The woman continued, "you're a smart man. You've guessed a lot. But there are still many things you don't understand! I am not a person, but a dollar fetus. As for how I came into being, I'm not sure. I came into being in this yuan fetus. And the crystal soul in you, its Amethyst is the placenta when I gave birth to my daughter. The placenta then fell off and condensed into Amethyst. My daughter is the spirit of the universe. "

After a pause, she continued: "as far as I know, there are many spirits in the whole universe. My daughter is a very special kind. She grew up in Yuantai and had a physical body. This is unexpected, and I don't know what kind of adventure and change she will have in the future if she can live all the time. "

Chen Yang's eyes brightened. But then he was dejected and said, "since you know that I am looking for the spirit of the universe, why do you tell me all this?"

The woman gave a smile and said, "I don't know what your purpose is to find the spirit of the universe, but I know that you are a kind child. I'm relieved that you have my daughter. "

Chen Yang said, "no, I don't know what the result will be. I am even more afraid that I will fail you, because you are my benefactor. "

The woman said, "it's nothing. The reason why you have such trouble is because of amethyst. So, you don't have to be too burdened. Anyway, my daughter's going to be worse on Danube. The only thing I can do is to place my hope on you. Her time is running out. Once the universe spirit is forced out, my daughter will die. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

He went on to make trouble and said, "I don't mean to refuse, but I'm alone. There are so many experts in Danube. I'm not sure I can save your daughter. "

"Do your best!" The woman sighed and said, "if it's really her destiny, she and I can only accept it."

Chen Yang was speechless. At this time, it's not appropriate to say anything.

"Do my best. Yes, I can only do my best." Chen Yang then said to himself.

The woman said, "I have a present for you before you go to my daughter."

Chen Yang said, "hmm?"

The woman said: "I will use the spirit of Yuan Tai to protect the Dharma for you. You will have endless spirit and energy absorption. There is the residual power of the spirit of the universe in this spirit, and you will have a deeper understanding of the laws and existence of the universe. As for where you can ascend, it depends on your nature. "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "thank you, master!"

The woman smiles and says, "if there are no other problems, let's start."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!" He didn't have any doubt, because if it wasn't for this woman's help, his life would have been gone.

After that, Chen Yang sat on his knees in the amniotic fluid.

Then he removed the light.

In the amniotic fluid, the waves surged again. The waves surged around, but they were all muddy.

At this time, the muddy amniotic fluid in all directions, suddenly emerged four clear flow!

Four pure and incomparable water columns, like four dragons, quickly envelop Chen Yang!

"What a pure breath When Chen Yang heard the smell of the clear water, he couldn't help feeling.

In his xuanhuang Valley seed, Linghui monk is also very happy, although Linghui monk always has few emotional ups and downs. But at the moment, Chen Yang's escape from death and his chance encounter make monk Linghui excited.

"Daoyou, the spirit of aura has an unpredictable effect. You must hold it well!" Linghui monk excitedly said: "this Yuantai has been pregnant with the spirit of Lingqi for many years. Now you have picked up the ready-made cheap. Other people are coming, even if they are the masters of creation, they don't want to enter into yuan Tai. Even if yuan Tai doesn't want to come in, the other side can't absorb the essence of aura. "

Chen Yang already knew that the spirit of aura was extremely precious. Now when monk Linghui said that, he felt that he was in bad luck.

"It seems that your luck didn't disappear because you left the earth! The power of the universe is still affecting you. " Later, Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang no longer cares about monk Linghui. He begins to absorb the essence of Lingqi.

With Chen Yang's big breath, the spirit of aura passed through his mouth like a whale swallowing water, and then directly entered his body. After turning around his body, he found that his body didn't need aura, so he rushed to the brain.

It's a process.

In Chen Yang's brain, the mana is powerful. At this time, the spirit of aura comes in, and the mana magnetic field immediately boils up.

Chen Yang's brain cells are happily moistened by the essence of aura, including the developed brain cells, which are once again bathed in this aura. All the cells give off a kind of happy, joyful mood. This kind of happiness is irreplaceable by any desire.Chen Yang's mana naturally grows stronger, and every cell is giving out power.

His cultivation rapidly ascended from the early stage of Tianyu realm to the middle stage of Tianyu realm.

An hour later, Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the peak of Tianyu!

The essence of aura is constantly absorbed by Chen Yang.

Not only absorbed the essence of aura, but also, in Chen Yang's brain, the macro vision of the universe constantly flashed, making up for countless laws and powers.

Chen Yang did not stop. This is a golden opportunity.

He continued to shock and absorb the essence of aura.

Originally, although he had a great source of skill, he could prevent himself from being possessed. However, if the accumulation is not enough, it will be impossible to force it up to the present level. Not to mention that he still wants to attack the heaven, it's a suicide.

But now, the cosmic law in the spirit of aura is deepening his accumulation. He seems to have traveled all over the universe and seen many miracles and long history of the universe.

Chen Yang's mentality also began to become desolate, vicissitudes, Grand

From the beginning of Tianyu realm to the peak of Tianyu realm, Chen Yang's strength has doubled.

In other words, Chen Yang has been practicing for so many years, and the strength and wealth created by countless adventures can only be equal to the strength promoted by this adventure.

Chen Yang also felt that in the brain, the magic power was powerful, and it was incomparable!

His strength was so strong that he didn't believe it.

At this moment, he went all over the universe, and would never be a mole ant again.

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