Chen Yang also said: "emperor, I am the same. I will do my best to protect the imperial city for you in the future

Xuan Zheng Hao swept these two people one eye, he is silent.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng are hopeful. They think Xuan Zhenghao will agree after careful consideration.

But they don't know xuanzhenghao very well.

Xuan Zhenghao's plan at this time was: "Yuanjue, Yuanjue, you finally burned me. You should push the way of heaven to kill and rob, and deal with ZuLong. But it is to destroy my years of hard work. My enemies have already set up too many, and the last time I helped Chen Yang escape from Taiji, I almost offended all the masters in the world. If I lose the protection of this dragon eight Fu Tu, my family will be ruined in an instant. "

"Magic code, I can't give it up. But Luo Feng's temperament is that he will never stop until he reaches his goal. If you don't agree today, you will have to tear your face. He is the one who pushes the way of heaven to kill and rob. I need to think of an excellent way to deal with it! "

In a moment, Xuan is Hao heart read electricity turn, mind has flashed countless ideas.

No matter how powerful his magic power is, he is the most intelligent man in the world. He has a clear grasp of all aspects of this relationship.

"It seems that even if we blindly conform to the way of heaven, we can't help burning ourselves with fire!" Xuanzhenghao's eyes flashed a wisp of light. He is so wise that he has no better way to deal with the present affairs.

"If I tell Luo Feng, I will find something to replace the magic Scripture. If it's a long time, he won't do it. If the time is short, I still can't give him the magic code. When he found out that I had cheated him, it was him who made sense. No, no, not at all. "

Xuan Zhenghao took a deep breath. "I've never been afraid of anyone in my life. At that time, the weak body fought against the God Emperor. Later, it also fought against yuntianzong, the Protoss and the eclosion gate. Now, am I afraid of you? "

"Since there is no way to retreat, there is no need to retreat again!"

Xuan Zhenghao made up his mind at this moment.

His vision is no longer complex, but stable.

Xuan Zhenghao stares at Luo Feng, Chen Yang: "Luo Feng, Chen Yang, I......"

He no longer calls himself me.

Because from this moment on, each other can no longer be peaceful.

"All my life, I am worthy of the heaven, the earth and the two of you. I and Luo Feng, you are not very kind. But Chen Yang, I saved your life. Therefore, I do not owe you. Magic code, it's impossible to give it to you. Your Luo Feng's family is destiny, and so are many ministers of Dakang imperial city and my wife and children. If you want magic code, you can rob it with your ability. If I'm not as good as others, I'll be worthy of my family and friends, and I'll have no regrets. "

At this moment, Xuan Zhenghao no longer talks nonsense, but declares war directly.

If there is room for this matter to turn around, Xuan Zhenghao will not do so. He knows about it. It's already been like this. Then don't talk to each other.

Both Chen Yang and Luo Feng are in a daze.

They never thought that Xuan Zhenghao would declare war directly.

In Chen Yang's heart, the contradiction reached the extreme.

Xuan Zhenghao treats him well. How can he declare war with Xuan Zhenghao. However, he can't stand by and watch the big brother's affairs.

Luo Feng soon recovered.

He gazed at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zheng Hao's vision is also very direct, he also looks at Luo Feng like this, between two people, immediately have a kind of tit for tat meaning.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and said, "I can understand if the emperor doesn't give it. If others want to rob the emperor, I will kill that man for the emperor. You have your reasons. My request is too rude. "

Then he got down on his knees and knocked his head three times in a row.

After that, he just stood up.

Luo Feng's eyes were firm. "But emperor, I also ask you to understand me. For the sake of my wife and daughter, I will bear thousands of names and kill everyone. Today, emperor, you can't withdraw, neither can I! "

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "OK, Luo Feng, you are a real man. If I can fight with you, I will have no regret if I lose. In this way, I will not bully you. Out of Dakang, let's fight fair. If you win, this magic code is for you. If you lose, it's a matter of... "

"This will not be done!" Luo Feng said: "the life of my wife and daughter will not be my gamble. As long as I have a breath, I will take your magic book. Unless I die, you either give me the magic code or kill me. "

Xuan Zheng Hao stayed for a while, he nodded and said: "good!"

His eyes turned to Chen Yang.

"What about you, Chen Yang? What's your choice? " Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Luo Feng did not speak.

At this time, he can't think about his brother. He is strong and vulnerable. At this time, he also hopes that his brother can stand on his side.Chen Yang looks at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen Yang kneels down to Xuan Zhenghao, and he kowtows three times. Then he stood up and said, "Your Majesty, you have saved my life. Chen Yang will always remember this kindness. "

He paused and said, "but today, I will do whatever it takes to help my elder brother get the magic code. After I get the magic code, I'll leave my life to you. If you want me to live, I'll live. If you want me to die, I will. You want me to do anything except deal with my brother! "

After Chen Yang finished, he stood with Luo Feng.

At that moment, Luo Feng's eyes were filled with tears.

"Third brother, I'll intercept him. You go to destroy the heart of the array and capture the magic code quickly!" Luo Feng then said sternly.

"Good!" Chen Yang answered.

He left the bridge of one yuan without saying a word.

Xuan Zhenghao did not stop Chen Yang. There was a look of pain in his eyes.

He was moved by such brotherhood. However, he had no choice but to stand on the opposite side.

"Chen Yang!" Xuan Zhenghao's voice rang out in the void.

"Between you and me, from now on, all the kindness is cleared. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. Do your best

Chen Yangren was shocked in the void. There was a warm current in his chest, but he couldn't stop his body. He had to go down.

"Thank you, Emperor!" Chen Yang returned four words.

On the bridge of one yuan, xuanzhenghao and Luofeng are close at hand, but they are far away.

The juexian sword in Luo Feng's hand flashed out. This juexian sword is extremely poisonous, and the rank has become more terrible and powerful under Luo Feng's promotion.

"Luo Qingxin, in front of him, this person is integrated with the array, and is extremely powerful. You need to do your best to help me! " Luo Feng knows the terror of Xuan Zhenghao, so he is also very dignified.

Luo Qingxin nodded and said, "OK, I know!"

Luo Feng in the hand sword light a wave, and then the sword light a flash toward Xuan is Hao eyebrow cut over.

It's a sword of temptation, but it's a sword of temptation, and it's extremely fierce! Sword light is also poison light. As long as others use their mana to resist, the sword light can poison the opponent quickly if it contaminates the opponent's mana!

Sword light directly cut Xuan Zheng Hao's eyebrow!

But Xuan Zhenghao obviously won't be killed by Luo Feng.

If it is so easy to be killed, xuanzhenghao is not xuanzhenghao.

At this moment, here is xuanzhenghao occupied the time, place and people!

Xuan Zhenghao's body suddenly drifted away like smoke.

At the same time, the bridge of one dollar dissipated rapidly.

Luo Feng's body can't stand and falls down directly. He was surprised and immediately turned on the mana. He is a master of heaven. The power of heaven's position is working quickly!


Luo Feng found a shocking scene.

That is, all the rules in the Tianlong eight Bu Fu Tu have been reformulated.

In this, Xuan Zhenghao is a real creator.

Xuanzhenghao relies on Tianlong eight Fu Tu Xuan tower to guard the whole Dakang imperial city. Even the masters of creation dare not come here to make a second.

Luo Feng found out this now, but it was a little late.

At this moment, he didn't even have the ability to fly. All the mana, the rules, all the power can't be used. He fell rapidly into the abyss below.

At the same time, Chen Yang also encountered the same situation. He's falling down fast, too!

Chen Yang can't help losing color.

"Linghui, help me!" Chen Yang immediately called out.

This is a critical moment. Chen Yang doesn't think about anything else at all.

He wants to break through the current predicament quickly, and then go to capture the magic code.

After the accident of his sister-in-law and Xiao Silan, Chen Yang has been immersed in grief. He wants to go to find Yuanjue. But forget to ask Linghui.

But at this time, he thought of Linghui monk for the first time.

Monk Linghui's voice in Chen Yang's brain immediately thought, "I can't help it. In this pagoda, all the rules are made by him. Unless you can transcend his laws, it's in vain. Don't say you can't do it. Even if Bai Suzhen comes to this space, he can't do anything about it. "

"What?" Chen Yang was shocked.

Linghui monk said: "otherwise, Daoyou, do you think xuanzhenghao is so easy to deal with?"

Chen Yang said, "but..."

Linghui monk said: "not every time I have a way, just like Luo Feng's wife and daughter, I have no way."

Chen Yang falls down endlessly.

He runs mana continuously, but the mana goes out of the body and becomes nothing.

Chen Yang is really experiencing xuanzhenghao's terror power.

This is just hitting the stone with the egg!

"Be patient and wait. Don't worry." Linghui monk said: "Xuan Zhenghao is extremely meticulous. There is no loophole in this rule. But if he does his magic, there will be loopholes. Luo Feng's realm is very high, and there is that female insect in, Xuan Zhenghao is not good. After they do it, we'll find another chance! "Chen Yang sighed and said, "it can only be so."

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