Xianzhengyun has always been calm, but he has always loved his little sister, so he lost his square at this time. Although he was not at ease, he did not move further. I'm also afraid that things will get out of control.

"Little sister, once the situation changes, send a signal immediately." Xian Zhengyun then said. If Chen Yang dares to hurt his younger sister, then he will do everything to kill Chen Yang.

This is his scale, but also his bottom line!

Ice soul in the sea, immediately came the voice of fresh in snow. "Brother, don't worry!"

Chen Yang also said: "hurt fresh in snow, I'm not so stupid!"

Xianzheng cloud smell speech, this just slightly put down the heart. In the sea of ice soul, Chen Yang has received the goodwill of Jie Xumi.

He closed the connection between goodwill and the outside. At this time, goodwill didn't know what happened outside.

Xianyu Xue comes to Chen Yang. She is pretty and beautiful.

Xianyu Xue was originally a powerful Queen, but in front of Chen Yang, she was more charming than a woman.

"What do you want me to do when you want me to come in?" Xianyu smiles and says.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "goodwill said something. He said that there is a way to take away the crystal soul from me. Now that you've got the spar. Then I'll send you a personal favor and ask you to take away the crystal soul from me, OK

Xian Yu Xue smiles and says, "it turns out that I left the crystal soul on you. Your abacus is also very good. After we take away the crystal soul, we can no longer track you."

Chen Yang said: "little girl, I tell you, you are not brothers in Zifu. I'm afraid of you. The main thing is that I am weak. If it's on my planet, one of you will disappear, one of you will disappear, two of you will disappear, one of you will disappear. "

Xian Yuxue absolutely believes that Chen Yang is not bragging. She says, "I can help you take away the crystal soul, but I'm curious about a question. If you don't answer me, I will never help you!"

Chen Yang said: "you don't pull down, such a big good thing to you, you still talk to me about terms."

Xianyu Xue said, "well, I'll go out and let you continue to have a headache."

The little girl is really tough.

Chen Yang is helpless, say: "OK, you ask!"

Fresh in snow, a smile.

Chen Yang is determined to eat Xian Zhengyun, but Xian Yu Xue seems to be determined to eat Chen Yang.

Xianyu Xue said, "I can see your accomplishments. Your accomplishments are still under the goodwill. I am very curious, how can you repeatedly, and in such a fast speed to capture goodwill? I know his skill very well. Even if it's my father, it's not so fast! "

Chen Yang said, "it's hard for me to answer you. I have my own unique skill. For the first time, he hurt him by surprise. The second time, I asked xiuzemi about his weakness. Then the silly boy thought of it, he knew I would ask suzemi. So he deliberately exposed his weakness and let me in to get into his trap. But he didn't expect that I left the killing move on xiuzemi, so this guy was cheated in an instant. It's that simple! "

Xian Yu Xue stroked her forehead and said, "so, from the beginning, you knew this would happen?"

Chen Yang said, "of course, I'm not stupid. Of course, I know that the weaknesses I ask will be known by goodwill. It's just a plan! "

Xian Yu Xue said, "your brain is terrible. Although goodwill has a bad reputation in our purple mansion, everyone has to admit that he is very smart! "

"Is that smart?" Chen Yang was slightly surprised and said, "stupid as a pig!"

Fresh in snow rolled a white eye, think this guy is really not modest!

After that, Chen Yang and Xianyu did not say much. Fresh in snow, her blue eyes radiate the purple light and envelop Chen Yang.

Before long, Xianyu snow caught a purple mist on Chen Yang with purple light!

The purple mist finally condenses together to form a fist sized Amethyst.

Xianyu snow immediately received the crystal soul into her storage bracelet.

Chen Yang frowns slightly. Subconsciously, he feels that this crystal soul has fallen into the hands of Zifu. He seems to be doing something to help the tyrant. Moreover, if the yuan spirit in that little girl is really the spirit of the universe, then It's more difficult to get the spirit of the universe.

Things are moving in a tricky direction!

But Chen Yang can't change at present!

He thought to himself: "at present, I can only take one step first. If I always take this crystal soul with me, everything will be over."


Chen Yang thought of something, he said to Xianyu Xue: "you didn't leave any mark on me, did you?"

Xianyu Xue immediately said, "of course not!"

Chen Yang is suspicious and always feels that he is not practical.

"Really not?" Chen Yang stares at Xianyu Xue's eyes."No!" Xianyu said.

There was no wave in her eyes.

Chen Yang then communicated with monk Linghui and said, "Linghui, you are a crafty man. What do you think? You can't be kidding now. If we can't escape this time, we won't have a chance next time. "

Monk Linghui has also been paying attention to this matter, he said: "poor monk, now his mana is weak, and he can't feel the change between you. Therefore, I have no suggestions to offer. Daoyou, everything depends on your own judgment. "

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then said to Xian Yuxue, "go out and let your elder brother leave first."

Fresh in snow slightly a Zheng, then said: "good!"

"What, let me go first? How can this work? " When Xianyu goes out in the snow, talk about it with xianzhengyun. Xian Zhengyun's reaction is quite fierce!

Xianyu said in a deep voice: "brother, now I have got the crystal soul. He just wants to escape now. If we don't give him a way to live, will he let go? "

Xian Zhengyun said, "you can't help him."

Xian Yu Xue said, "of course, how can I get him? How can he rest assured to let me be with him?"

Xian Zhengyun said, "but how can I get you involved?"

Xian Yu Xue said, "he is determined to go now, and will not embarrass me. If I am always by his side, you can track him according to my breath. He won't be so stupid. "

Xian Zhengyun said, "but..."

He has too many worries, but he also knows that this is Chen Yang's reasonable demand. Finally, Xian Zhengyun left.

After Chen Yang confirmed that Xian Zhengyun was gone, he said to Xian Yuxue: "I will leave a mental mark in the body of goodwill. The setting is According to your time, one sixth of an hour later, it will explode! If you don't remove the mental imprint in his head in time, he will die. It's a bit precise, but if you solve it slowly, you will be able to solve it. "

"In case..." Xian Yu Xue said, "if you cheat me, we will not find you."

Chen Yang said: "there is no just in case, you have to choose to believe me."

"You won't lie to me, will you?" Xian Yu Xue stares at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed when he was seen by Xianyu Xue. He said, "cough, we are enemies. It's normal to cheat you. But don't worry, I didn't cheat you! "

"Well, I believe you!" Xianyu said.

At present, Chen Yang gives the goodwill to Xian Yuxue.

After that, he was about to leave. Xianyu Xue holds goodwill in her hand, and she suddenly shouts, "Chen Yang!"

Chen Yang looks back curiously.

Fresh in snow smile, said: "we will meet again?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't know!"

He then cast a big move, directly disappeared in the starry sky.

That xianzhengyun didn't peep aside, and Chen Yang didn't lack heart. If xianzhengyun peeps on one side, he won't be so cheerful.

But xianzhengyun didn't go far either.

He will be back soon.

Goodwill has been fresh in the snow solution, in addition to the imprint in the head, but also unlock his seal. He's back to his normal size.

My eyes are red, humiliation, great humiliation!

Moreover, he also hates fresh in the snow. Although Xianyu snow didn't do anything substantial, Xianyu Snow's attitude made her hate!

All the time, he never got a smile fresh in snow.

He was in awe of her, and he didn't want her in his heart.

It is not a kind of vent and revenge that he seeks so many wives and concubines. But fresh in snow's heart, actually does not have him.

Xianzhengyun sighed and said to goodwill, "it's OK. There's still a chance for revenge."

"Thank you, brother!" Goodwill is not a person without a city, but most of the time, he does not need to show the city. But in front of xianzhengyun and xianyuxue, he needs to show Chengfu. At this time, although he was dissatisfied with Xianyu snow, he did not dare to show it. Maybe the two brothers and sisters killed him, and he had no place to reason.

Xianzhengyun said to xianyuxue, "little sister, don't you leave your smell and hair on him?"

Xianyu Xue said, "no! He is very careful, I dare not stay

Xian Zhengyun frowned and said, "it's really hard to find him now. It's more difficult to catch him than to look for a needle in a haystack. "

Xian Yuxue said: "we have got what we want, so there's no need to go on looking for his trouble. It's better to crack the Amethyst and force Yuanling out quickly than to spend no effort

Goodwill in the side also said: "Snow said is!"

Xianzhengyun quite surprised, said: "goodwill, I did not expect, you actually swallow this tone."

Goodwill said, "I'm so lucky that I survived."In his heart, there are a hundred ways to torture Chen Yang, but he knows that he can't trust the two people in front of him.

So he chose not to say anything.

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