Danube, a world of ice and snow!

East Xinjiang, Zifu Tiangong!

Xianyuxue and xianzhengyun send the goodwill back to the cold spring hall. Xianzhengyun takes out the dragon bone and chalcedony pill again to heal the goodwill. Goodwill soon recovered, and his strength returned to its former state.

Power is in the body of goodwill.

After that, xianzhengyun took out the crystal soul and said, "my sister said that the crystal soul is your credit. Take it

He was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect that xianzhengyun would really give the crystal soul to him.

"Brother, this I lost face this time, and you saved my life. I can't take this credit. " He said busily.

"I'm polite to my elder brother. I'm just going to help. Can I really fight for the credit with you? Take it Xianzhengyun is forced into the hands of goodwill. Goodwill is not really to refuse, so also accepted.

"Thank you, brother!" He said.

"Take a good rest!" Xianzhengyun then left with xianyuxue. Xianyu snow will not stay in Bingquan hall, she has always lived in her own Yuxue hall.

According to the rules, it's against the rules. How can a married girl stay at home. But the Lord of Zifu, the supreme leader Meng Qingchen, loves Xianyu xuepo. Mengqingchen takes care of Xianyu snow, so even shangwudao doesn't have much to say.

Mengqingchen is a peerless beauty, but few people at the bottom can see her face. She dotes on Xianyu snow. In fact, everyone knows why. That is, Meng Qingchen doesn't like this marriage. She doesn't want the Shenbing department and the sacrificial Temple department to be entangled too deeply.

Xianyu Xuexian and xianzhengyun return to the ice cloud hall where xianzhengyun lives.

As soon as he went in, Xianyu Xue was dissatisfied and said, "brother, how did you give the crystal soul to him?"

Xianzhengyun said: "at first you promised him?"

Xianyu xueqigugu said: "I was visiting him, do you still take it seriously?"

Xianzhengyun said with a smile, "it's OK."

Xianyu Xue said, "it doesn't matter! Goodwill, this guy, must be rewarded. He made such a great contribution this time. Even if he didn't want to, the LORD would let him into the supreme building. I don't like him, but he is a wizard. In the future, if he is more capable, he will be able to take us seriously? "

Xianzhengyun smile, said: "don't worry, although the goodwill is good, but his brother has never regarded him as a real opponent. If you have a big brother, you will be protected all the time. Of course, you have to work harder yourself! "

Xianyu Xue said: "you are stupid, so solid eye. Look at the man we meet today. He has a lot of heart and eyes

Xian Zhengyun said: "that man is really very smart. I still don't know how he captured goodwill. I know the ability of goodwill, and I don't have the ability to catch it in a moment! "

Xianyu smiles and says, "I know what's going on."

"Oh? Tell Big Brother quickly Xian Zhengyun is interested.

Xian Yu Xue said: "I'll tell you, you want to know, yes, you have to promise me a condition!"

Xianzhengyun immediately asked: "what conditions?"

Xian Yu Xue said, "I haven't thought about it yet. You have to promise first. No matter what I ask for, you must promise me. "

"No way!" Xianzhengyun said: "you little girl, the most ghost ideas."

Xianyu snow with xianzhengyun coquetry, xianzhengyun helpless, said: "good good good!"

Xian Yu Xue was satisfied, and then she said, "I asked that guy, he said he had special skills. He also seized the dragon of goodwill, so he asked the dragon about the weakness of goodwill. "

Xianzhengyun suddenly realized, but immediately, he said: "no, goodwill is not a fool, he should be able to think of his flaws will be said by the Dragon xiuzemi!"

Xian Yu Xue said: "the key problem is here. Goodwill is to deliberately let that guy attack his weakness. But he actually shifted his weakness, but the guy was better, and he thought about it. He deliberately fell into the trap, but he let xiuzemi ambush him, and he let him go

"Wonderful After hearing this, Xian Zhengyun couldn't help praising him.

"He's really smart and difficult!" Xianzhengyun then said.

In the ice spring hall, goodwill holds the crystal soul in his hand. He was silent for a long time, but after that, he put the crystal soul into the storage bracelet. After that, he got up and went to the main hall of shenbingsi.

The main division hall is very broad, there are many departments, including intelligence, training, and so on!

This is the core area of Shenbing department.

It was very late and it was dark.

But the main hall is full of lights!

There are always bright lights here!

Shang Wudao is often not in the main department. He is more focused on cultivation. And the main division hall has always been in charge of the business affairs of the senior brother of goodwill. Business intelligence was adopted by Shang Wudao. He was very cold and powerful. He was still above xianzhengyun. However, Shangqing has never been involved in any affairs outside the Department, and is only loyal to shangwudao.Even if it's goodwill, business doesn't give it much face. Goodwill is also in awe of business sentiment!

Goodwill is a loose nature, and it doesn't matter. He is keen on the search of Amethyst this time, also in order to enter the supreme Pavilion.

At this time, goodwill came to the main hall, he did not come to see business. He felt that his father had come back. He was going to present a big gift to his father.

In the sixth floor of the main hall, the sixth floor is an absolute forbidden area. And set up a border, usually only business no way a person to enter, that is, goodwill can not enter casually.

When goodwill entered the first floor of the main department hall, all the gods, soldiers and guards in the hall and other personnel saluted respectfully and called out in awe: "see you, little Lord!"

He didn't care. He was never polite.

In the main hall, you can't abuse mana, although goodwill can reach the sixth level instantly. But when we get here, we still have to go step by step.

In the chief secretary's palace, whenever someone is there, they all salute one after another as long as they see the goodwill.

But soon, I met a man who didn't do courtesy. That's senior brother, business!

Shangqing is a man with a long blue shirt and a solemn face. He is short and has a birthmark on his face. It can be said that he is very ugly. He was always silent. At this time, business was about to go out. He saw goodwill, but ignored it.

But the goodwill does not dare to ignore business!

"I've seen elder martial brother!" He bowed respectfully.

Business light look at the goodwill, and then directly left. He thought it was air!

This makes goodwill angry in his heart, but he doesn't think about himself. He regards how many people as the air every day. People always see the shortcomings of others, but seldom reflect on themselves!

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