His majesty ZuLong's Ten Star Lianzhu was broken by Yuanjue. And at this time, Yuanjue no longer defends, but takes the initiative to attack. He stood in the air, then FA Xiang was solemn, and suddenly cut a sword directly!

Dust bone sword burst out dazzling light, and finally formed a sword light!

This sword light is hundreds of millions of Li in length and breadth. The light illuminates the void again, and then kills the body of his majesty ZuLong. The body of his majesty ZuLong bears such a sword. For example, a huge scar appeared on the body of the hundred thousand mountains, and the smoke came out.

The smoke disappeared as soon as it appeared in space.

His majesty ZuLong didn't make any sound, but he was experiencing Yuanjue's sword carefully.

"I see!" A moment later, his majesty ZuLong seemed to realize something. Then, with a big hand, all the sea of light was condensed into a huge sword. This big blue sword cuts at Yuanjue.

Swords are like stars and tides!

There is no place to escape!

It's too late to think about the past. Their swords collide fiercely in the void, and their aftereffects ripple for thousands of miles.

Mountain calls Tsunami!

Fortunately, the battle between the two men is in the vast void. If they were on the earth, the life on the earth would have been ruined. The three thousand spaces on earth may have been broken.

Yuanjue and his majesty ZuLong fought fiercely, and their swords were flying. They fought fiercely.

But then, with a sneer from his majesty ZuLong, he would swallow Yuanjue into his mouth. When he decides to swallow, it means that he has understood all the rules of Yuanjue. Since he dares to swallow it, he dares to keep Yuanjue in his body forever. As long as you imprison Yuanjue, he can invade the earth at this moment.

There is no such thing as Yuanjue on the earth. Under the great power of his majesty ZuLong, the earth is nothing but a local chicken and a local dog!

No one can resist the power of his majesty zulongbu.

Yuanjue stood empty in the air, and his majesty ZuLong opened his mouth. In front of me, there was darkness for tens of thousands of miles, which was the mouth of his majesty ZuLong.

No matter where or when, his majesty ZuLong won't give people like Yuanjue a chance to escape. If other people come, let alone.

Yuanjue doesn't move.

In the moment of his majesty ZuLong's swallowing, Yuanjue recites silently and runs away!

Later, Yuanjue appeared outside the mouth of his majesty ZuLong. ZuLong continued to devour, but Yuanjue was always wandering outside. This is the ultimate operation of space and time. Even ZuLong can't break the law of space in front of Yuanjue's eyes!

"Broken!" ZuLong suddenly raises his tail, and the giant tail sweeps away, smashing the space in front of Yuanjue's eyes. The ripples started to be slight, and then the tide surged up.

Then, the space in front of Yuanjue's eyes is directly broken.

ZuLong swallowed it up again.

Yuanjue's figure flashed. At this moment, he suddenly grasped a star with one hand. This planet was captured in the course of his arrival. Always hidden, with great magic power, great space to hide it. And then it suddenly showed up.

This planet rushed directly into the belly of ZuLong!

Then the interior of the planet began to explode.

Yuanjue is by no means a little white rabbit. In the war between gods and demons, he overcame countless gods and demons, which can be seen.


The planet exploded completely, and the infinite energy wave exploded in ZuLong's body.

At the beginning, Ying Zheng was killed by a planet.

But for now, the opponent is ZuLong.

How can ZuLong be killed by a planet? When that planet explodes, ZuLong's internal space changes and vibrates out endless ripples.

Then, ZuLong sucked again and devoured all the planet's energy.

He burped directly, but nothing happened.

Round sense is also slightly faded.

ZuLong is really hard to deal with.

At this time, ZuLong continued to devour Yuanjue. As soon as Yuan Jue's eyes were cold, he simply flashed into ZuLong's belly.

"Yuanjue, how dare you! You are looking for death ZuLong was slightly surprised to see that Yuanjue dared to enter his abdomen.

Yuanjue laughed in ZuLong's body and said, "Your Majesty, today, I want your life!"

In ZuLong's body, endless ripples ripple in the dark space, and then like countless sharp blades to cut the flesh on Yuanjue's body.

Divide, devour!

ZuLong forced all the rules of Yuanjue to refine, and Yuanjue was divided up in an instant.

Yuanjue becomes ashes directly, and ZuLong devours it again.

Soon, ZuLong belched again.

"Your Majesty, not everything in the world can be eaten. You can devour thousands of planets, but the earth is your cue ball, and you dare to devour it, don't you want to die! "

The sound of Yuanjue comes.And at this time, in ZuLong's body, muscles began to mutate. No matter how ZuLong suppressed it, he could not. Yuanjue finally exerts the power of the world from the earth, and the power of the world condenses the body of Yuanjue again. And completely tore open the body muscles of ZuLong.

ZuLong finally gave out a roar of pain. His body rolled and the space vibrated. Unexpectedly, he directly shook Yuanjue out of his body.

ZuLong is injured.

At this time, ZuLong no longer love war, turned and fled. His body shrank and lightning flew out.

"Now that you're here, don't go!" Yuanjue is not polite, and quickly chases after him.

You can see that in space, the ZuLong is like a giant, flying out and stepping on a planet. And then on another planet. It's like countless piles on the water.

He step on a planet, lightning escape!

Yuanjue also catches up with him and steps on a planet.

These two guys are in space, taking the planet as a stake, chasing lightning.

But in the end, Yuanjue did not catch up with ZuLong.

It's not that he can't chase, it's that he's too far away from the earth. Round eyes worry about the earth. He is afraid that he will make plans for the mountains. Although this is unlikely, he is not at ease. Then, Yuanjue returned to the earth.

All over the world, countries have also found that the threat inside the satellite has completely disappeared. From beginning to end, they didn't know what was going on.

After the battle in space, there was no ripple left. It's like nothing ever happened.

In the imperial sky boat, the virtual shadow of ZuLong appeared again on the Jielong pole.

Long qianjue came to see you alone.

"See your majesty!" Long qianjue said in a deep voice.

He appeared respectful.

ZuLong said faintly: "just now, the emperor and Yuanjue fought."

Long qianjue was surprised and said, "so fast?"

ZuLong said: "in the power of the world of Yuanjue, there is the power of the parent star that the emperor can't cope with, so the emperor suffered a small loss!"

Long qianjue said, "it's really mean!"

ZuLong said: "it's not mean. It's just inferior. The earth is the existence that breeds us. In the earth, there is the nemesis of Kepler fairyland, and there is also our nemesis. So if we want to survive, we have to take control of the earth. "

Long qianjue said, "Your Majesty, what you think is also what we think. But Even you are not the opponent of Yuanjue. What should we do? "

"Don't worry too much." ZuLong said: "today, the emperor has done what he should do. The seeds have been sown. They will blossom and bear fruit. I have known for a long time that there is no way to solve the problem of Yuanjue. The wisdom of the great emperor of the universe is unparalleled, and now he has eternal life. But there will be loopholes in his arrangement! Sooner or later, he will be defeated by himself

"What do you mean?" Long Qian was puzzled.

ZuLong gave a cold smile and said, "you will know in the future."

Later, ZuLong disappeared on the Jielong platform.

In the middle of the earth, peace has been restored again.

It's August, and the weather in Tianzhou and all over the world is getting hot.

Chen Yang agreed to Chen Ling, and naturally he wanted to do it. After he returned to the world, he gave the mark to Ye Qingcheng.

At the same time, he also talked a lot with Ye Qingcheng.

I also learned something about Chen Ling from Shen monong.

Chen Yang knows that Chen Ling has many wives and some of them live in Yanjing. One of them is a princess from another space, called longying. Long Ying also gave birth to a daughter, Chen Miaoling.

Chen Ling seldom sees them now.

Chen Yang also asked Ye Qingcheng, such a life, regret it?

So no regrets for a person, and other women share a man. And then such a wait, is it worth it?

Ye Qingcheng said something that impressed Chen Yang.

"I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun!"

Chen Yang understood what they meant.

They could have been ordinary people for a lifetime. If they have never met Ling, they can live like this. But how can they accept mediocrity when they see the light of the sun?

Chen Yang thinks of Su Qing and song Ning.

He thinks that separation is for their good. Because he is full of too many uncertain variables, how much youth do they have? It's not cost-effective to wait until you get old.

But can they really be happy without themselves?

Chen Yang suddenly wants to see Su Qing and song Ning.

So Chen Yang went to Binhai first. He was over the seashore, shooting at the seashore with his mind, and soon found the location of Su Qing.

To Chen Yang's relief, Su Qing has remarried and has a good life.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.He knows that he and Su Qing have completely finished. Chen Yang is not sentimental, but reassured.

At the same time, Chen Yang also paid attention to Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue is still single. She is in her thirties. She never had a boyfriend!

Chen Yang sighed slightly. He knew what Lin Qingxue thought, but what could he do?

Chen Yang decided to visit Song Ning first, and then Lin Qingxue.

After that, Chen Yang continued to enter the dark world with his mind. He went to observe the elder martial sister Lin Bing in the dark world. To her surprise, the elder martial sister and the great master Lin haoxuan were togethe

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