Luo Feng was silent.

He was silent for a long time before he said, "if you really can't save them, admit your life! This is the life of Luo Feng. I'll accompany them! "

Yuanjue said, "if people want to die, no one can stop them. However, it was not the way of heaven that did it, but the ancient ancestor dragon did it on purpose. Do you want to die and not take revenge for them? "

Luo Feng looked at Yuanjue, then he couldn't help saying, "the ancient ancestor dragon is a one-sided word of Dharma God. How can I know if it is really the ancient ancestor dragon?"

Yuanjue said: "Amitabha, I really have no reason to speak. However, poor monks and the way of heaven have no reason to do so. Because your third brother is kind-hearted and your family is on earth. You will defend the earth to the death. That is to say, in the future, when lingzun invades, you are going to deal with them. Why should I do so much? "

Luo Feng took a deep look at Yuanjue. He thought that Yuanjue's words were reasonable.

Luo Feng knows himself. If it's not Yuanjue this time, he has a glimmer of hope. Then don't say that it's none of his business for lingzun to invade in the future. He doesn't know how much trouble he will make.

Indeed, ZuLong is the one with vested interests!

Chen Yang also said: "brother, the God of Dharma will not lie."

Luo Feng nodded.

Chen Yang said to Yuanjue, "I have sealed the flesh and blood of my elder brother's wife and daughter's stumps. With your skill of Dharma God, you can make them grow into a complete body again, right? As long as the soul is resurrected and forced into the body.... "

Yuanjue took a look at Chen Yang and said, "it's not difficult to recover the body, but it's a problem to let the soul reactivate the brain. You should know how your wife, situ ling'er, survived. "

Chen Yang couldn't help being in trouble and said, "up to now, there are still tears and blood there?"

Yuanjue said, "isn't situ ling'er the spirit body? The blood and tears she shed will do

Chen Yang immediately fell silent.

Luo Feng took a deep breath. He grabbed Chen Yang's arm and said, "third brother, you must help big brother in this matter."

Chen Yang raised his head, grinned and said, "of course!"

Luo Feng said: "but you can't tell ling'er. Once you know, it's more difficult to shed blood and tears. One day, when we get blood and tears, we'll explain to her, OK? "

"Good!" Chen Yang responded.

He can't help but agree.

If it is other people, other things, big things, he will not agree. How could he have the heart to hurt ling'er. But big brother's wife and daughter are gone. For them, he has to promise and endure!

Luo Feng was relieved.

Chen Yang then said, "how about asking the Dharma God to help us recover their bodies?"

Yuanjue said, "you don't have to ask monk Linghui for help. He has his own way."

Chen Yang is slightly happy, and his heart is so better.

When he thought of something else, he asked Yuanjue, "God of Dharma, do you know where the spirit of the universe is searching?"

Yuanjue said, "I can't reveal my secrets any more. This time, I violated my principles and did this for you. That's when I began to fail."

"How could that be?" Chen Yang and Luo Feng were surprised at the same time.

Yuanjue said: "because I'm a poor monk, the way of heaven can't do favoritism. This shows that poor monks are no longer suitable to sit in this position. ZuLong thought I would not do this, but I did. "

Chen Yang and Luo Feng worship Yuanjue deeply!

In this world, some people forget their righteousness for profit, others forget their life for their country!

And Yuanjue Dharma is not for one person, one family, one country, it is for the earth, it is for all creatures in the world!

I can't help admiring you!

After that, Chen Yang and Luo Feng left.

They quickly returned to Yanjing and the garden villa. Luo Feng gives the magic code to Shen Moneng and asks him to keep it for him. Chen Yang also asked Shen monong to say, "in any case, you should not go out of Yanjing recently. If there's anything, we'll take care of it! "

Shen monong nodded and agreed.

What happened to Ye Ziqing and Xiao Silan is the end. Luo Feng is not depressed. His attitude makes people hope that ye Ziqing's mother and daughter will survive.

Chen Yang also told Luo Feng about Qin Lin's injury.

Luo Feng was slightly surprised. He looked at Qin Lin and said, "what's the matter with the second younger brother?"

Qin Lin shook his head, said: "I'm ok, brother, you don't care about me."

"What's going on?" Luo Feng saw that Qin Lin was seriously injured and went forward to seize Qin Lin's hand. With a little exploration, he saw that Qin Lin was injured in his brain.

"What happened?" Luo Feng is puzzled.

Qin Lin said: "it really doesn't matter. If I continue to cultivate, I can recover."

"How did you get hurt?" Luo Feng is very angry. He is angry now. If anyone dares to hurt his second brother again, he will kill someone. He killed the heart together, also disregarding what oath.Seeing that he couldn't resist, Qin Lin said, "nothing else. I went to the place where my sister-in-law had an accident and wanted to use time to save her and Xiao Silan. I didn't expect that, on the contrary, I was bitten by time. Brother, I'm sorry, I'm useless! "

Luo Feng and others were all in a daze.

Xuanyuan Yadan and others do not know that Qin Lin was injured.

Qin Lin was injured, but he said he was sorry.

Luo Feng's eyes turned red.

His eyes swept over the crowd, with concern in everyone's eyes.

It warmed his heart.

"I Luo Feng have you such brothers, such friends, contented." So he said.

Later, Luo Feng hugs Qin Lin and Chen Yang tightly.

Fu Qingzhu felt quite ashamed. He didn't think he had helped. He really can't do it!

After that, Luo Feng stayed in the garden villa temporarily.

He did not choose to go back to his home.

He did not dare to go back, nor did he dare to inform Ye Ziqing's family.

In this respect, his endurance is not as good as that of ordinary people.

Chen Yang started to work.

At this time, he knew that he could not be tired any more. He let Qin Lin recover first, and then he went back to his bedroom.

He asked Shen Moneng and others not to disturb.

Fu Qingzhu was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Little Nianci, Qin bao'er and so on are all taken by Xuanyuan Yadan and Xiao AI to play. They can't realize the separation, but they also seem to be in a low mood.

Chen Yang starts to communicate with monk Linghui in his bedroom.

Monk Linghui grows into a tree and appears in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "Linghui, I have many problems that you need to solve. The first problem is that after we were caught by Xuan Zhenghao. What did you say to Xuan Zhenghao to make him change his mind? "

Linghui monk said: "I really talked with him. He was forced to hand over the magic code. Daoyou, you have to understand his helplessness and suffering! "

Chen Yang said: "I understand very much, so I will never forget his kindness. It's just about the life and death of my sister-in-law and Xiao Silan. I can't step back. "

Linghui monk said: "that's good!"

Chen Yang said, "but why did he suddenly agree again?"

Linghui monk said: "I know that Xuan Zhenghao was moved to kill at that time. If there are no worries, he really wants to kill you. But he is worried about the friends behind you and the cause and effect after killing you. "

After a pause, he said, "the poor monk gave him a compromise proposal and told him that it was not a good thing for him to rely on insight into the secrets of heaven all the time. There will be a big backfire in the future, so he accepted the poor monk's advice. "

Chen Yang said, "I see. You are smart in this matter. I don't know how to persuade Xuan Zhenghao. "

Linghui monk said: "this is also because Xuan Zhenghao is a smart man. If I talk to other old demons, I guess I don't have to. If I kill you directly, I will take care of many other things. Xuanzhenghao act, one step, think ten steps! It's never a problem to plan before you move. But even so, things are changeable. There are always things he can't control. For example, this time... "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "don't talk about him for the time being. Do you have a way to regenerate the flesh and blood of your sister-in-law and Silan?"

Linghui monk said: "you have preserved their flesh and blood. With the current cloning technology, science can do it. However, it would be better to let poor monks do it. You give their flesh and blood to me, and I will raise them in the seeds of xuanhuang holy valley with the great spirit liquid technique and Hunyuan. "

"That's good!" Chen Yang is very happy.

He felt that it was a step closer to the resurrection sister-in-law and little Silan.

When he thought of this, he was suddenly sad. "I'm not as good as brother after all. If I tried my best to save Luoning that day, maybe I could revive Luoning. And imperial concubine... "

He thought of the dead Luoning, and the lovely elf, his heart could not help but suffer.

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "ah, Taoist friend Chen Yang, you really don't have to be like this. Whether they can be revived or not is a case in point. This is a compromise made by Yuanjue at the expense of his own Qi. How many are there in Yuanjue? When you found Luoning girl, her soul particles scattered. I don't know how many, so it's impossible for you to reunite. Moreover, the body has been dead for a long time! There is no condition for copying. "

"If everyone dies and comes back to life? Isn't this world in chaos? Whose relatives died, not sad, not uncomfortable? If you feel sick, you will be resurrected? " Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "I know, you have a point."

He will not talk about it any more.

Later, Chen Yang gave the sealed flesh and blood to monk Linghui. Linghui monk immediately took it in his hand.Chen Yang said: "the last thing is the matter of the spirit of the universe. Xuan Zhenghao only gave me and my elder brother three months. If you don't find it in three months, you won't return it. I'm afraid I'll have another opinion. "

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