Mingyue xianzun was stunned and then said with a faint smile, "you are the most kind-hearted person. Now you are not afraid to bite when you have more lice, and you are not worried when you have more debt. It's no use killing them. You'll let them go. You have this decision in your heart. Why ask more questions? "

Chen Yang a smile, then eyes a cold, said: "it seems xianzun you still don't know me!"

After he finished, he said, "I really have many enemies, but if I let them go today, more enemies will come to me for revenge in the future. Today, I will make an example. After so many things, I found that the name of kindness is not as famous as the name of evil. "

Fu junxie and others were shocked when they heard the words.

"Fight!" Seeing that they had no way to live, the group roared and all of them were in trouble with Chen Yang.

With a big wave of his hand, Chen Yang shows his sword formula of fortune!

For a long time, he didn't use the Jian Jue of fortune, but now the Jian Jue of fortune is already a skill of participating in fortune.

In an instant, Chen Yang has stepped into another space with xianzun and Qiao Ning. And in this space that trapped the six people of Fu junxie, the endless sword of ice soul was like a thousand swordsmanship masters.

Sword light cold nine heavy sky!

The sword light is fierce, and the cold power spreads.

After a short time, all the six people were hanged and killed by Chen Yang's formula of fortune sword. As for the fragments after their death, they were all absorbed by the ice soul.

Chen Yang himself will not absorb these things.

Some causes and effects can be tolerated outside the physical body. Inhale the physical body, integrate into the mana, and you will have endless trouble.

The moon immortal is a living example.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang then received the ice soul ocean and said.

"Go back to my Moon Palace first." The Moon Fairy said.

She is reluctant to go to the imperial city of Dakang.

She was always in favor of the Emperor Xuan Zhenghao. Chen Yang is not slow. He can also guess the concerns of Mingyue xianzun, so he agrees now.

Then, the group quickly left the graveyard. Then came a transmission array in the North Sea.

It's a secret transmission array belonging to Tianzhou Beihai. Chen Yang didn't know that before.

From Tianzhou to doomsday cemetery, you don't need teleportation array. But to enter Tianzhou, you have to go through the teleportation array.

Tianzhou is well protected. It is blessed with the power of all the major sects and the beasts. Its rules coincide with the way of heaven.

Only when the creator comes, can he forcibly tear open the boundary.

But even if the masters of creation come, they will not be so boring to do such thankless things.

The transmission array of Beihai belongs to a group of bandits on this side of Beihai. Mingyue xianzun is highly respected in Beihai. It's no problem to use this teleportation array.

After that, the three returned to the Moon Palace.

The Moon Palace is the same.

Tianzhou is still sunny. It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Yang looked at the time, and he remembered that Chen Nianci came home at about 5:30. I promised my son that he would be at home after school.

Mingyue xianzun brings Chen Yang and Qiao Ning to her Mingyue palace.

She did not disturb the other disciples of the Moon Palace.

Chen Yang gave the inner elixir of the sun moon Warcraft to Mingyue xianzun, and then said, "xianzun, I'll go ahead with Qiao Ning. Come back later! "

Bright Moon Fairy Zun smile, said: "good!"

How could she not know the pain of their love.

Chen Yang said, "at the same time, she can't help it."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I don't have to!"

Later, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left Mingyue palace directly.

At that moment, Chen Yang wrapped Qiao Ning, and they crossed the sky like a brilliant meteor.

Blue sky and white clouds, flying freely!

Soon, they came to a lonely island in the sea and fell down among the mountains. Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, what a beautiful scenery.

After the settlement, the two did not say a word, it is a round of crazy hot kiss.

This kiss, which has been brewing for three years, is so mellow and distant.

Chen Yang has love for Shen monong. But more is the responsibility, is to cherish, is to thank her for giving birth to a son. And it's so hard to raise!

Chen Yang's deep love for ling'er comes from his heart. But this kind of love is too pure.

And Chen Yang's love for Qiao Ning is the true love of men and women, unreserved love and blazing love.

After that, they got into the bed of Jie Xumi.

Is so warm, is so urgent, regardless of everything.

Just because, miss too much, miss too much.

Even when Chen Yang enters Qiao Ning's body, Qiao Ning will burst into tears.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning tossed and tossed, and naturally entered the meat repair state.Above the cultivation of flesh is spiritual cultivation, and the higher realm is the blend of soul and flesh. Soul and body enter into the state together. Obviously, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are in this state.

They roam in each other's thoughts and mana. All of Chen Yang's memories are candid to Qiao Ning. He loves her heart, can learn from the sun and the moon.

Of course, with so many memories, Qiao Ning can't go to see them one by one. But she also saw what Chen Yang had experienced in recent years. Including the bad relationship between Chen Yang and yazhenyuan.

Qiao Ning is different from ling'er. Ling'er can't accept Chen Yang's revenge. After Qiao Ning saw it, she thought it should be like this.

She and ling'er are people of two worlds.

Qiao Ning's love is pure, but also very tolerant.

There are too many rules of thumb, too. With the help of Chen Yang, her accomplishments soared to the peak of fairyland!

Cave fairyland peak!

This is how far Qiao Ning felt before!

Now, she has.

It made her cry with joy.

After all this, Chen Yang suddenly woke up.

He immediately turned over and dressed.

Qiao Ning also quickly dressed, she has returned to the usual cool state.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang strangely, "what's the emergency?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "nothing else. I promised Nianci that he would see me after school. I can't break my faith with him. "

Qiao Ning was slightly surprised and said, "no, it's almost six o'clock now."

Chen Yang put his arms around her soft waist, then gave her a kiss on the lip and said, "he should forgive me for being a few minutes late, won't he?" After a pause, he touched her stomach and said, "it would be better if you could have a baby for me, too."

Qiao Ning gently smile, appear some mischievous, said: "I know what you mean, you are afraid that I am jealous? I am different from Mo Nong. She is willing to live a worldly life. But I'm willing to go out and fight with you. I don't think much about children's affairs, and you don't have to feel sorry for me. Anyway, you have both children, so don't give me pressure. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "there's nothing I can do with you."

He then said, "well, I'll take you back to Dakang first. Su Yanran has been worried about you. When I get there, I'll arrange everything and come to you as soon as possible. "

Qiao Ning nodded.

Then, they quickly returned to the imperial city of Dakang.

Chen Yang naturally went to the world directly through the transmission array.

One day later, Chen Yang quickly came to Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang and Shaowei's residence to reunite with Qiao Ning. It was Shen Molong who asked Chen Yang to come as soon as possible. How can Shen Molong know Chen Yang in general? How can he seize Chen Yang because he has Chen Yang's son.

Just because Qiao Ning doesn't say anything doesn't mean she can do it.

In Shaowei, the change is not big. Bi Yue and Bi Tao are older and more mature. Lin Bo, the housekeeper, was also healthy. When Chen Yang came back, all the servants were very happy.

Chen Yang, the master, has never had any airs. They are generous to everyone. How can they not like it.

Between Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, love is needless to say.

That night, Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang, "have you ever thought about going to find Meiniang? And I don't know how she's doing? "

This is on the wine table, two people drink to talk, pour also timid idea.

When Chen Yang heard Qiao Ning mention Nie Meiniang, he sighed and said, "what if you find it? She was by my side and couldn't get the result she wanted. It's just adding trouble. Now I understand that many things, not like fairy tales, are the end together. Everyone has his own way and destination. "

"This time, so much? Still so deep? " Qiao Ning couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yang said, "in the end, can't I bring my daughter back? She has to go her own way. Everyone is the protagonist of their own life, I am her passer-by

Qiao Ning said: "you are my leading role."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "of course."

Qiao Ning said: "it's reasonable that you should go to see the emperor first when you come back."

Chen Yang said, "let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm here. He should have known it the first time. I think he should know the pain of love between our husband and wife, and he will understand. "

Qiao Ning grinned and said no more.

After drinking, they took a mandarin duck bath together. They always loved each other endlessly.

Farewell is better than marriage!

That night, Chen Yang tossed Qiao Ning hard. Fortunately, Qiao Ning has a good constitution, but she can deal with jackals like Chen Yang.

After the love, the day was light, and the two were still energetic. They held each other and talked.Chen Yang said with some displeasure: "as a man, xianzun has always known a lot. You and I treat her well. She knows that you are my wife. How can she take you to the hospital? Doesn't she have so many disciples? "

Qiao Ning said: "you have wronged xianzun. In the past three years, xianzun has helped me a lot. What's more, my Leifa's power can be improved by cooperating with her. This can't be replaced by others. Xianzun's body was injured and he didn't ascend the throne. In desperation, he asked me for help. She's thin skinned. She'd rather die than find other people. "

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