The Star Dragon Scepter also has a similar spirit, and it has a lot of mana. Just now, it was Qi Ling who urged the mana and smashed Chen Yang's palm power.

Although Chen Yang is not good enough in front of those big men, his strength on the earth is definitely No. 1. Cave fairyland, he can kill it with one hand.

He didn't clap the Death Star Dragon scepter, which is enough to show the power of the scepter.

Goodwill just escaped by the scepter.

At present, the mana consumption of the Star Dragon scepter is too large, and it is not a threat at all. Chen Yang freezes it, and the spirit inside immediately howls.

Chen Yang grabs the star dragon power stick in his hand.

Then, Chen Yang intruded into the Star Dragon Scepter with great magic power. The Star Dragon scepter is indeed a space of its own.

It's filled with Dragon air, like clouds and mist, with a space of more than 1000 square kilometers!

In the vast world on earth, it is comparable to the existence of cities. Some small countries are only so big.

In this space, the spirit is in the middle of the array. The spirit is the soul of a dragon.

Since ancient times, to be a soul and live, there must be a strong force. Such as Suzhen in black, and the dragon in front of her. Naturally, this dragon can't compare with Suzhen in black, but he can live by relying on the Dragon Qi and array here.

The Star Dragon Scepter can just make its body.

Chen Yuanyang's magic God came before him.

The shape of this dragon is different from many dragons Chen Yang has seen on the earth. It is ferocious and looks like a monster. But the whole body of the Dragon shows that it is a dragon!

"Dragon? human beings? How can we meet these two familiar species beyond the universe? Is the universe dominated by humans and dragons? " Chen Yang feels a little strange.

He didn't think much about it. The time was urgent. He knew that the people in Zifu might make a comeback at any time. It's a fluke to defeat the young master this time.

There are people out there, there are days out there!

Chen Yang controls the dragon with great magic power and clears the mark of goodwill in its body.

Goodwill was just injured. When he fled in space, he felt that the mark of the dragon was being forcibly erased. Hateful, he can't stop it now!

"The lowly thing, sooner or later this little, you can't survive, can't die!" He let out a big curse.

He has nothing to do.

Chen Yang successfully erased the mark of goodwill, and then formed a mark in the dragon's body with his own supreme magic power.

The Dragon quickly called to Chen Yang, "master!"

Chen Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then he put the Star Dragon Scepter into jiexumi. Body shape flickers, quickly left the spot.

Chen Yang finds another death star, and he lives in it temporarily.

"Linghui, it's not easy. If I can't get rid of my breath, those purple people will come after me endlessly. I can't cope with a young master alone. If the big man behind me makes a move, I'm afraid I'll die! " Chen Yang said to Linghui.

He knew the urgency and the key, so he immediately asked monk Linghui for help.

Monk Linghui seemed helpless and said, "now that we are away from the earth, everything will become unknown. If I am in my heyday, I will destroy this Danube planet directly. But not now! Many of my methods have failed to work. "

Chen Yang said: "it is because I am not on the earth that I am more worried. On earth, at least I have a lot of contacts, and I am the king of destiny. In this universe, the universe does not give me such face. Maybe it's the end of my life. Son of a bitch, do you think it's a natural disaster? Out of curiosity, I just said hello to that girl. She gave me such a big gift. I jump into the Yellow River and I can't wash it. "

Chen Yang thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more upset he was. He said, "I can't go back to Danube with them. Even if they find out that I don't have Amethyst, they won't let me go. They will check me out and get rid of all my skills, but they will not let me go in the end. "

Linghui monk said: "yes, you can see this very accurately."

Chen Yang said, "that's why I'm worried now."

Linghui monk said: "after all, we are not people of Danube, many things are not clear. But didn't you just catch a dragon? Ask it

Chen Yang brightened his eyes and said, "how can I forget it?"

He thought of Linghui for the first time. If Linghui was not there, he would never forget the dragon.

At the same time, Chen Yang thought of a problem.

"Linghui, I remember when I collected YeFan, YeFan later told me that he came from the blue pole. That is to say, humans are also on the blue pole. Kepler fairyland is also inextricably linked with human beings. On Danube, there are also people and dragons. Are all these species in the universe? "Monk Linghui said, "you have asked this question very well. Because I once had this doubt. "

Chen Yang said: "how to say?"

Linghui monk said: "I have been to many planets, and I really found that most of them are human beings and dragons. Of course, some planets are dominated by dragons. "

Chen Yang kept silent.

Linghui monk continued: "later I figured it out."

"Oh?" Chen Yang became interested and said, "what have you figured out?"

Linghui monk said: "in the body of tiny creatures, there are five viscera. Poor monk refers to the suckling system of this kind of creatures, and then to the human body. There are innumerable cells in the internal organs of the human body, which correspond to the stars of the universe. Maybe the number of cells is the number of stars. Falling cells and regenerating cells are like meteorites and regenerating stars. This is what people call "the same origin of all laws!"

"Humans and dragons are the most perfect state of life evolution. Other creatures are either physically perfect but intellectually imperfect. Humans and dragons are perfect in two ways. That's why most of the senior creatures on the planet are humans and dragons. Because that's the ultimate goal of evolution! "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"I see. You have a point." Chen Yang said immediately.

Monk Linghui smiles a little and says, "although poor monk is not human, he is also evolving towards human." After a pause, he said, "well, I don't want to talk about it any more. Let's solve the immediate problem first."

Chen Yang nodded and ended his conversation with monk Linghui.

He took the Star Dragon wand out of jiexumi and summoned the dragon.

In the past, Chen Yang needed some means and threats to tame the spirits, but now he has great magic power. These spirits dare not even resist in front of him. This is the benefit of strength!

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