Chen Yang said: "I don't want to manage so much. Anyway, this time, fortunately you're OK. If something happens to you, there won't be another friendly day between Mingyue palace and me from now on. "

Chen Yang's words are also love words.

Therefore, Qiao Ning's eyes are gentle at the moment. She reaches out her hand to touch Chen Yang's cheek. Then he said, "don't say that. You and I are all the same. Friends need help. There's a reason to stand idly by. Is there a day when you go to help your elder brother and second brother? What's the matter? I want to hate them? "

"Of course not!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Qiao Ning smile, said: "so ah, you can't double standard!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang got up and had breakfast together.

The sun is bright and gentle.

Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, Bi Yue, Bi Tao and Lin Bo are eating snacks in the pavilion in the courtyard.

The blue sky and white clouds, the willows outside the courtyard, and the breeze. All these beautiful let Chen Yang linger, feel that if there is no outside trouble, so carefree life, such a day is like a fairy.

However, Chen Yang is also very clear in his mind. All the beauty you cherish is because it is short and not easy. The second generation of rich people have lived a superior life and enjoyed comfort for a long time, but they still have depression.

Chen Yang's comfortable time did not last long, because soon, people came to the palace.

It was a father-in-law who came to deliver a decree.

"General Chen, the emperor has an edict that you and miss Qiao will enter the palace immediately to face the emperor!" The father-in-law respectfully said.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are not surprised at all.

The father-in-law said, "the carriage is waiting outside. Moreover, the emperor has called all the officials to wait for them."

Chen Yang was a little surprised. "And summoned all the officials? To give me a promotion? "

Qiao Ning smile, said: "this is not strange, let's not guess, let's go!"

For Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang's feelings are complex. But anyway, Xuan Zhenghao didn't apologize to Chen Yang. Therefore, he needs to give xuanzhenghao face. Moreover, they are interdependent.

Xuan Zhenghao is kind to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang will always remember this kindness. No matter what xuanzhenghao's purpose is. But Chen Yang only needs to remember two points. First, Xuan Zhenghao tried to save his life. 2、 Xuan Zhenghao also paid a heavy price.

As for the rest, there is no need to ask more.

In the world, one of the greatest evils in human nature is that you don't know how to be grateful.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning then changed their clothes, and Chen Yang also changed into the court clothes he seldom wore. After putting it on, it looks straight and steady.

After that, they took a carriage and went into the palace with the father-in-law.

Entering the palace is naturally a smooth journey. All the way, Chen Yang feels the Fengshui flow of the palace, as well as the magnificent buildings and various palace people walking through it. It's like looking at a beautiful picture.

All of a sudden, Chen Yang has a kind of insight again.

This sudden realization

And the truth of the world is in every corner, right in front of your eyes, just to see if you will find it.

Chen Yang is suddenly aware of the existence of dimensions.

The picture in front of us is like a picture of the river during the Qingming Festival. One line belongs to one dimension, and the people in Qingming River map belong to two dimensions. They don't think the world in front of them is very beautiful. And when people go to see the Qingming Riverside map, they feel how wonderful it is. It belongs to the third dimension. When you see everything in the parallel world in the wormhole, you belong to the fifth dimension.

Every time you go up one dimension, everything in front of you will be very different.

The truth in life is the pattern. It is the first dimension to only look at the present and see nothing else in the eyes. Look at the immediate gains and losses, the second dimension. Look at the future gains and losses, the third dimension. Look at the overall pattern, judge the changes of the world, the fourth dimension. Foreseeing the past and the future is the fifth dimension, which has gone beyond.

What about the sixth and seventh dimensions?

This is unthinkable.

In other words, the ancients in the past only knew how to write myths to explain all the incomprehensible natural phenomena. That's two dimensions, and in modern times, we can use science to explain many natural phenomena. We know we're on earth, and that's three-dimensional.

When Chen Yang, for example, can sense a lot of matter in the universe by himself, this is the four-dimensional. If you are a master of creation, it's the real five dimensions, but it can't be completely regarded as five dimensions. As for the six dimensions after the five dimensions, they may exist like the great emperor of the universe.

It's all very mysterious.

Each of us stands on the earth like a part of a machine. One day, when we know that we are part of that part and can communicate with the machine through the part, that is the time of awakening.

Chen Yang has not been in court for a long time.

The red carpet will extend for thousands of meters. Outside the hall, there are majestic imperial branches on both sides.At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning began to enter the hall.

Intangibly, Chen Yang is aware of the solemnity of a ceremony.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning enter the hall together, and soon they come to the main hall.

In the hall, all the civil and military officials were there, including LAN Hongning, the son of the late Marquis Wu.

LAN Hongning is the new Marquis of Wu, and Xuan Zhenghao takes good care of the LAN family. Moreover, under the care of Xuan Zhenghao, LAN Hongning has been promoted to the cultivation in the middle of the fairyland of the cave. I'm worthy of the title of marquis Wu.

In the court, Wen Hou and Wu Hou are all here, and there are also many military generals.

But when Chen Yang appears, he is a dazzling halo in the field.

There were no experts in the early days of tianyujing, at least none of them in the court. Civil and military officials are not good at magic power. Xuan Zhenghao's private cultivation of strength is his real heritage. The officials in this war are the ones who help him run the country.

"Last general, see the emperor, long live the emperor!"

"People's daughter Qiao Ning, see the emperor, long live the emperor!"

They both knelt down to salute.

In such an occasion, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning naturally want to give foot Xuan Zhenghao face.

When Chen Yang came in, he glanced at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan is wearing a mang Dragon Robe on the throne of Jinluan. His Dharma is solemn, but he is quiet. Chen Yang can't see through his accomplishments.

Chen Yang feels that he is still far from the opponent of Xuan Zhenghao!

Xuan Zhenghao's progress over the years is unimaginable. In the past three years, I really don't know how far he has been.

"You two love Qing, flat out!" Xuanzhenghao said immediately.

Chen Yang stands up with Qiao Ning.

Xuanzhenghao's voice is dignified, no one can feel his emotion. Just listen to Xuan Zhenghao continue to say: "Shaowei general, young and promising. Today, I call you two in front of all the civil and military officials. I want to take this opportunity to show them the dignity of general Shaowei and King silver shark. General Shaowei and King silver shark have always been the people of Dakang. How can I not reuse such masters as them. Marquis Zhao, what kind of official position do you think I should allow as general Shaowei

Marquis Zhao is Wen Hou!

Zhao Xun Dao!

Although Zhao XUNDAO is a scholar, his accomplishments are unfathomable. His knowledge is extremely profound, and he is the pillar of the country.

Zhao Xun Dao was able to figure out the emperor's meaning.

Besides, he discussed with the emperor last night. At present, Zhao Xun Tao came out and said, "I think that general Shaowei's talent and martial arts are comparable to those of few people in the world. Only when he is granted the title of "Zhen Guo Hou", can he show his status as a general of Shaowei. "

"I'll wait for you!"

"I'll wait for you!"

All of them agreed with each other. Even LAN Hongning agrees!

LAN Hongning and Chen Yang naturally have no hatred, because Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are not in the same group.

"Good!" Xuanzhenghao immediately said: "immediately, with the imperial edict of Shangshu, Chen Yang was granted the title of Marquis of Dakang town. The official residence is the first grade! "

"Thank you, Emperor long en!" Chen Yang immediately knelt down to receive the order!

Chen Yang's heart is like a mirror. Naturally, he doesn't care about the country. But, he must give Xuan Zhenghao this face, also promise Xuan Zhenghao. In the future, when Dakang is in trouble, the country's Marquis can't stand idly by.

This is xuanzhenghao too careful. Even if Chen Yang is not given the honor of being a country official, when Dakang is in trouble, Chen Yang is unlikely to stay out of it.

Of course, this is Chen Yang's idea.

And standing in the height of Xuan Zhenghao, he did so, there is a deeper meaning. That is to tell heaven that Chen Yang is the man in my chariot.

This is a strategic significance.

At the same time, he also told the world that Chen Yang is from Dakang.

As for Qiao Ning, xuanzheng Haofeng Qiao Ning is the first lady of the town.

Chen Yang readily accepted.

After all this, he retired.

After retreating, Xuan Zhenghao still lets Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stay. Many officials didn't think much of it.

However, after that, many officials from outside Shaowei mansion came to give gifts. Including Wen Hou and Wu Hou, they all gave a big gift.

As for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, Xuan Zhenghao brings them into the eight Fu Tu of Tianlong.

The three stood on the bridge of one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao first laughed and said, "Chen Yang, I knew that you can't have an accident so easily. I haven't seen you for more than three years. Your cultivation is more refined. "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "it seems that your cultivation is more profound."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in the past three years, I didn't dare to be idle. Every day, they confirm each other with eternal predecessors and Emperor Xuan. Finally, there are some gains and progress! The more fierce the killing and robbery, the higher the cultivation, but the more frightened they are! "

Chen Yang immediately asked, "where is the eternal elder?"Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's a pity that he left three months ago. His accomplishments have recovered by a third, and he needs more materials and opportunities. You don't have to worry about him. In today's world, there are not many people who can deal with him. "

Chen Yang said, "that's good!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's a pity that he has been thinking about you all the time. If he leaves later, it would be nice to see you alive."

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