Qin Lin and Chen Yang both know the temperament of big brother, and ye Ziqing and Xiao Silan are his only pillars. If you can choose to exchange a person to die, Chen Yang and Qin Lin will give up their lives without hesitation. They love this big brother too much.

Qin Lin then asked the old man time reluctantly and said, "adoptive father, the great shift of time is a secret skill of the fairyland. Can't we really move time?"

Time old man said: "no time secret can change what has happened. It can only change what didn't happen. Time goes down the river, just like a torrent waterfall. You can change the angle of its impact and make some subtle changes. But you can't let the torrent waterfall go up! "

Qin Lin said, "adoptive father, don't hate big brother, OK? I beg you to tell me a way

Time old man wry smile repeatedly, say: "Lin son, yes, your adoptive father, I am not necessarily what good person.". Besides, I don't like your big brother. But now, for the public and for the private, if I know the way, I will tell you. Because this is also my chance! Unfortunately, I can't cheat you. I really can't help it. "

Qin Lin finally left disappointed, he returned to the garden villa with a body of injury.

Chen Yang was sitting in front of the villa when dawn had already come and the sky was white.

He sat here in a daze.

Shen monong wants to accompany him, but he lets Shen monong take his children to bed.

Chen Yang has been thinking hard. He is trying to find a way.

He thought that Suzhen in black was also a rebirth of soul, but Suzhen in black was different. She was a master.

He thought of the Eternal Lord again!

However, there is no way!

There is no comparison between the situation of the eternal devil and Suzhen in black and the current situation.

In fact, Chen Yang knows that it is impossible for him to revive his sister-in-law and Xiao Silan. It's just that he doesn't want to accept the fact.

He looked up and saw Qin Lin coming back.

"Second brother!" Chen Yang was surprised and came to Qin Lin in a flash.

Qin Lin looks very weak.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you?" Chen Yang thinks he has met some big enemy.

Qin Lin shook his head and said, "I'm ok. How's big brother?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm still sleeping. I wish my elder brother would sleep on. Maybe in a dream, he can be reunited with his sister-in-law, Silan. "

Qin Lin said, "I'll go and have a look."

Chen Yang nodded, and he went with Qin Lin.

They're just watching in front of the bedroom.

But at this time, Luo Feng, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Luo Feng then flashed directly to the door and came to Chen Yang and Qin Lin.

"Big brother!" Chen Yang comes forward and hugs Luo Feng. He said with emotion and grief: "big brother..."

"Get out of the way!" Luo Feng ignored Chen Yang. He said coldly, "I still have something to do."

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, then quickly released Luo Feng.

Luo Feng went straight out.

Chen Yang and Qin Lin dare not ask more.

Luo Feng out of the living room, directly into a divine light left.

Qin Lin worried about Luo Feng and immediately said, "third brother, you should follow him immediately and look at elder brother."

Chen Yang nodded, his figure flashed, turned into a divine light and followed him.

A day has passed since the accident. Luo Feng Leng didn't leave a tear. He was quiet except when he was asleep. Other times, he didn't think about those things at all.

He dare not calm down to think.

Because it's something he can't afford.

Luo Feng came to the top of Mount Tai again.

He will destroy Mount Tai without saying a word.

He is not a man who makes trouble out of no reason. He also knows that it's no wonder that he realizes it. But Yuanjue is by far the best known person on earth. He had to come to talk to Yuanjue.

Yuanjue had no choice but to appear in front of Luo Feng again.

"Is there really no way to save them?" Luo Feng asked Yuanjue word by word.

Yuanjue stares at Luo Feng, his eyes are a little complicated. "It's an iron rule that people can't come back to life after death!"

"Iron law?" Luo Feng said, "who decided? Does this mean that there is still possibility behind the iron law? Just because it's the iron law, you can't do it? "

Yuanjue said, "benefactor, you are too persistent."

Luo Feng said, "either you kill me now. Or you tell me how to save them. Today, Yuanjue, I tell you, there is no third possibility. I'd like to thank you for choosing one of the two. If you don't kill me, you won't be able to defend it. "

Yuanjue said, "are you threatening me?"

Luo Feng said, "whatever you think."

After a long silence, the monk said, "I promise you."Luo Feng was stunned. He was not sure whether Yuanjue wanted to kill him or save his wife and daughter.

But right away, Yuanjue said, "benefactor, I'll find a chance for you. This is the only thing I can do for you. I hope you don't disturb Yanjing again, let alone attempt to destroy Mount Tai. Is that ok? "

Luo Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words. He said, "as long as they can be saved, Luo Feng will be sent by his predecessors in the future."

"No need!" Yuanjue said.

After a pause, he said, "in Yanjing, the broken soul particles of your wife and daughter have been blocked by the poor monk. Poor monks help you restore all their souls. This is one of them. Their soul is completely smashed, which is equivalent to the human body put together, although it seems to be intact, but in fact, they are unconscious. At this time, you have one more thing to do. "

"You say, what's the matter?" Luo Feng immediately asked.

Yuanjue said, "there is a magic book in Tianzhou. You need to find it and get rid of all the gods in it. Then they use magic Scriptures as containers to warm their souls. This is like doing an operation to let them grow naturally in warm cultivation. When they grow to a certain level, they can recover their memory. When their souls are completely intact, they can find the right body and keep warm in the magic Scripture. May be able to save, may not be able to! It's the only way. "

"Magic code?" Luo Feng was slightly surprised. Of course, he knew the magic code. The magic weapon of emperor xuanzhenghao was magic code.

"Can't you replace it with anything else but magic Scripture?" Asked Luo Feng.

Yuanjue said, "the magic Scripture is created by heaven and earth, and can't be replaced."

Luo Feng nodded and said, "good!"

He then said, "please help me collect the soul particles of my wife and daughter."

Yuanjue said, "it will take some time. Go to the magic book first. When you find the magic Scripture, I will offer you the soul particles of your family. "

Luo Feng said, "thank you."

Then he knelt down again, banged his head three times, then turned and left.

After Luo Feng left, Chen Yang immediately appeared in front of Yuanjue.

"Master Fashen, what you just said to my elder brother is true?" Chen Yang asked.

Yuanjue was not surprised by Chen Yang's arrival. He said faintly, "do you think the poor monk is lying?"

Chen Yang said: "the younger generation is just a little strange, since there is such a way, why not say it in the morning?"

Yuanjue sighed and said, "I have said that it is an iron law that people can't come back to life after death. However, this matter is done by the ancient ancestor dragon. Although the poor monk has always followed the trend, he has to make some compensation to Lord Luo this time. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized that a big stone had fallen from his heart.

Although it's not proper for big brother to find Yuanjue, it's really the most effective way. It's like some village women go to important leaders to make a splash. They really solve the problem a lot of times.

Chen Yang then left. He followed Luo Feng to Tianzhou.

After Chen Yang left, Yuanjue stood in the same place. He chanted a Buddha's name for a long time, and then muttered to himself, "Your Majesty ZuLong, the seeds you planted have sprouted. But how do you know it's just a mess on earth, not the death knell of your empire? "

Chen Yang and Luo Feng quickly find Xuan Zhenghao again.

It's still in the one dollar bridge.

"The Emperor..." Chen Yang and Luo Feng knelt down together.

"What are you doing?" Xuan Zhenghao was surprised.

Luo Feng said first: "emperor, I have gone to ask for Yuanjue Dharma God. The Dharma God has shown me a clear way

Xuan Zhenghao's face is very ugly.

"My magic book?" He asked.

"You know?" Chen Yang and Luo Feng were shocked.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "of course I know, but there is only a very small possibility for the magic code to warm and nourish."

Luo Feng said: "emperor, please give me the magic code. I can exchange it with other magic weapons. "

Chen Yang also hastily said: "I can give you all the pills and immortal utensils."

Xuan Zhenghao was very embarrassed. He said: "the foundation of my whole Dakang and the array protection of the imperial city are all based on the magic code. Three hundred and sixty-five roads are guarded by God! How can I give this magic code? Now there are many enemies in Dakang, and the imperial city is in danger because it has lost the protection of the eight tribes of Tianlong. Luo Feng, when you are a friend, I sympathize with you more. But I can't give up the life and death of my wife and children and my subjects for the sake of your wife and children. If it were you, you wouldn't be able to do it. "

Xuanzhenghao took a deep breath and said: "magic Scripture is an important foundation of the pagoda of the eight part of Tianlong. Once the magic Scripture is lost, the eight part of Tianlong will disintegrate. It's impossible. I can't give you the magic code. You go and think of another way. "

"But there is no other way." Chen Yang said: "the master of Dharma God has said that magic scriptures are spiritual things created by heaven and earth.""So what?" "I can't do this," he said. I've helped you a lot. I can't do it. I can't help it if you want to hate it. "

Luo Feng said: "emperor, I beg you. I Luo Feng is not a person who does not know how to be grateful, as long as you give me the magic code. In the future, we will do our best to help you guard the imperial city. "

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