"Elder martial brother!" All of a sudden, he gave a loud cry. Normally, business doesn't care about him, that's all. But today, goodwill's heart choked a stomach of fire, he broke out directly.

In front of Chen Yang, he is afraid of death.

But at home, he has no fear!

Business stopped, but also not look at goodwill. "What's the matter?"

Goodwill word by word said: "I salute you, call you a elder martial brother, that is I give you face. You probably forgot who you were

"Who am I? What identity? " Business light said: "please remind me."

"You're just my father's dog!" Goodwill sneers.

The business situation was slightly stunned.

Around the brothers, as well as the shenbingwei all stop down, they all look here.

No fear!

Shang Qing suddenly smiles and says, "yes, I'm a dog. But what are you? You're not as good as a dog. If you are not a dead man now, you will lose face. You know, I'm going to crush you like an ant. "

"You..." He was furious.

Business then patted goodwill on the shoulder and said, "you don't have to salute me in the future. I don't dare to recognize a younger martial brother like you!"

Then business left.

Goodwill stays where it is.

The people around them quickly dispersed and went their own way.

I don't understand why business hates him so much. In fact, he didn't know that no one in the whole shenbingsi didn't dislike him. Including fresh in snow!

Even among his wives and concubines, there are those who hate him, but they can't resist.

The more ruthless business sentiment is to goodwill, the less face it will give to goodwill. And the following people respect business!

And the Lord of Zifu, mengqingchen has always been good for business reputation. Among them, many crooked roads are not for external humanity.

Goodwill then came to the sixth floor, the border protection is tight, he is outside to see his father.

"Come in!" Shang Wudao's voice soon spread out. His voice is full of indifference and dignity!

At this time, a door appeared.

Goodwill enters through the door.

At the top of the hall, Shang Wudao was sitting cross legged. He seemed to be refining some magic weapon.

Goodwill came in, then knelt down on one knee in front of Shang Wudao and said, "my son has seen my father!"

Shang Wudao opened his eyes.

Shang Wudao is an extremely dignified man. He seems to be in his forties. He always wears black clothes and doesn't laugh. I'm afraid of business reputation. Even, he was not sure if his father would shed a tear when he died. He felt that his father didn't seem to be a person, as if he had no feelings.

"What about Amethyst? Did you find out the result?" Shang Wudao asked directly.

Goodwill said, "yes, father. The child has already caught the traitor of ZEMO. Now the crystal soul is in hand. You can directly find her to force out the Amethyst. "

Then he took out the crystal soul from the storage bracelet.

There was a wave in Shang Wudao's calm eyes. He grabbed the crystal soul void in his hand.

"You did a good job of it." Shang Wudao said, "I will tell the LORD your credit. Now, where is ZEMO?"

Goodwill said: "the child was detained in the weapon."

Seizing the traitor ZEMO and looking for Amethyst have always been the follow-up of goodwill, and outsiders are unable to intervene. This is also the Lord's dream light dust opened the door to goodwill.

Dream light dust seems to be intended to cultivate goodwill.

Obviously, now if the business reputation found Amethyst, then, dream light dust will certainly reward business reputation.

"You didn't move her, did you?" Shang Wudao asked suddenly.

Goodwill slightly stunned, he was embarrassed, because he was not reluctant to move ZEMO. But not yet!

"ZEMO is close to the Lord. Although she is a traitor, the Lord has to decide what to do with her. You must not be at will Shang Wudao said.

Goodwill some disapprove, said: "Lord now, will care about her life and death honor and disgrace?"

Shang Wudao snorted coldly and said, "do you think the Lord is really amiable? Her means, for the father should be afraid. You and Xian Yuxue always think that she is really your elder. "

"Ah?" I was stunned.

Shang Wudao said, "I'm too lazy to tell you more about these things. But if you are a father, you can't listen to him. Otherwise, don't blame him for not helping you when you are dealt with! "

"Yes," he said

"Let ZEMO out, father, and ask her!" Shang Wudao said later.

Goodwill then grabbed that ZEMO from the magic weapon and threw it on the ground.

He obviously felt that he had found jinghun, and his father was obviously kind to him.ZEMO is the purple haired woman Chen Yang met before. At this time, ZEMO was wearing a red skirt. Although her face was beautiful, she was weak and pale.

She looked up at Shang Wudao.

"Why betray Zifu?" Shang Wudao asked ZEMO coldly.

ZEMO snorted coldly and said, "if you want to kill it, kill it. Why talk nonsense!"

Goodwill eyes a cold, a slap in the face of ZEMO. "Bitch, you can answer whatever my father asks you. If you dare to contradict me again, I'll pull you out and give you to the tramps on the street! "

ZEMO's body trembled, and she was afraid. She knows some glorious deeds of goodwill. This person is not a human being at all because of his extremely evil manner.

There's nothing he can't do.

Shang Wudao ignored this and continued: "now it seems that you have not been successfully occupied by our people. On the contrary, you have devoured the soul of our people. All you do is to preserve human beings and prevent us from getting the spirit of Mo Yu, the little girl. "

After a pause, he said, "ZEMO, hand over the Amethyst. I promise you a decent way to die. You should know that once I perform soul searching, you can't protect the Amethyst itself. "

ZEMO was silent for a moment, and then said, "have you got the crystal soul back?"

Shang Wudao said, "that's right!"

"The human? You killed me, too? " ZEMO continued.

Shang Wudao took a look at the goodwill and said, "what human beings? Have you got it back? "

He did not dare to lie. He bowed his head and said, "I'm ashamed that I didn't catch the man."

"Crystal soul is on that man. Since you can catch crystal soul back. It means that the man has been controlled. How can he not be caught? " Shang Wudao asked flatly.

But goodwill felt the same pressure as a mountain.

I don't know how to talk with Shang Wudao. How can he say that? What a humiliation!

"Hum!" Shang Wudao gave a cold hum, and then the purple light came out of his purple eyes. The purple light immediately covers the goodwill cage!

I dare not resist!

As a result, the memory in his brain was observed one by one by Shang Wudao.

Shang Wudao sees that goodwill is tortured and humiliated in Chen Yang's hands. And also saw goodwill kowtow to Chen Yang for mercy.

I knelt down in terror.

Shang Wudao's face was livid, and then he took back the purple light.

"Children are useless. Please punish them!" He said.

Shang Wudao took a deep breath and asked, "except for Xianzheng cloud and Xianyu snow, no one knows about it?"

"Yes," he said

Shang Wudao said, "this man must die! You can afford this man, I can't afford it! "

The last few words are roared by Shang Wudao.

"Roll down and shout xianzhengyun and xianyuxue to me!" Shang Wudao roared.

"Yes The goodwill was immediately withdrawn.

ZEMO knew that the human was not dead. She can't help but be surprised that the shenbingwei and the goodwill made a big fall for the goodwill. This human has great ability!

"Where is the Amethyst body?" Shang Wudao suppresses his anger and asks ZEMO.

ZEMO can't survive or die now. She took a deep breath and said, "Amethyst body, I lost it in space. I specially attached the soul of Amethyst to the man and discarded it. The reason is not to let you get Amethyst. Without Amethyst, you can't get Mo's spirit. "

"If Amethyst loses its soul, it means it has no breath. Without breath, we can't find Amethyst. It's almost impossible to find Amethyst in space! " Shang Wudao said coldly: "you are forcing yourself to have no room to turn around. I believe what you said. No Amethyst, it doesn't matter. It's just a little bit of trouble. We'll make a new Amethyst. As long as the crystal soul is there, everything is not a problem. "

Ze can't help losing face.

All along, she is trying to hide the breath of amethyst. She is also just recently thought of a way to separate the crystal soul of amethyst. Zifu's pursuit of her didn't depend on the breath of amethyst. But according to her own breath, although she swallowed the soul of the purple star people, her mana and breath belong to the purple star people. Therefore, she can't completely avoid the pursuit of Zifu.

She has been away for more than a year.

She found the wonderful Death Star. There is a strange mineral in a certain area of the death star, which can shield many external information. This let her escape for such a long time, but in the end, she was found.

So, the nightmare came completely!

She is too weak to return.

"Originally, I intended to hand you over to the Lord. Maybe the Lord will give you a decent way to die. But I'm not in a good mood today, so you can only blame yourself for your bad luck. " Shang Wudao said coldly."You can't kill me." ZEMO trembled and said, "the Lord will blame you!"

"Joke!" Shang Wudao said: "how can the Lord blame me for killing a traitor. Just to reassure her, but not now. Because you piss me off

He gave a speech, and then said, "die!"

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