Inside the pagoda, xuanzhenghao is setting up the battle. The bridge of one yuan is like floating in the starry sky, his mana is surging and majestic, and all the rules and rules are arbitrary.

But just then, out of the void came a man.

"Master!" Xuan Zheng Hao opened his eyes and he gave a smile to the comer.

It was Chen Ling who came.

"Congratulations on killing Shen Muran at last and getting revenge!" Xuan Zhenghao said first.

Chen Ling was dressed in a snow-white gown, like an immortal. He came to Xuan Zheng Hao's front, is also a tiny smile, said: "you pour is what all know."

After that, the devil said, "I don't know."

Chen Ling was surprised and asked, "what's the matter?"

But he knew that Xuan Zhenghao regarded the magic code more precious than anything else.

Xuanzhenghao sighed a little, and then said the reason.

After hearing this, Chen Ling was also surprised. He said, "I didn't expect that this kind of thing happened. Behind this, it's very complicated. "

"I naturally know that it's very complicated," he said. So these two boys can't be killed easily. "

Chen Ling said: "that is absolutely not to be killed." After a pause, he said: "Chen Yang, in particular, is quite congenial to me. You see, in my face, I have to bear with him more! "

"I know that," he said

Chen Ling a smile, he then said: "recently I have nothing to do with ah Jing, you here since such a big event. Ah Jing and I will live in your Tianlong Babu putu for a while. "

Xuanzhenghao couldn't help rejoicing after hearing this and said, "if you are the master of the gate and dongfangjing are together, I can have a rest here."

Chen Ling smile, and think of what, said: "Emperor Xuan?"

Xuanzhenghao said: "emperor xuangui is very busy. Naturally, he can't keep these eight Fu Tu for me all the time."

"That's true," Chen Ling said He thought about it and said, "I remember when we met Shen Yunfei in the chaos of time and space. Although Shen Yunfei is dead, he still has a copy of the magic book in his hand. This magic book

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "it's called self inflicted evil. You can't live. I destroyed that magic book

Chen Ling slightly a Zheng, way: "destroyed, why?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that magic book will take away the cosmic aura of my magic book, so I destroyed it. It's a copy, but it's a continuation of my magic book. "

Chen Ling said, "I see. But when you say that, I think of Chen Tianya. Can his existence also divide my fortune? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "from the truth, it's like this. However, I can see clearly now. There is no accident at all. We think that the exceptions have their functions. Shen Yunfei and Mengdian finally disappeared. And Chen Tianya, I'm sure, has a mission and role. "

Chen Ling said: "his biggest role is not to have a son, who is the king of destiny. What's more, their enmity promoted Chen Yang to grow bravely all the way! "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, but it is estimated that there are other uses. When his mission is completed, he will disappear. In fact, it also includes you, me, Yuanjue and so on. Although we can talk with each other here, we can't escape when our mission is completed, that is, when we die. "

Chen Ling sighed a little and said, "from the moment of silent death, I knew that we would all die. Ying Zheng will die, silence will die, Yuanjue will die, and so will we. We have a life span of ten thousand years, but we can't run the hand of fate! "

The world!

Yanjing, in the bedroom of garden villa.

Monk Linghui told Chen Yang about the spirit of the universe in detail.

"The earth has its own unique aura, as well as its crystal. And the universe, there are cosmic spars. This kind of spar will grow in various planets, but it is extremely rare. I estimate that the Spirit Crystal of this magic Scripture is the magic Scripture created by the great emperor of the universe. "

Chen Yang could not help feeling headache and said, "it seems hard to find it!"

Linghui monk said, "I don't think I can find it on earth. I'm going to try my luck on other planets. It's not so easy. One thing, though, is that the planet where lingjingshi is located will not be deserted. It will also look for spiritual places to warm up. It's hard to find if it's hard to find. It's easy to find if it's easy to find. Daoyou, you will go to other planets to explore, find a living planet, it is possible to find. You can go to the magic Scripture and get the breath of the spirit of the universe, and use it as a basis to find it! "

Chen Yang said: "the spirit of the universe, so magical, what is the magical use?" He couldn't help asking monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "Xuan Zhenghao's magic Scripture relies on the spirit of the universe, and can know a lot about the future and the past of the earth. The spirit of the universe warms up 365 right gods. These right gods have little power, but they are pure gods. It's also pure power. If it's used well, it has infinite magical effect. But the real effect, I don't know, should not be reflected. It's like your xuanhuang Shengu seed, which seems to have little effect. But the real magic is endless. "Chen Yang also knows that xuanhuang Shengu seed is really wonderful, but he has not played his real power.

After Chen Yang understood the spirit of the universe, he discussed with Luo Feng. At the same time, he collected the breath of the spirit of the universe in the magic Scripture, and then sealed it.

Luo Feng sealed a bit of the spirit of the universe, he also found Fu Qingzhu.

Fu Qingzhu must be involved in this matter. Fu Qingzhu is also the king of destiny, and his luck is also very good.

As for Qin Lin, he was not involved. Luo Feng wants Qin Lin to recover!

After that, Chen Yang, Luo Feng and Fu Qingzhu set out separately. They agreed that in any case, they would return to the world within three months.

Chen Yang says goodbye to Shen Molong and kisses Xiao Nianci. After that, he left the world. He went to Tianzhou by the way.

He came back and forth several times, but he didn't talk to Qiao Ning. Therefore, he still wants to say goodbye to Qiao Ning.

As for ling'er, he missed her very much. But he didn't plan to go to Shennong world.

Chen Yang still has tears in his heart. He doesn't know how to face ling'er at this moment. If you need blood and tears in the future, he must be cruel to ling'er once.

He will not hurt ling'er. But compared with his elder brother's wife and daughter's life, he can only choose to hurt them.

He also knew that if he shed tears, he would lose his talent. However, Chen Yang thinks that since Suzhen in black can recover her talent, linger should be able to do so in the future.

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