Of course, Chen Yang still remembers how crazy Lin haoxuan was in love with blue and purple clothes. Now that he is with his elder martial sister, Chen Yang is surprised. But more is joy, he hopes the eldest martial sister to find happiness. He hoped that they would not be so crazy and persistent.

Just like Shen Moneng in the parallel world, he is lonely in the end.

What's good about the so-called wrong life at the sight of Yang Guo. The last Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang are not desolate.

Not everyone is crazy!

Chen Yang is most worried about song Ning, who is a girl he loves. He was afraid that song Ning would continue to be alone.

Chen Yang's mind continued to shoot, and soon found song Ning.

Song Ning is really single, but she has come out of the hurt. People also become optimistic and cheerful.

Chen Yang did not disturb song Ning.

The wound has scabbed. If he appears again, he will tear the scar open, and then let song Ning bleed again.

This life is too short.

Song Ning, wish you happiness for the rest of your life!

Then Chen Yang went to the seaside and met Lin Qingxue. Or meet like old friends, Lin Qingxue for Chen Yang's arrival is very happy, kind call brother.

Chen Yang asked Lin Qingxue why he didn't find a person.

Lin Qingxue blushed slightly and said, "I haven't met the right one. Besides, in my life, is it the only way to get married and have children? Can't there be a different way to live? "

Chen Yang was stunned.

He didn't know how to retort, but muttered, "if your brother is alive, he certainly doesn't want you to be like this."

Lin Qingxue said: "I live for myself. It's nothing bad. If it's for fear of his disappointment, it's to live for him. "

Chen Yang was helpless and said, "well, well, I can't say you."

Chen Yang had dinner with Lin Qingxue, and then left.

Maybe what she said is right. Life is not just a way to live.

In the early morning, dense fog covered the top of Mount Tai.

Shendi and Yuanjue sit on each other's knees.

"Ancient ZuLong, lurking very deep, you even defeated him, who else in the world can help you?" Asked the emperor.

Yuanjue took a look at the emperor, stretched out his palm and said, "look at this palm. If it has a positive side, it has a negative side. In this world, if there is a male, there is a female, if there is a male, there is a female, if there is a Yin, there is a Yang! "

The emperor said, "do you mean there are advantages and disadvantages?"

Yuanjue said, "that's right!"

The God Emperor said, "you mean that the layout of the great emperor of the universe incarnates the way of heaven and breeds all things. It's a great move, but it also has great disadvantages? "

Yuanjue said, "you should also be aware of any malpractice. For so many years, the creature with cultivation doesn't want to get rid of the way of heaven. People who practice Taoism, especially those who are arrogant, think that they can get rid of the impermanence of life and death and resist the fate of heaven! But they don't think, what is the way of heaven doing? Is the earth the earth of one man? "

The God Emperor said, "I have known this for a long time, so I have been defending the way of heaven."

Yuanjue said, "if you ask about the malpractice, I will never bear the threat of spiritual respect. But I'm worried about Kepler, about the earth itself. After so many years of research and discovery, we will find that the decline of any powerful empire started from the inside. If there are no internal problems, there will be no external invasion. "

God said: "just like the human body itself, the human body's own immunity does not appear problems, the virus is unable to invade."

Yuanjue said, "that's right!"

The God Emperor said, "but with your accomplishments, can't you figure out where the problem will be?"

Yuanjue said, "we are not omniscient, let alone omnipotent. We have nothing to do, and the emperor of the universe has nothing to do. Do you understand? "

The emperor sighed.

Yuanjue said, "OK, you can go back."

The God Emperor did not say much, and then disappeared at the top of Mount Tai.

At the beginning of September, Fu Qingzhu came back.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin did not come back.

Chen Yanggang was also in the world, so he met Fu Qingzhu.

Fu Qingzhu tells Chen Yang that Luo Feng and Qin Lin have nothing else to do at present. They are going to the Western kingdom to meet old time.

Chen Yang also knew about the old man of time, so he didn't think much about it. As long as the two brothers are safe, everything will be fine.

Fu Yanyang and Fu Qingzhu are also very happy to see Chen Qingzhu back. Fu Qingzhu's cultivation also reached the middle stage of Tianyu. He has always been on the rise.

We talked about the changes in recent years, and Chen Yang talked about the wormhole trip. Fu Qingzhu didn't, and Chen Yang was in a cold sweat. Fu Qingzhu also said that they have gone out for training in recent years, which is a near death. They've been to a lot of outer space looking for the star stone. I've also fought and killed with other destiny people and some old demons.After all, no one is idle and no one is more relaxed than anyone else.

When Chen Yang worked hard in the wormhole, Fu Qingzhu also encountered his own opportunities and dangers, and wandered back and forth on the line of life and death.

Fu Qingzhu tells Chen Yang that Luo Feng is in the middle of heaven. They have also worked together to kill a master of creation. Fu Qingzhu said: "if I didn't know you and brother Luo Feng, I would have died countless times. Several times, it was the Luo Feng brothers who turned the tide. Now we have five star stones in our hands. "

Chen Yang can not help but feel incomparable.

Fu Qingzhu said: "the star stones are all in the hands of Luo Feng brothers. When he comes back, let's see how he distributes them."

Chen Yang said: "if you can't accept it, I will definitely give it to you."

Fu Qingzhu said: "roll your eggs. It's boring to say that."

Chen Yang laughs.

Fu Qingzhu then said: "smelly boy, still try me out."

The Western Kingdom, blue sea and clear sky.

Luo Feng was dressed in a solemn black robe, while Qin Lin was dressed in a white robe. One cold, one gentle. Today's Luofeng is increasingly dignified. Qin Lin is more and more gentle!

Luo Feng didn't want to bring Qin Lin when he came to see him. But Qin Lin must follow. Maybe Qin Lin also knows big brother's temperament.

Luo Feng is helpless.

Soon, Luo Feng and Qin Lin came to the Da Luo cave where the old man was imprisoned.

Daluo cave is deep in the sea and hidden in the distorted space. If it wasn't for Luo Feng's imprint and his extraordinary cultivation, he would never have been able to reach it.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin entered Da Luo cave smoothly. Later, Luo Feng broke the array of Da Luo cave with great magic power. Although the array of Da Luo cave was arranged by sages, it is too old. Now Luo Feng's cultivation is superb. It's easy to break the array.

At the same time, in the cave, Luo Feng and Qin Lin meet the old man of time.

"Adoptive father!" When Qin Lin saw the old man, he knelt down on one knee and cried.

Time old man is already very weak.

When he saw Qin Lin and Luo Feng, he was surprised.

"Lin'er, feng'er, you are here at last." Time old man weakly said: "if it's later, I'm afraid I'll be sucked dry by this array."

Qin Lin said: "elder brother has reached the heaven position. As soon as we finish our work, we will come to save you."

"You have a heart. When I recover some mana for my father, I will pass on the secret of fairyland to you! " Time old man said.

Qin Lin said, "it doesn't matter, as long as you are safe and sound."

Luo Feng didn't say a word, but at this time, he suddenly opened his mouth and said coldly, "adoptive father, do you really think that I will give you a chance to recover your mana?"

The old man of time was suddenly thrilled. He looked at Luo Feng and said, "Luo Feng, don't forget your original oath!"

Luo Feng said with a sharp smile: "oath? I don't believe the oath, but I remember when you were strong, we begged you, you didn't let us go. We cheap father and son, I think that's the end of it. I'm here today to learn from you. You can give it up. I'll save your life. If you can't hand it in, I'll kill you! "

"Big brother!" Qin Lin was also disgraced. He looked at Luo Feng and said, "brother, the past is over. Why do you embarrass your adoptive father? "

Luo Feng said, "second brother, don't be silly. At the beginning, he accepted you as his adopted son just to use you to restrain me. He has never trusted us. Now his mana hasn't recovered and he still thinks you are his son. If his mana is restored, he will kill you and me. Can you resist it? Don't forget that the old dog is a master of fairyland. "

"No!" Qin Lin said with certainty. "If so, I will."

Luo Feng said: "you recognize, what do you recognize? Second brother, your own life is so worthless? You always have good luck, don't you? Have you forgotten your daughter, your wife? What do they do when you're dead? "

"It's because of them that I want to accumulate more blessings for them!" Qin Lin said.

He then said, "in a word, if you want to deal with your adoptive father today, you will step on my corpse."

Qin Lin is determined to the extreme.

Luo Feng cold eyes, said: "second brother, all the sins, it doesn't matter, I'll bear. But I will fight all the risks for you and my third brother. The old dog wants to live. Today, there is only one way to go and hand over the secret art of fairyland. Then I will abolish his cultivation. After that, you can be kind and filial to him. As long as he doesn't pose any threat to us! "

Then Luo Feng stepped forward.

Qin Lin quickly drew out the supreme sword, pointed to Luo Feng and said, "brother, don't force me."

Luo Feng took another step forward, aiming his forehead at the tip of Taishang Shendao and said, "you're going to stop me today unless you kill me. Come on, you want to kill big brother. Big brother will never fight back. "Luo Feng's eyes are sharp!

"Damn, brother, can you kill me?" After Qin Lin stayed for a while, he scolded in silence.

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