesn't want you to be lonely like your aunt Shen. When I say these words, it seems to be conventional, but we are still secular people after all, aren't we? I don't want you to have great ability. I want you to be a happy member of the ordinary crowd. However, in the past six months, I still try my best to improve you. That's because you're on your way up the mountain. I know it's extremely cold, but if you don't climb it, someone will step on you. "

Chen Yinuo said, "Dad, I know what you mean."

Chen Yang then laughed and said, "just understand. What about Gao Jin? I think he's a little stupid, but fortunately he doesn't have a second heart for you. "

Chen Yinuo couldn't help but said: "Dad, please let me go. It's like his left hand and right hand. What's the feeling there?"

Chen Yang said, "well, if you go on like this, you will see fewer and fewer people. What will you do in the future?" Thinking of this, he was still a little worried. Chen Yang doesn't want to see the world's Shen Mo Nong.

He didn't want that for his daughter.

"Actually, Dad, why do you have to have children? Why do you have to get married? Now many urban women can choose not to marry and live arrogantly. I don't have a reason to make do with it, do I? "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "forget it, dad doesn't care about you."

After chatting until dawn, Chen Yang kisses his daughter's forehead and finally leave.

This scene seems to be eternal.

When Chen Yinuo felt that Chen Yang had no breath, she felt extremely uncomfortable and then burst into tears.

She had known the separation for a long time. She thought that she could deal with it easily and talk and laugh freely when she was separated, but when she was really separated, it was so painful and painful.

In the extremely cold wormhole, Chen Yang finished his cultivation.

He's officially back.

At this time, his cultivation had reached the beginning of the universe. His sea of soul has now become a sea of ice soul, and its severity is beyond imagination.

Today's Chen Yang can be regarded as a peerless master in the world.

It can only be said that if compared with the ancestors of yuqingmen, they are still much worse. Moreover, Chen Yang's body is extremely strong.

After this battle, Chen Yang's strength has increased greatly again. The rules in the ice soul ocean he controls are rules outside the earth, which can suppress countless masters. His body has also been thoroughly refined, the former King Kong is not bad body, as well as blood and so on are not, replaced by the body of ice spirit. This kind of body of ice spirit is incredibly powerful.

Chen Yang can turn himself into an Iceman. Once he turns into an iceman, he can stand still despite external attacks.

Chen Yang and ling'er return to the world first.

He is worried about Qiao Ning, but also about Shen Mo Nong and his own son.

After all, he is a layman, no matter what the vicissitudes, will have a special feeling for his son, unique nostalgia.

It was midsummer and June when we arrived at the world.

Chen Yang arrived at the world, directly over Yanjing. He can feel the flow of molecules and magnetic fields around him. At the same time, he shoots thousands of miles in all directions. Countless information goes to Chen Yang's brain.

It is worth mentioning that the cultivation of ling'er has reached the peak of heaven!

No way, her cultivation is always so overbearing.

It is estimated that in a short time, we will reach the realm of creation.

When ling'er arrived in Yanjing, he said to Chen Yang, "I want to go to Shennong world to join sister Bai first. Shall I wait for you there? " She is not used to such reunion in the end.

Chen Yang also knows that ling'er doesn't like it. His own affairs are ridiculous. How can he force ling'er.

Chen Yang agrees to ling'er.

Ling'er left with a smile and said, "if you can, when you go to Shennong world to find us, take little Nianci with you, OK?"

Chen Yang knew that ling'er was fond of chanting kindness. He said, "good!"

Ling'er then left. Chen Yang said, "say hello to Bai Suzhen for me."

Ling'er said, "good!"

Chen Yang thought of something, but he didn't tell ling'er. Because Suzhen's mountain, river and country plan has been destroyed, so she should find an immortal tool for her. However, the bridge of Naihe is prepared for the blue and purple clothes.

"Wait for the chance!" Chen Yang can only comfort himself.

After ling'er left, Chen Yang didn't think much about it. Then he officially entered Yanjing. He also knew one thing, that is

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