Chen Yang has already saved Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun at this time, so he has no more scruples.

Wan Zhen is crazy. All his black scales suddenly stand up, and each scale is like a black blade. There are about a million black scales on him. Every piece of scale is a magic weapon of Wan Zhen's life! Wan Zhen roared again, and all the scales flew out.

Dense, blocking the sky, a million black sword mighty, daunting!

Wan Zhen's body has lost its black scale, and his body presents a transparent color, blood vessels, lines, and so on. In his body, the huge endosulfan glowed brightly.

Wan Zhen's whole body is like an energy field!

Chen Yang is so absorbed that he doesn't plan to escape.

At this time, millions of black swords came out together, and Jiulongyuan became furious. The swamp is rolling and turbulent, up and down, in all directions, overwhelming

Black clouds press down on the city!

Countless black swords cut Chen Yang in all directions.

"Well? This black sword bears the mark of the beast's life, and my great phagocytosis can't deal with it. " Chen Yang knew immediately.

The next second, Chen Yang runs the ice soul sea. The sea of ice soul is integrated into Chen Yang's body.

His body became an ice sculpture again!

Then, countless sharp swords and lightning kill, such as beehives, such as ten thousand caboose volley The brilliant sparks make a thousand feet high.

Chen Yang's body has become an ice sculpture, but his mana is also rapidly consumed. This state of ice sculpture is not equal to the invincible state. Wan Zhen's black sword has a very strong spiritual imprint. It's extremely terrifying to kill.

Chen Yang runs the light of soul in the sea of ice soul!

The light of the soul is extremely dazzling, and finally forms a illusion of disillusionment. In that Wan Zhen's eyes, he can see that Chen Yang has been destroyed by his crazy attack.

In his brain, he received such mental images.

However, Wan Zhen is not so easy to cheat. He was just slightly stunned

But even in the moment when he was stunned, Chen Yang also made a move.

"Soul sword light, kill!" Chen Yang takes advantage of the moment when Wan Zhen is distracted, and cuts out the sword light of his heart. The soul sword light actually takes Wan Zhen's heart as a guide, directly shuttles out of the heavy encirclement, and penetrates into Wan Zhen's heart.

Wan Zhen was shocked. He felt all kinds of horrible scenes in Shura hell. He immediately waved the mana to resist, but the soul sword light just like a needle pierced the ball, pierced into the depths of his heart!

Most of Wan Zhen's strength is against Chen Yang. Chen Yang deceives Wan Zhen with the light of his soul, communicates with Wan Zhen's soul, and then sends out the sword light of his soul!

This is the perfect way to kill!

The next second, all the black swords of Wan Zhen burst open and became ashes. He also formed a whole state of ice sculpture, followed by all broken open.

In the center of its body, there is a small crystal endosulfan. That is wan Zhen's inner elixir, which is also what Mingyue xianzun wants.

Chen Yang didn't say much about it. As soon as he grasped it, he grasped it and put it into the ring Xumi.

At the same time, Chen Yang feels that someone is running away from the outside world.

A total of six experts have been peeping. Now Chen Yang is fierce, but he wants to escape.

Chen Yang gives a cold smile, his figure flashes, and quickly chases him out with big move.

The six monks were about to fly away when they saw a flash of ice light, and then the ice soul sea cave appeared.

In all directions, thousands of miles around, all are covered by ice soul.

Between heaven and earth, a dark cold, people feel shivering.

Among the six monks, the strongest was also in the early days of Tianyu, and they performed their own magic powers. He wants to break through Chen Yang's cave.

Chen Yang's eyes were cold and he immediately launched Dongtian. Infinite ice soul begins to be powerful, all kinds of space freezes, time freezes.

These six people were so suppressed by Chen Yang, except that the red robed old devil in the early days of Yujing could still act, the rest were trapped in the deep space.

The old devil in red robe struggled continuously and was about to break out of the cave.

Chen Yang gave a cold hum and suddenly gave out three icy fist seals!

This is also the benefit of Chen Yang's practice of Daben Yuanshu. He was already exhausted when he was an early master of Tianyu. But now, Chen Yang is still energetic, his mana is rolling, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

The three ice front fist seals are majestic and grand. They are like a tsunami rolling over and killing each other fiercely.

One punch is fiercer than the other. One punch is more powerful than the other!

It's not easy for the old devil in red robe to give out his magic weapon with a roar. That's a diamond pestle!

The essence flashed, and his law of the cave was integrated into the Vajra pestle. The King Kong pestle roars, continuously kills on three boxing fronts!

Chen Yang's three boxing fronts were completely disintegrated by Vajra pestle!

"Good!" Chen yangpao gave a drink, then his body flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of the diamond pestle.The red robed old devil was surprised and immediately cast his magic power. King Kong's pestle swung up again and killed Chen Yang fiercely.

Chen Yang's eyes burst with cold light, his hands suddenly grasped, and he actually directly grasped the Vajra pestle in his hands. Then, with a bang, he used his magic power, and the diamond pestle was killed by him.

All the rules, rules and mana of the red robed old devil don't seem to work. He could not help but be shocked. He felt that each other's mana was like the water of a river, powerful and powerful.

He didn't understand why it was also the beginning of the universe. He is so much worse than Chen Yang.

The magic weapon of the red robed old devil was destroyed, and he was injured with his heart power, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Yang's cultivation is a monster in other people's eyes. The realm may not be high, but the skill is strange and the power is too powerful.

Chen Yang then used his magic power to change the space in the ice soul sea, and imprisoned all the six people in one space.

Then Chen Yang came to these six people.

Then, Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning are also released by Chen Yang.

Mingyue xianzun got a short breathing time and served a lot of pills. At the moment, we are safe, but we still can't fight the enemy violently.

And Qiao Ning is intact.

Xianzun takes good care of Qiao Ning.

Mingyue xianzun is surprised at the horror of Chen Yang's cultivation. Her intuition is that she is in her heyday, and she may not be Chen Yang's opponent.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!

At the beginning of the little guy, one finger can kill him.

Now it's growing so fast that it's not even an opponent.

Nevertheless, Mingyue xianzun is still happy for Chen Yang.

Qiao Ning is even more proud of Chen Yang. This is her silver shark King man!

Chen Yang is facing the six people in front of him. Among these six people, the red robed old monk was the highest. But the other five people also saw at the moment that the old red robed devil was suppressed by Chen Yang. What else do they want to fight for.

Chen Yang's eyes shot at the six people like lightning. Then his eyes fell on the young man with silver hair.

"Who are you? Why are you following me? " Chen Yang asked.

He did not wait for these people to speak, and then said coldly: "my patience is not good. If you dare to tell me a lie, I will kill you immediately!"

Chen Yang's words are killing, which immediately makes the six people's tail spines extremely cold. They have goose bumps on their bodies, and they feel creepy. It seems that if they really say a wrong word, they will be dead at once.

The young man with silver hair is nothing more than Xuxian's cultivation. Now he dares to say revenge. It's just that he got a big adventure last year and got to Xuxian's cultivation. So he thought he was number one. I thought I had the ability to avenge my dead father.

Of course, he was not so arrogant that he thought he could be alone.

This time I met so many big men, he really thought that he could rest easy. I knew there would be such a situation.

The other side's cultivation is unfathomable. He is just a mole ant in front of him.

The young man with silver hair knelt down directly. He trembled and said, "the master is here, and the villain Ying Shengping. Just because more than three years ago, my father was imprisoned in the picture of mountains and rivers, and finally burned to death. Because of this, the villain met the elder today, so he dared to avenge his father. Now, the villain saw your way. He is willing to be a cow and a dog in this life. He never dares to have any idea of revenge. I beg you to forgive me for my life

The others, except the old devil in red robe, knelt down and begged for mercy.

It turns out that Dai Yang and Chen have their own grudges.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. He also touched his nose and said to Mingyue xianzun, "the world thinks that I have many friends all over the world. But I don't know, I have more enemies. Xianzun, look at these. I don't know any of them. But they all have a grudge against me. "

Mingyue xianzun sighed and said, "three years ago, the battle of Yuqing was a big cause and effect. Xuan Zhenghao is the duty of xingtiandao. You are also in the way of heaven. It makes sense for you to bear these fruits. "

Qiao Ning is silently holding Chen Yang's hand, she just don't care about those messy things.

Chen Yang embraces Qiao Ning, which is not suitable for intimacy at this time, but he still wants to give Qiao Ning more tenderness. He looked at the old devil in red robe and said, "who are you, and what's my hatred for you?"

The red robed old devil did not dare to reply. He said in a deep voice: "I am a Taoist who is fighting against the army and swallowing his heart! At that time, my younger brother and sister-in-law also died in the heartburn of the country map. "

"Oh..." Chen Yang suddenly realized.

These six people dare not say more now, they all look at Chen Yang, hoping to get Chen Yang's forgiveness.

Fu junxie couldn't help kneeling down and said, "the elder is here. The villain no longer dares to take revenge. Please spare me my lifeIn order to survive, he didn't want to look old.

Chen Yang looked at Mingyue xianzun and said, "what does xianzun think

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