The eyes of his majesty ZuLong burst out a dazzling light, which completely enveloped Yuanjue! A hundred million Li area is full of such holy brilliance!

The infinite rules and mysteries of the universe are embodied in such divine brilliance. Yuanjue immediately felt the vastness of the word, this sacred, people can not help but want to worship!

Under this kind of sacredness, people feel that the universe is so big that they can only submit to it!

In such a holy light, even if the master of creation comes, he will be lost in an instant.

But what kind of person is Yuanjue? He is the God of all dharmas!

His eyes are very clear, he is not lost in the glory, but very enjoy. It's like a holy monk with holy light.

Of course, his majesty ZuLong knows that it is impossible to defeat Yuanjue in this way. If Yuanjue is so easy to defeat, then Yuanjue is not Yuanjue.

His majesty ZuLong's eyes flashed!

In the vast river of light, all of a sudden, the light turned into violent particles of light. Many of these light particles are terrible light quantum, and also have all kinds of strange lightning.

In the parallel world, a quantum of light and a flash of lightning can kill a peerless master. In this case, the number of these photons is calculated in megabytes! And it integrates the universal law of his majesty ZuLong's understanding


Light quanta, electric particles, and even solar particles are all gathered together, like a torrent of water rolling towards Yuanjue. In all directions, there is no hiding, no hiding, no escaping.

Yuanjue was overwhelmed by such attack and killing in an instant.

"Amitabha!" Yuanjue chanted a slogan, and his body was smashed in an instant. But soon, he regained his noumenon. The laws of the universe, the quantum of light, and so on all passed through his body. He and the quantum of light had become one.

"Amitabha!" With a cold smile, his majesty ZuLong said, "Buddhism and Taoism are nothing. What do you say? Amitabha

Yuanjue laughed and said, "Buddhism and Taoism are the best principles that we spread! Amitabha is a mantra of the poor monk. Why should your majesty be angry? "

His majesty ZuLong said, "I have been wandering in the universe for many years, and I will never forget the battle with the great universe emperor that day. But I didn't expect that over the years, he actually incarnated in the way of heaven and gave birth to many experts like you. If he is really smart, he knows that one's power is limited after all. "

Yuanjue said faintly: "Your Majesty, the great emperor of the universe has been merciless and senseless. Although he is immortal, he is lifeless. Why do you have to worry about that year! "

With a cold snort, his majesty ZuLong said, "it's the emperor who has to worry about it. It's just that the homeland must be taken back."

Yuanjue said, "home? I'm afraid it's difficult for lingzun and human beings to coexist! "

His majesty ZuLong said, "yes, I'll start by killing you first."

Yuan Jue said with a smile, "if you want to kill me, of course you can. However, your Majesty's tactics are not enough to suppress the poor monks. Please show your real skills. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "good!"

Later, his majesty ZuLong took back the light, and his body had covered all the hundred million Li!

In this space, he shoots out the law of cosmic light!

As a result, within a hundred million Li space, there is a vast expanse of blue. Ripples are generated in the blue light, just like the ocean.

His majesty ZuLong's understanding of the law of light is not trivial, even Yuanjue does not dare to underestimate it.


In the light of the universe, suddenly, a terrible planet comes towards Yuanjue.

His majesty ZuLong really picked up a planet and then killed it with great mana! The inner part of the planet is boiling. Once it hits Yuanjue, it will be crushed.

Zeus light law with the operation of the planet, at the same time, grasp the track of Yuanjue!

This is like catching a turtle in a jar.

Yuanjue's eyes were still calm, and the planet came, so there was darkness in front of him. This kind of repression is terrible.

Yuanjue's eyes suddenly burst out of light, and his eyes shot out golden rays!

This ray instantly cut out, thousands of miles away, the star cup ray shot, just like a basketball was cut by the laser.


The planet is broken!

When his majesty ZuLong grabs it, his golden dragon claw grabs all the energy waves of the planet explosion in his hand, and then twinkles to wrap the sense of truth directly.

Then, the energy wave explodes!

His majesty ZuLong still threw the explosive power of the planet on Yuanjue.

Yuanjue's eyes didn't blink. His body suddenly became soft and turned into water in an instant!

Good as water!

The water exploded and turned into countless drops of water, splashing everywhere.

His majesty ZuLong sneered and made another move.

So his two big golden claws turned into ten golden dragons and flew out. These golden dragons swallow the drops of water into their stomachs like lightning.Boom!

The ten golden dragons will fly away after swallowing the drops of water. His majesty ZuLong knows that these drops are the real strength of Yuanjue. He didn't want to give Yuanjue a chance to fit, so he directly used his magic power.

The ten golden dragons were about to fly away, and their bodies quickly suppressed Yuanjue with great laws and magic power.

But Yuanjue's counterattack was faster, and then ten golden dragons suddenly flashed, and then each appeared a Yuanjue. Ten yuan Jue turn over and sit on the ten golden dragons, and then control them.

These ten golden dragons, each of which is put on the earth, are the existence of easily killing Gaia. But now they are all clamped down by Yuanjue. This is the real king to King.

It is unimaginable and inconceivable that the power of living beings can be cultivated to such an extent.

His majesty ZuLong used his means again, and the two beards on his face flew out instantly, turned into two sharp swords and killed two of them.

The two Yuanjue also shot in an instant, with a sword to deal with!

For a moment, the light of the sword soared, and a light of the sword ran thousands of miles away.

The two sides are in a fierce battle, and Yuanjue wants to kill all the golden dragons. His majesty ZuLong had a bad feeling and waved the law of light. With a few waves, the waves are surging. Finally, he rescued the golden dragons. And ten yuan Jue also fit into one.

Yuanjue is within the rule of his majesty ZuLong, but it is like the autumn water of Pinghu, relaxed and free from its influence.

There were several rounds of fighting between the two big men, but there was no distinction between them.

Of course, the fight just now was just a trial.

At this time, his majesty ZuLong also quieted down.

In the ocean of light, calm to the extreme. Yuanjue is as motionless as an old monk.

"Yuanjue, you are really good." His majesty ZuLong said suddenly.

With a faint smile, Yuanjue said, "I'm not afraid to make mistakes for the sake of the earth and all living beings in the world."

His majesty ZuLong said, "what you have built is not the way of freedom."

Yuanjue said, "if everyone practices the Tao of freedom, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

His majesty ZuLong said, "those who have no scruples are better than those who have scruples."

Yuanjue said: "to have scruples is to have faith and persistence! It's better to have a goal than to have no goal. Understand

His majesty ZuLong said, "it seems that today, the emperor is willing to kill you at the expense of the essence."

Yuanjue said: "Your Majesty's generous gift, poor monk today should also take one by one."

"I'm afraid you can't take it!" His majesty ZuLong gave a sneer.

Yuanjue said, "Your Majesty is going to do it!"

"Good!" Said his majesty ZuLong.

The two men were calm for a short time, and then they had a big fight. His majesty ZuLong opened his mouth and spewed out ten star stones!

These ten stars fly out, continuously changing in the air, shuttling through the void, then expanding, ten stars in a row! And Yuanjue is trapped by ten stars!

"These ten star stones are made by the emperor who spent thousands of years in the universe. The fire of the stars is for the great emperor of the universe!" His majesty ZuLong's voice was fierce and said, "Yuanjue, come and inspect the goods."


In the next second, ten star stones roar and burn. With star stones as fuel and the law of cosmic light as wind, the two sides merge.

Once the Ten Star stones burn, they will be destroyed. This is not renewable and can not be reused. However, the terrorist energy it erupts is also immeasurable.

The strength of such burning lies in its essence, not only pure spiritual mana, but also the law of energy.

It's like an open fire, even if there are no rules in it, it can also burst out extremely fierce killing power. What's more, his majesty ZuLong has integrated rules into it.

Yuanjue didn't dare to be careless at this time.

He also knows that the law can no longer resist the power of the ten stars by simply relying on mana.

He will not run the earth's power at this time, because the other side's ten stars are ten waste stars. The earth's power must not be hard fought and wasted in this way.

The flames are burning and the void is illuminated. In the flame, the essence fire is vertical and horizontal. The more it burns, the more fierce it is. There is a kind of meaning and law of burning heaven and earth.

Yuanjue sits on his knees, letting it burn.

The fire burned for three days and three nights, in which Yuanjue was finally burned to ashes.

"As a puppet, do you want to cheat the emperor?" When his majesty ZuLong saw this, he was not moved by it at all. He knew that Yuanjue used the body of a puppet to bear the flame of the stars. And in the ashes of the puppet!

"Of course you can't cheat your majesty!" Yuanjue came out of the ashes, and he said faintly: "I didn't want to deceive your majesty, just let these ten stars burn energy. Now, it's time for me to do it! "

A long black sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

Then, he cut down with one sword!

"Break the void!" Yuanjue yelled.A sword down, sword light vertical and horizontal, directly will ten stars Lianzhu flame cut out a huge hole.

Then, Yuanjue left the encirclement of ten stars.

His majesty ZuLong couldn't help looking pale and said, "what kind of sword is this?"

Yuanjue stood in the void and said faintly, "Your Majesty doesn't know that this sword is the root of the great emperor of the universe, and it's the dust bone sword!"

One sword breaks the starry sky, one sword cuts the dust!

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