Ran Hongyu was very satisfied with the deal. She said with a smile, "Mr. Chen Yang, if you have any news to know in the future, you can also come to us."

Chen Yang smiles, but does not say much.

His heart is like a mirror. It's just that he doesn't care!

Ran Hongyu then said: "Qiao Ning and Xiao Mingyue are in Jiulongyuan now. They are trapped by three sun moon Warcraft. The situation is very critical! "

"Jiulongyuan?" Chen Yang said, "where is Jiulongyuan?"

Ran Hongyu said, "well, you have to have three sources of supernatural power to say it."

Chen Yang's eyes were cold and said, "Miss ran, although we are business, our business must be based on honesty. You play with me? I advise you not to push too far. "

Ran Hongyu said: "how can we advance an inch? Well, we need three magic powers this time, not your origin. You can split it up to me. "

"Good!" Chen Yang doesn't talk nonsense either. He gives three magic powers to go out.

He was disgusted with ran Hongyu, and felt that she was greedy.

Later, ran Hongyu told Chen Yang about the location of Jiulongyuan. The location of that Jiulongyuan is in the doomsday cemetery, which is very hidden. It was in the depths of one of the marshes. No wonder Chen Yang couldn't find it with his mind.

Then Chen Yang turned and left.

Chen Yang is anxious about Qiao Ning's safety, and he quickly leaves Dongcheng District.

In the east side, you can't fly. After Chen Yang left Dongcheng District, he stepped out and stood in the air.

Then, a flash of body shape, such as a light shuttle between the blink of an eye!

This is a real gap!

And in the place where Chen Yang disappeared, there were several figures flashing out.

These figures are old devil level.

An old devil in red robe was ferocious in his eyes and said, "this boy, they all say he is dead. I didn't expect to be alive. Last time, in order to save him, my brother and sister-in-law all died miserably in the picture of mountains and rivers. "

"And my father died in it, too." Another young man with silver hair, who is getting old and evil, also said.

Six in all.

They are all Chen Yang's enemies.

In the last World War of Yuqing, Chen Yang was famous all over the world. However, they are also infected with countless enemies. If he is good, we are afraid of him and dare not do it easily. But if he is in danger, there are many people who want to step on him.

After Chen Yang came in, the six masters found Chen Yang and all followed him.

Doomsday cemetery, boundless, boundless dark red, fog full of poison gas. This is a really dirty place. It seems that all the filth has gathered in this place. Chen Yang stands in a dark red swamp sea. He then condenses a layer of light film to cover his body, and then rushes into the swamp sea.

Chen Yang rushed all the way to the depth, and the mana in his brain was surging, majestic and turbulent, like a sea of prison. This swamp is nothing but leisure.

In the depth of about one kilometer, suddenly suddenly in front of you!

Chen Yang has a clear understanding of the structure of the earth in his mind. The three thousand world is not a fiction, it is not the place of spiritual power. It's an explanation that folds space to the limit. It seems to be underground in front of us, but in fact, it's just in a layer of space.

After Chen Yang arrived at Tianyu, he had a better understanding of time and space.

Three thousand world is true, everything is true!

Unless, everything is empty, otherwise everything is true!

It means that even the whole world is false. It's a world created by spiritual thought.

On the contrary, everything is true.

In front of my eyes, I suddenly saw a huge waterfall facing down. The waterfall is surging and surging, like the water of the Tianhe River pouring to the bottom of the earth. At the bottom of the earth, there is a large river. From a distance, it looks like an ocean.

Miraculously, the water is so clear.

"This is Jiulongyuan." Chen Yang has a number in his mind.

At the same time, he suddenly became alert. Because he felt that someone was following in the rear.

"Who?" Chen Yang's secret way.

In his heart, Qiao Ning was anxious, and he was too lazy to take care of the people who were following him.

Then, Chen Yang's eyes were cold, and then he turned the mana. He cut out a sword!

"Big ice soul sword light!"

A sword light, such as Jinghong sky sword, directly cut out.

In front of the current, waterfall, a thousand miles, directly frozen, static!

This is what makes Chen Yang's ice soul sword so powerful!

But soon, all these static things broke.

Everything here turned out to be a mirage. When the illusion is broken, it shows its true face.

Below here is a black abyss, swamps floating above, and even in all directions.

Inside the black abyss, three heads of sun and moon Warcraft are attacking and killing one after another!Chen Yang saw clearly that in the middle, there was a white holy light resisting the attack of the sun and moon Warcraft.

In the white light, there are Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

Seeing Qiao Ning safe and sound, Chen Yang is overjoyed.

There are two young ones and one old one.

The size of each head is 300 square meters, just like the three mountains surrounding Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

The sun and moon beast, the whole body is blue scale, they only have one eye. There are 30 meters long horns on the head!

Some are like rhinoceros, but much more terrifying than rhinoceros.

Especially the old sun and moon Warcraft, the smell of terror to the extreme.

Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun are among them. They buy news in Dongcheng District and know the Jiulongyuan where the sun moon Warcraft is located. Originally, I waited until 20 days, and finally I got the chance to know that there was only one small Sunmoon beast in it. So I want to come in and take in this little Sunmoon beast. There know, old sun month Warcraft and eldest son rushed back in time. So there was a fierce battle between the two sides.

Mingyue xianzun is supported by such high-quality instruments as tianlongqin.

It's just that for now, she's getting harder to support.

Seeing this going on, she and Qiao Ning will have to die.

Mingyue xianzun is very depressed and feels that Qiao Ning has been implicated, so he shouldn't. Qiao Ning is very open-minded, she even some look forward to the arrival of death. She doesn't want to believe that Chen Yang is dead. But over the past three years, Chen Yang has no message, she will inevitably be pessimistic!

These three heads of Sun Moon Warcraft, the old Warcraft is called Wan Zhen!

The two young ones are his sons.

It's not that Wan Zhen can't become a human figure, but after they become a human figure, their strength will be damaged. They don't think much of human form either.

In fact, Wan Zhen has long been able to break through the holy light shield of Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

It's just that he wants to temper his two sons. Therefore, he just suppressed and looted the array. He seldom does it!

"Where is the ghost?" At this time, Wan Zhen found that it was wrong, his one eye swept.

He immediately saw Chen Yang in the sky.

Chen Yang doesn't dodge at this time. He just dodges and comes to Wan Zhen.

At the same time, Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun can see the comer clearly.

"My dear wife, do you want to be my husband?" Chen Yang ignores Wan Zhen first, but Qiao Ning laughs and says.

"Chen Yang?" At this moment, Qiao Ning saw Chen Yang and heard Chen Yang's voice. Bright moon immortal is also overjoyed!

"Xianzun, today, I'll help you!" Chen Yang added.

"Chen Yang, are you ok? That's great. " The Moon Fairy also responded.

"Well, here comes another evil animal looking for death!" Wan Zhen didn't pay attention to Chen Yang. When he glanced in his eyes, he found that Chen Yang was just the beginning of Tianyu. The peak of Mingyue xianzun's Tianyu realm was seriously injured by his tail.

Wan Zhen is also the cultivation of the top of the universe, but the inner elixir of Warcraft is still huge, and its mana is much more powerful than that of human beings. In addition, this is his home court, so xianzun will lose.

After Wan Zhen trapped Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning, he let his two sons do it. At the beginning, xianzun's resistance was very fierce, and WAN Zhen let his two sons realize every day in this attack.

This is a great opportunity. After all, there are not many human masters who have reached the peak of heaven.

Wan Zhen didn't expect that Chen Yang would come out on the way.

At this time, Wan Zhen is also too lazy to talk to Chen Yang. His intention to kill flashed in his eyes, and he decided to make a quick decision.

Then he let out a roar.

In an instant, the whole Jiulongyuan began to shake.

This is the law of Wanzhen, the cave of Wanzhen!

Jiulongyin kills Dongtian!

The whole Jiulongyuan trembles, countless sound waves merge with the swamp, and then countless swamps turn into giant dragons.

There are nine dragon rush out directly, nine black swamp dragon, each vicious to the extreme, began to attack the middle of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang then saw the huge dragon in front of him. The swamp was like a tsunami. In the swamp and tsunami, Yinsha's power surged, collapsed and thundered. Everywhere is the ultimate killing move!

There's no place to run, no place to flash!

Chen Yang feels the terror and pressure of killing like a sea of prisons. He doesn't say much when facing the same explosion and killing in the Black Sea.

At this moment, his ice soul sea was displayed.

This Wan zhenneng moves to force Chen Yang's ice soul out of the sea, which is also Wan Zhen's ability.

"No!" In the holy light of tianlongqin, Qiao Ning can't help but feel frightened. "I'm afraid Chen Yang is not the opponent of Warcraft?"

Mingyue xianzun was calm. They only saw nine swamp dragons submerge Chen Yang.

Mingyue xianzun said to Qiao Ning, "don't worry. Chen Yang has nine lives. So many disasters can bring him back to life. How can it happen so easily now? "Having said that, Qiao Ning could not help worrying.

At this time, the sea of ice soul is surging and spreading, and in an instant, it is all over thousands of miles!


In a flash, thousands of miles of ice, surrounded by the sea of ice soul, the air of endless ice spread, and the nine swamp dragons were directly frozen into ice sculptures

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