The tight defense of goodwill made Chen Yang's mind light unable to capture the quicksand of Ganges River. Chen Yang's Noumenon moved with him, but he found the spirit of goodwill and killed him continuously!

The spirit dominates the Ganges quicksand. In the Ganges, like the creator, it constantly changes and drives the Ganges quicksand to attack and kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang has lifted the ice, and his life is going crazy. He killed continuously, but he couldn't catch the spirit.

Goodwill won't be taken in.

But Chen Yang continued to return to the frozen state.

The spirit of goodwill also stayed down, he tried his best to kill the light of soul and xiuzemi! He also hated xiuzemi to the bone.

Xiuzemi was immediately trapped by Ganges quicksand and couldn't move!

The light of the soul is also entangled by the quicksand of the Ganges River, and is about to disappear. Naturally, Chen Yang is also completely troubled by the quicksand of the Ganges River. He is about to fall short.

But at this time, a root suddenly appeared in the back of the spirit.

That spirit is a purple halo, a chaotic mass, which is the core of the Ganges quicksand.

The root of the tree appeared very strange, and quickly injected spirit into the spirit!

This is the great liquid skill of Linghui monk!

Great spirit liquid is a kind of divine skill to save people, but at the same time, it also makes the spirit not pure.

The Ganges quicksand, which was originally one, suddenly changed dramatically, and the rules of time suddenly became violent.

Looking at the opportunity, Chen Yang quickly set out to kill three swords of the soul. Goodwill suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood, and then launches the purple God awn continuously to resist the three soul swords. As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he had already received monk Linghui into the seed of xuanhuang Shengu. At the same time, he also flashed over the goodwill, and then grabbed it.

The great palmprint, like the top of Mount Tai, has been pressed down, and it is about to seize the goodwill.

Just then, the change appeared.

Chen Yang feels that the power of creation from the outside world has penetrated in. The power of his palmprint is like ice and snow melted by flames.

Once all his mana reaches the outside world, it will melt directly.

Chen Yang's heart sank infinitely. He knew that he had fallen short after all.

In the purple sphere of creation, everything is calm. Goodwill was hurt again, and he was extremely ashamed.

But Shang Wudao still holds the purple ball, his eyes are indifferent.

"Kill the traitor suzemi." Shang Wudao orders goodwill.

Goodwill dare not violate, his heart is also hate xiuzemi. So he went up and grabbed the Dragon xiuzemi directly. His hands were permeated with mana and turned into giant fingerprints, pulling the Dragon xiuzemi separately.

Xiuzemi was suppressed by the power of creation, could not resist, and was torn in two directly.

Pieces of soul are flying.

Xiuzemi screams repeatedly, goodwill again, will xiuzemi completely smashed.

Chen Yang's Star Dragon Scepter has become a waste.

Later, goodwill's eyes were red, and he killed Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang is also helpless, quickly frozen himself into ice sculpture. Goodwill pounced on Chen Yang, but it was useless for him to hit Chen Yang with his magic power.

"Damn it Business reputation roars.

At this time, Shang Wudao also saw the embarrassment of goodwill, and he made a direct move. Therefore, the power of creation began to invade Chen Yang's body.

The power of creation is mysterious and irresistible.

Chen Yang felt that the outside world seemed to be a fiery volcano, and his extreme cold power was not afraid of any fire. But the fire of this power of creation began to melt his frigid ice.

"I can't resist it." The mana in Chen Yang's body is gone crazy, and the fear in his heart is also growing rapidly. This time, I can't support it. Under the attack of the creation master, he didn't have any luck.

Business has no way at this time is also lightly Yi a.

He thought his son was useless, but now it seems that this young man is really eccentric enough. It's actually quite difficult to break this guy's ice.

"Dead, dead!" Chen Yang tries his best to support him. Anyway, he will never give up.

As long as the ice is broken, he will absolutely impose the extreme cruelty on Chen Yang.

In front of this humble human, gave his life the biggest humiliation, insult. He lost face in front of Chen Yang!

At this critical moment, the most critical time, Chen Yang's brain suddenly produced a strange change. This change makes Chen Yang feel baffled and unable to understand.

In his brain, there is a trace of his unfamiliar mana connected with his mana.

There is a scene in Chen Yang's brain.

The scene is in the distant universe, surrounded by darkness.

In that empty space, there is a blue peak! The overall size of the peak is about 1000 square kilometers. On a closer look, the peak looks like an embryo.Soon, Chen Yang saw the waves rolling inside the embryo!

In the embryo, the waves roll more and more, and finally form a huge vortex.

In this vortex, there is a space array!

Chen Yang quickly connected with the space array through the mana of the brain. At that moment, the connection between them was formed.

"Wormhole jump!" Without hesitation, Chen Yang shuttled directly to the past.

The body of ice was just broken by the power of creation. But after breaking the ice sculpture, there is no trace of Chen Yang at the scene.

At this time, business has no way, but also lose color.

He didn't even know what was going on.

Goodwill in the side of this is already rubbing hands, but this is followed by silly eyes.

"Dad, what's going on?" I don't understand.

Shang Wudao took back the power of creation, and the goodwill came back to him.

Shang Wudao pondered and ignored goodwill.

I dare not ask any more questions.

After a long time, Shang Wudao sighed and said, "yu'er, as a father, I can't find any trace of this son now. There are too many oddities in this son. Now, it's no surprise that you are defeated by him. You are wronged for your father. You are wronged. "

What he said is not only a consolation, but also a step down for himself. After all, in his capacity, he didn't take Chen Yang personally. It's really a shame.

When she heard her father's consolation, she immediately felt that all her grievances had been vented, but she almost cried on the spot.

"We're all rotten in this." After that, Shang Wudao said.

Goodwill, of course, is eager to say: "yes, Dad!"

But immediately, goodwill said: "but, Dad, I don't understand. How can he escape from you? It's incredible. Any space array, time and space shuttle, can't escape your power of creation

Shang Wudao said in a deep voice: "my father is also thinking about this problem."

Obviously, Shang Wudao didn't figure it out himself.

Later, Shang Wudao rushed back to Danube with goodwill.

Chen Yang escaped from death. He shuttled through the space array and soon came to the inner zone of the embryo.

All around is a turbid sea, which is the place where Chen Yang's brain appeared before.

"Where is this? How did I come here all of a sudden? " Chen Yang can feel the squeeze of the surrounding water pressure, and also feel the cold of the liquid.

This kind of water is very cold.

Chen Yang doesn't understand. What is the reason for all this?

There was a feeling in his heart that the occurrence of all this should have something to do with the crystal soul. He protected himself with the holy light and sent out a strong idea to all around him.

This idea is: "the elder is on the top, the younger is saved by the elder, thank you very much!"

However, there was no response.

Chen Yang is not reconciled. He concludes that there must be someone here. Even if there is no one, there will be some kind of conscious life.

Otherwise, he would not be here for no reason. What's more, this helping creature has extraordinary ability.

There is no doubt about his ability to save him from the hands of the master of creation.

Chen Yang said three times in a row.

Three times later, there was a response.

From a hundred miles to the East, there was a sound. It's the language from the earth, which goes directly into Chen Yang's ears.

"Young man, you don't have to shout anymore. I have no entity, so I can't show up!"

It's a woman's voice.

As Chen Yang's mind turned, the outline of his heart became clear.

"The Amethyst wants to call out the girl's spirit, so the Amethyst has a deep connection with the girl. The girl is probably the embryo It was born. In other words, my crystal soul has not been completely collected. That fresh in the snow or left a hand! And this embryo is the girl's mother, who led me here through the crystal soul? "

"Young man, you are very clever. As you can guess, it's already eight or nine. "

The woman's voice was soft and ethereal, and it was transmitted to Chen Yang's ears with great accuracy.

Chen Yang was startled and said, "do you know what I'm thinking?"

The woman said with a smile, "the water around me is my amniotic fluid and also a kind of spiritual water. You are bathed in this spiritual water. I can see all your thoughts, thoughts and signal fluctuations clearly. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized and said, "I see!"

After a pause, he said, "thank you for saving me."

The woman sighed and said, "you don't have to thank me. I'll save you. There's something to ask for."

Chen Yang immediately said, "I hate you to the bone. Without the help of my predecessors, I can't imagine how miserable the future will be. If you can do it, I will not refuse! "The woman's voice was softer, and she said, "well, well, young man, you don't have to say much. I can feel your sincerity. I know. You've been looking for the spirit of the universe, haven't you? "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said frankly, "yes, master!"

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