"Crush me!" Chen Yang roared!

Then, in the ice soul, the extremely cold air rolled, and countless ice cold factors burst open.

So all the nine swamp dragons exploded.

The whole Jiulongyuan, black, with a strong stench of the swamp explosion, the scene, spectacular to the language can not be described.

If it wasn't for this group of people, they would be directly disgusted to death by the swamp!

Wan Zhen didn't expect his Jiulong cave to be broken so easily by Chen Yang. His eyes were awe inspiring and he used his magic power again.

His mana is shot by one eye, which quickly condenses all the caves and swamps together. Then, a huge fist seal was formed to kill Chen Yang.

Like the swamp seal of the mountain, come here!

It's dark!

How fierce the fist front is, the strong wind blows out and kills again!

Wan Zhen's mana is strong. He wants to consume Chen Yang's mana several times. That's how we fought against Mingyue xianzun before. After a few hard joints in front of Mingyue xianzun, it is obvious that his back strength is poor.

Wan Zhen believes that even if the boy has special mana, the overall level of mana is not comparable to him.

How much mana can a man have at the beginning of the universe?

In the abyss, there are many fierce battles.

Facing Wan Zhen's swamp boxing, Chen Yang also felt the profound rules and principles of swamp giant boxing.

It's incredibly powerful.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. As soon as he grasped it, the ice soul sea also formed an ice front fist seal and roared to kill it. He has studied the ice soul ocean for a long time.

Two fists in the air, such as the general impact of the planet, boom!

The whole abyss trembled, and then the swamp front was smashed to pieces. Chen Yang's Bingfeng seal is as solid as a mountain.

In essence, ice suppresses the soft swamp!

"Boy, there are two sons." Wan Zhen sneered, and he took it back. He suddenly raised the giant tail behind him, which was like a giant hand. Big hand stirs Jiulongyuan, swamp Sea encircles Chen Yang again!

Chen Yang's four sides were once again surrounded by the swamp. In front of him was a black area. He also can't see bright moon immortal Zun and Qiao Ning.

In the swamp, there are thousands of space and countless time flow!

Chen Yang can't help but feel lucky that he has been cultivated in the world. Otherwise, no matter how fierce he was before, he could not resist Wan Zhen's attack.

Chen Yang can't help but feel a headache. Lao Tzu's accomplishments have just risen a little, but his opponent's seem to have risen faster.

There is no time to feel comfortable!

In fact, when he is comfortable, he always doesn't care.

However, people are deeply impressed by the difficult days.

Thousands of space, countless time flow.

Chen Yang hides directly in the sea of ice soul, which turns into a streamer and rushes out in an instant.

Directly and quickly shuttle thousands of layers of space, but in front of the swamp is still endless general, or will Chen Yang trapped!

I can't get out of the cave.

Then, Wan Zhen also made a move.

His huge tail turned into a fine steel sword, which had countless tentacles.


The sword is fierce and cold!

The real sword power shuttles through the void, suddenly appears behind Chen Yang and cuts quickly.

The power of this sword has a kind of fading of heaven and earth, and the power of the sun and the moon is in it.

This sword contains the meaning of time and space!

This sword is enough to crush Chen Yang in the early days of Tianyu. Control with Dongtian, gather the power of Dongtian, and send out the most powerful sword of Wanzhen!

Obviously, at this time, Wan Zhen is also afraid that things will change, so he has a hard hand!

He hopes to kill Chen Yang with one sword!

Even if it can't be killed, it can be seriously injured.

This sword is wan Zhen's unique sword. It is the soul of Jiuyuan sword!

It's too late for Chen Yang to realize the power of the sword spirit. The sword spirit in the cave is like a ghost, which can't be prevented!

He was in a crisis, not flustered, but his whole body suddenly began to freeze.

Ice soul ocean into Chen Yang's body!

Chen Yang turns into an ice sculpture in the air!

With a flash of sword light, the soul of Jiuyuan sword is completely killed by Chen Yang.

The intense spark is gorgeous to the extreme, arousing thousands of feet high!

But Chen Yang is intact.

Chen Yang quickly recovers himself, finds the body of Jiuyuan sword spirit, and cuts out the light of Dabing sword spirit!

Ice soul turns into a huge ice sword.

With endless wormhole, rules, and Chen Yang's unparalleled mana, he cut it hard.


After Jiuyuan's sword was defeated, it was at the time of exhaustion. At this time, Chen Yang countered and immediately cut a hole. The lightning disappeared into the void.Wan Zhen's tail returned to its original shape, but it was broken. His vitality has also been damaged a lot. Wan Zhen can't help being furious. He didn't expect that this humble human could hurt himself.

However, Chen Yang has found the essence of Wan Zhen, and once his body moves back and forth, he directly moves out of Wan Zhen's cave. Out of the cave!

Chen Yang is too lazy to pay attention to Wan Zhen and pours down directly. He wants to join Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun.

Those two small Sunmoon beasts are still exerting their magic power to attack the holy light of tianlongqin.

At this time, Chen Yang appeared overhead.

Chen Yang hey of a, again a sword cut to kill to go out.

This time, it's not big ice soul sword light, but soul sword light!

Soul sword light is Chen Yang's unique skill and an upgraded version of dabingpo sword light. Soul sword light combines the power of ice spirit and melts the power of Soul Crystal completely.

The power of this sword will make the enemy feel invincible. The power of the mind is invincible. Heart fire and the power of the mind are the same as each other!

Soul sword light swift and violent kill!

At that moment, the light of the sword was as subtle as a silver needle, and it broke through the protection of the little Sunmoon beast and nailed into the heart of the little Sunmoon beast.

"Ah..." The small Sunmoon beast uttered a shrill scream, and then spewed blood. Later, the whole body was frozen into ice sculpture, and then directly broken into countless pieces.

Chen Yang killed the beast in one move.

That's Wan Zhen's son.

Wan Zhen saw that his youngest son was killed, and his eyes suddenly began to crack. "Brute, you brute, you dare to kill my son. I'm going to tear you to pieces. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "today, not only do you want to kill your son, but you are an old beast. I want you to die without burial."

Wan Zhen, like a mad tiger, pours at Chen Yang.

His one eye suddenly flew out.

This one eye is wan Zhen's magic weapon, which is made of his own organs. The one eye was as bright as the sun.

One eye is God's eye!

Shenyan shoots at Chen Yang's back, and the strong divine light has arrived first.

The temperature of this divine light is extremely high. This light can quickly evaporate 10000 square meters of lake water into ashes.

This kind of light shoots at Chen Yang, and Chen Yang is absolutely uncomfortable.

Wan Zhen is really a fierce opponent. Chen Yang is not afraid of it. Instead, he is more courageous. The magic power in his body is incomparable. At this time, the sea of ice soul will be displayed, and the sea of ice soul will be the guide!

Great phagocytosis, show it!

After more than a year of cultivation, Chen Yang really calmed down. There is a lot of research on all kinds of Daoism, and it has been sorted out.

The sea of ice soul forms a huge vortex in front of Chen Yang. Among the black ice soul, Shentong origin of great phagocytosis is playing an extreme role.

Wormhole rules, full of mysteries!

Wan Zhen's mana is really more powerful than Chen Yang's, and is better than two chips. However, Chen Yang's eccentric power and magical Taoism make up the gap. In particular, the wormhole rules contained in the ice soul ocean make Wan Zhen feel difficult to explore.

The light of the eye was swallowed and digested by the great phagocytosis.

God's eye is about to be engulfed by the great phagocytosis.

Wan Zhen was surprised. His magic weapon was still his eyes. How could he make such mistakes. At the moment, Wan Zhen roars, the sound waves vibrate, and the endless swamp dragon begins to tear Chen Yang's ice soul sea.

Meanwhile, Wan Zhen grabs the eye back.

But those swamp dragons were completely engulfed by Chen Yang's great phagocytosis.

"Hateful, hateful!" Wan Zhen roars and Furies, but he has nothing to do with Chen Yang in front of him. And at this time, Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun also began to fight back. Qiao Ning is still in full swing.

Qiao Ningdong's mid-term cultivation in fairyland has such magic weapons as the last magic sound thunder and the black gold cassock.

Qiao Ning instantly wears out the holy light of the tianlongqin, and then worships the final fayinlei!

The black Lei Zhu comes out!

"The world of ten thousand dragons! The hand of Thunder Dragon

Qiao Ning is hunting in the air in a silver dress. Her Dharma is solemn. The powerful mana in her body is mixed with the thunder.

A huge hand of dragon claw sprang out of the thunder of the last Fayin!

The hand of the black dragon claw is towards the little Sunmoon beast.

The small sun moon beast was surprised, it also calm, immediately huge tail a throw, toward Qiao Ning's Thunder Dragon's hand blast to kill to come over.

"Xuanbing jade needle!" At this time, Mingyue xianzun fought with his injured body and made a powerful blow.

That day, the black ice jade needle in the Dragon zither, like a cold light, shot at the forehead of the small Sunmoon beast.

At the same time, Qiao Ning's Thunder Dragon's hand grasped its huge tail, boom!

A loud noise, and then, the hand of the Thunder Dragon tyrannically crushed its huge tail.

Then, the black ice jade needle was shot into the forehead of the small Sunmoon beast.The small Sunmoon beast roared, white frost all over, and then died suddenly.

Wan Zhen saw that his son was dead. At this time, he was furious and crazy.

"You brutes, kill my two sons. I'll fight with you."

Wan Zhen roared bitterly, as if he had been desperate.

Chen Yang's body is flashing. He grabs Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning with his big hand. Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning do not resist. The next second, Chen Yang put the two women into a ring Xumi.

In the past, the sea of souls was easy to install people, but now, the ice soul in it is not suitable. Outsiders can't stand it!

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