Chen Yang was slightly shocked, but he was not surprised. He didn't feel much about the relationship between Zifu and human beings.

"Mengqingchen should be regarded as the most outstanding master of their dreamers. She is still so young, less than 200 years old. If she continues to practice, the whole Danube will be in her bag. " The Eastern god said, "that's why your Highness the king of spirits is so afraid of her."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "200 years old? It's really young, but I'm under sixty. "

His actual age is 37 years old, but with those twists and turns of time, he is close to 60 years old. This 60 year old is an old man in the world. But in the world of Xiuzhen, Chen Yang is a little fresh meat.

"So young?" When the Oriental God heard that his mouth was open, he couldn't close it. He can see that Chen Yang is very young, but he didn't expect to be so young. "I'm more than two hundred years old, but I'm a young genius! But compared with you, I'm so ashamed! " Then the Eastern god said.

Chen Yang laughs.

This topic is not entangled. The Oriental God continued to introduce mengqingchen. In a word, mengqingchen is a beautiful woman with deep mind and profound cultivation. It's a very difficult opponent.

"However, mengqingchen is only 200 years old, and his cultivation is still above the spirit king. It's really terrible." Chen Yang also can't help saying. He was not sure whether he could have such accomplishments when he reached the age of mengqingchen. The Oriental God continued, "there's another magic weapon in mengqingchen."

Chen Yang suddenly curious, way: "what magic weapon?"

Oriental God said: "Loulan heaven!"

Chen Yang immediately thought of the legend of Loulan on earth. He didn't know the connection between the two.

The Oriental God continued: "it is said that there are 365 gods living in Loulan heaven. Dream light dust control Loulan heaven, you can order 365 gods for her drive. However, no one has seen her show Loulan heaven, so all this is just a legend. No one has the ability to force her to show Loulan heaven. "

"Moreover, I also heard that there is a gold seal in Loulan Kingdom, which has the power to suppress 365 Daozheng gods!"

Chen Yang listened very seriously. He immediately asked Dongfang God, "are these news hearsay from there? Are they reliable?"

The Oriental God said, "I, the Oriental people, have a deep hatred for dreamers, so we also know many secrets of dreamers. What I know is obtained by Dongfang family through special channels. It should be reliable. "

Chen Yang said: "is it possible that Meng Qingchen deliberately revealed the news?"

"Impossible," said the Oriental God

Chen Yang said: "this is a key question. Brother Dongfang, why do you think it is impossible? Now we're going to grab things from Zifu. It's like walking on the edge of a knife. It's a mistake. It's doomed. "

The Eastern god said, "I know that a master of our family saw with his own eyes that mengqingchen had refined Loulan heaven. Unfortunately, the master was found and killed by mengqingchen. But dream light dust didn't expect, at that time, not far from the master, there are also our masters. Through the idea of contact, just know the secret

Chen Yang said, "well, I believe what you said, brother Dongfang."

Then, Chen Yang continued to ask the Oriental God, "is it possible that someone in your clan is an undercover agent of Zifu?"

Dongfang Shen was stunned, and then said, "why did you suddenly ask? Did you find anything suspicious? "

Chen Yang said: "of course not, but I think that if I were the leader of Zifu, I would try to find a way to put spies in your people. If there are spies in your people, maybe we will be arrested as soon as we go to the East Xinjiang. This is also a crucial step! "

When Dongfang God thought about it carefully, he then said with a bitter smile, "well, I'm not sure. These people follow me. They are all good brothers in the near future. I don't believe any of them will betray me. "

Chen Yang said: "that is to say, I'm not sure that there are no spies?"

The Oriental God said, "there are always accidents."

Chen Yang said: "this is very simple. There is a way to distinguish. That is, if we want to save people, the first thing we have to do is to change our appearance and get in. And to get in, what's the first thing you do? "

The thinking of Oriental God is completely taken by Chen Yang. He had to admire Chen Yang for his thoughtfulness.

At present, the Oriental God said, "when we go to the eastern Xinjiang, the first thing we should do is to find a Pulsatilla to change its appearance."

"Who is Pulsatilla?" Chen Yang asked.

The Oriental God said: "the Pulsatilla was originally a human being engulfed by the purple star clan. Later, the Pulsatilla turned against the Hakka and strangled the soul of the purple star clan and took back its body. He can use the purple star gene in his body to cover up for us. We will have many characteristics of the purple star clan! "Chen Yang said: "is Pulsatilla credible?"

"Absolutely credible!" Said the Oriental God.

"Oh?" Chen Yang said.

Oriental God said: "Pulsatilla has helped me escape from the danger of life and death several times, that is to say, without Pulsatilla, we have already been destroyed. Mengqingchen, they are not stupid enough to do such a trick. What she wants is to kill our Oriental people. "

Chen Yang said: "however, the Pulsatilla may also be re occupied body!"

The Oriental God said, "it's impossible. The body of Pulsatilla belongs to the purple star clan. Therefore, the insects of the purple star clan can't be invaded again."

"So it is," Chen Yang said

After a pause, Chen Yang continued: "that's it. Let's check the Pulsatilla first."

The Oriental God nodded.

The address of Pulsatilla is not in the East Xinjiang mainland, but it is often changing places, away from the East Xinjiang mainland. It's also to avoid the pursuit of Zifu. However, the Pulsatilla would often send a signal to the Oriental God, telling them where he was hiding.

"Why don't Pulsatilla go to the elves with you?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

"He's a little eccentric and doesn't like to live in groups," he said

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"How many people know the new address where the Pulsatilla lives?" Chen Yang asked the Oriental God again.

The Oriental God said, "with me, there are only three people. But the other two, my brothers of life and death, will never betray me. Even if the Pulsatilla is found, it may be traced by the purple star tribe. I don't think your way of investigation is necessarily correct. "

"It's all possible, isn't it? When it's time, we'll ask carefully, won't it be clear? " Chen Yang said.

The Oriental God said, "well, in a word, everything should be careful!"

"Of course," Chen Yang said

At present, Chen Yang and the Oriental God returned to Danube. There is no such thing as the great universe on Danube. Therefore, this planet is a pure planet. There are no three thousand worlds, let alone three thousand avenues. Even more, evil spirits can rule the way, and the human race does not exist.

Here, it is a barbaric place without law.

The world of Danube is vast and boundless. After Chen Yang and the eastern God entered Danube, the purple mansion, no matter how powerful, could not supervise everyone who entered the planet.

The Pulsatilla lives in the south of Xinjiang where the orcs live!

Southern Xinjiang is also covered with ice and snow. Most of the Orc tribes are strong and dull, and live in poor places. The rise of orcs is due to the existence of their animal gods!

The power and mana of the beast God are still the first in the four continents. Unfortunately, there are too few talents under his command. But even so, Araby, the beast God, can make the people of the other three continents dare not go to the next life.

"Araby, the beast God, hated the invasion of experts from other tribes, so the Pulsatilla chose the southern Xinjiang." The Oriental God said to Chen Yang on his way here.

"Will we offend the beast God if we go like this?" Chen Yang said immediately.

The Eastern god smiles and says, "when one of our ancestors made friends with Alabi, the beast God still took care of us. Don't worry

"That's good!" Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "since this is the case, the Pulsatilla may be safe here."

The Oriental God said, "actually, I didn't worry about the Pulsatilla side. If you want to find out, of course, it's OK. Anyway, we also need Pulsatilla to help us change our appearance and blend into the eastern Xinjiang mainland! "

Chen Yang also a smile, said: "I hope I worry about, all are superfluous. I wish my heart were pure, but how deceitful it is

Between speaking, they fell on the peak of a snow mountain.

It was snowy all around, and in the distance the mountains were thick, but also covered with snow and ice.

"Right here!" After the fall of the Oriental God, he said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's mind swept away, but he found nothing.

The Eastern god said with a smile: "the Pulsatilla has his way of survival. If it is so easy to be found, it will not live to this day."

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

At this time, the Oriental god suddenly stopped. He started to walk in the same place with a wonderful footwork. Back and forth, similar to the eight trigrams, but also different from the eight trigrams.

After that, six star array appeared at his feet!

There is a light in the center of the six pointed star array, which forms a void door.

Chen Yang and the Oriental God enter the void gate.

As soon as I went in, I came to a nice palace.

This palace is similar to an ancient castle. It is located in the main hall, where the fireplace is blazing.

Next to the fireplace, an old man with white hair was lying in a noble recliner, sleepy.

"Master!" The Oriental God took a few steps forward and saluted respectfully.

The old man did not open his eyes, but said in a hoarse voice, "Dongfang, why did you bring outsiders to me?"

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