The magic power in Chen Yang's body is as strong and powerful as the wind and clouds in heaven and earth. Although his realm was only at the beginning of Tianyu realm, his deep mana was stronger than the peak of Tianyu realm. This is the real power of Big Ben Yuan Shu!

Chen Yang then killed three masters in succession with the light of his soul.

Not only that, Chen Yang's attack is more and more fierce. In the sea of ice soul, the laws of space and time are rolling continuously, dispersing many experts. It seems that he is the one who is besieging these ten people.

Zong Xiantang did not fight back, but evaded. He dares to offend Chen Yang.

The light of Chen Yang's soul was so powerful that he killed three more in a moment.

Seeing this, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he suddenly roared: "you want to die!" Then, his eyes burst out purple God awn!

Two purple God awns condense into a stream and turn into a purple God fist to kill Chen Yang!

This purple magic fist is so powerful that it smashes all the ice soul sword light, the law of time and space, and the law of space.

Breaking all the illusions, and breaking the light of Chen Yang's heart directly.

This move is a way for goodwill to become famous.

Purple Star people are born with purple hair and eyes. And can practice all kinds of magic!

This move of goodwill is to condense all mana and rules with blue eyes in a moment, and then perform the Ganges spirit road skill! This move is the spirit big fist seal in Ganges spirit Avenue.

As soon as the spirit comes out, all gods and ghosts will fade away! It's a power, it's a technique.

Under the attack of spirit boxing seal, all the strength and rules disappear in an instant.

Chen Yang feels that all his strength is being disintegrated. It's like trying to seize the passing time, but it doesn't help!

This spirit fist seal smashes everything, and then blows at Chen Yang!

"How powerful!" Chen Yang can't help losing color.

In the crisis, he had nothing to do and could not escape. Running away at this time is a dead end.

At the same time, all the purple boa constrictors, including the purple holy light, turned into sharp sword will also kill him. This is the attack launched by the last three experts, Jia Zong Xiantang. Zong Xiantang was afraid of Chen Yang if he didn't do anything before, and he was eager to kill Chen Yang at this time.

They did it all.

At this critical moment, Chen Yang immediately freezes himself without saying a word!

Ice soul inhales into the sea, and the body of ice soul displays. In a flash, he was frozen into an ice sculpture. It's all in him. Including the terrifying seal!

The ice sculpture was quickly blasted to a hundred miles away, galloping in the sky.

Chen Yang feels that his mana is rapidly disappearing. Even though his mana is the most powerful in the world, he is under such attack, even though he is protected by the ice sculpture. But it also cost him too much mana.

Chen Yang quickly inhaled 100 million pure Yang pills in the air, which was just a swallow. After that, mana continued to soar. His mana was restored.

In the past, Chen Yang swallowed 100000 pure Yang pills. He felt like he was going to explode. But now, swallowing 100 million pure Yang pills is like fun.

His movements are very secret.

At the same time, Chen Yang recovered.

"It's not so easy to escape!" The voice of goodwill came, and then, as soon as he flashed, he came to Chen Yang.

Then, Zongxian Tang and the other three men in black also came. He surrounded Chen Yang in the void.

Chen Yang was standing in the same place. He glanced at these people, then sneered and said, "I want you to kneel down and sing conquest and escape today? Joke, are you qualified to let me escape? "

Goodwill, Zong Xiantang and the three men in black were also surprised.

Goodwill's face is a little strange. He really thinks that Chen Yang was hurt by the attack just now. Even if there is no injury, it should be a great loss of mana. But the boy now seems to be in no way damaged.

"All back!" He suddenly said in a deep voice.

He knew that it would be a dead end for others to join the regiment.

He wants to deal with Chen Yang alone.

Naturally, Chen Yang is eager.

Zong Xiantang was also eager. Of course, the three men in black were also eager. They are also afraid of Chen Yang. The main reason is that Chen Yanggang's hand was too fierce. In the blink of an eye, their six companions died in the dark.

You know, Zifu is absolutely a overlord on Danube. Shenbing Department has a high status in Zifu. Every guard is selected after a lot of training. Any guard put on the land of Danube is a character.

They have never failed.

But this time, between raising hands, Chen Yang killed so many people.

Although this person is lustful, insidious, capricious and vicious. But he is a genius in the Department of magic weapons. This time, he paid enough attention to Chen Yang.Everyone quickly retreats, and Chen Yang and goodwill stand opposite each other in the air.

These people retreated a hundred miles away for fear of being affected by their mana. Goodwill is no longer frivolous, but dignified. "I haven't met my opponent for a long time. Today, it's your honor to die under my hand."

Chen Yang tit for tat, said: "you this kind of minions, I will kill a few every few days. There's a lot of rubbish. Hurry up, and I'm going to catch up! "

"You..." Business reputation is in a rage.

Then, goodwill eyes burst out cold light, and then, his body in the air flash, but disappeared in front of Chen Yang.

"Ganges!" Goodwill appeared in the void, and then condensation method seal, eyes shot God!

There was a torrent of waves in the shenmang. A Ganges river covered thousands of miles in an instant.

Chen Yang was submerged in the river.

In the void, the river is surging and rolling as if it were on the earth.

This is the mystery of great magic power.

"Ganges quicksand!"

Goodwill is once again sealed by the Dharma, and the Dharma is solemn. His voice is like a God creating the world.

Suddenly, Chen Yang saw that the endless black quicksand began to rush around him, running towards him like a sandstorm. Dense, blocking the sky, mountains and rivers burst!


Ganges represents eternity, quicksand represents time!

Goodwill, the magic of Ganges, has reached its limit. Chen Yang is awed and admired by its profound meaning and rules.

No matter how despicable this person's conduct is, Chen Yang sincerely admires this person's profound cultivation!

This man must have done countless hard work in his cultivation!

The quicksand completely covered up Chen Yang and attacked him round by round.

Chen Yang feels that time is running out on him, and his mana is also rapidly consumed.

"I'm losing my life fast!" Chen Yang was shocked to find this.

"Frozen!" Chen Yang immediately freezes himself!

He soon became an ice sculpture!

However, the quicksand is still pounding, and life continues to pass.

It's not just the passing of life, but also Chen Yang's mana.

Chen Yang returns to his real life again. He doesn't panic at this time. Instead, he becomes more and more calm.

"The light of the heart!" Chen Yang urges the soul crystal.

A light of heart flew out.

This light of the soul is Chen Yang's effort to urge the crystal stone of the soul. So in his eyes, he saw that Chen Yang suddenly rushed out of the Ganges quicksand.

"Damn it If you see Chen Yang escape, you can allow him there. He quickly collected the quicksand of the Ganges River, and then took the quicksand of the Ganges River as a guide, turned it into a big hand print, and grasped the light of the soul.

Chen Yang's real life is out of the predicament.

He looked at the opportunity and came directly to the back of the goodwill with the big move.

"Soul sword light!" Chen Yang pointed out.

Confuse goodwill with the light of mind, connect with the mind of goodwill, and then cut out the sword light of mind!

It's the best way. Chen Yang once killed a small Sunmoon beast with such tricks.

Goodwill suddenly startled, the soul sword light has appeared in his brain, and will explode in an instant.

The terrible sense of crisis rushes to the heart of goodwill, and the spirits of goodwill are all in danger. At the critical moment, a roar, a sound wave concussion, and ferociously reverberates in his brain.

This genius is quick to respond. The sound wave blocked the light of the soul, and quickly launched the purple God awn! The purple God awn from the eyes into the brain domain, shooting around, and finally caught Chen Yang's soul sword, and imprisoned.


Goodwill smashes the sword of the mind, but because the fighting place is in his brain. The reputation is seriously damaged, so the mana is seriously damaged. He felt dizzy and lost his mind.

Chen Yang there will be polite with goodwill, is a big hand, fierce ice Feng palmprint down. This palm, will let the goodwill to pieces, no burial place.

They were so far away from each other that they didn't expect that their reputation would be defeated in an instant. See goodwill turn over hopeless, death in front. At this time, goodwill in despair, suddenly spit out a magic weapon again.

"Star Dragon Scepter!"

When the scepter came out, it turned into a dragon in the starry sky and ran to kill Chen Yang.


Chen Yang's handprint is broken in an instant, and goodwill takes advantage of this gap, and lightning escapes.

Chen Yang is going to chase him, but the Star Dragon entangles him.

The rest of the people in black and zongxiantang also fled quickly and followed the goodwill.

The Star Dragon bites Chen Yang continuously, and spews out endless star power. Chen Yang waves his palm continuously to dissolve the attack of the star dragon one by one. The Star Dragon couldn't kill Chen Yang, but turned into a scepter and was about to run away.Chen Yang can't catch up with the goodwill, where he will let the Star Dragon wand escape.

"Damn it, the tiger doesn't get angry. I'm a sick cat." Chen Yang quickly pops up the sea of ice soul, which envelops the surrounding environment, and the extremely cold force quickly freezes the Star Dragon scepter.

In a moment, the Star Dragon Scepter was frozen into a popsicle!

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