The Oriental God said, "this brother's name is Chen Yang. He is my friend."

"Can we trust it?" The old man asked faintly.

He never got up.

"The Oriental God said:" absolutely can trust

Chen Yang can't help laughing bitterly. The Oriental God is always too full to speak! What if I were a spy?

Then the old man opened his eyes. He sat up and looked to the Oriental God.

"Come on, sit down!" Said the old man.

The old man is the Pulsatilla the Oriental God is looking for.

Chen Yang and the Oriental God came to the white head and sat down on the ground.

The palace was warm, in sharp contrast to the cold outside.

The eyes of the Pulsatilla are turbid, and it seems to have no light. But Chen Yang knows that this Pulsatilla is also a very powerful guy, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

The experts he meets now are always on the way up. This is also his cultivation to this level, so the people he made friends with have also been promoted. If he was a rookie, he would never know Mo Xiangji in Yuantai, let alone become friends with Dongfang God.

It's a wonderful causality.

Pulsatilla can overcome the invasion of the soul of the purple star clan, and live safely to the present under the pursuit of the purple house, it must have its own means.

At this time, the Pulsatilla also looked at Chen Yang.

He was also surprised.

"This little brother is very young. He didn't expect that his cultivation has been so successful. Even I can't see you clearly. " Bai touweng praised Chen Yang.

Chen Yang hugged his fist and said, "I'm flattered."

With a smile, the Pulsatilla said, "it's not flattering, it's telling the truth." He then said, "I know Dongfang, you won't come to me if you have nothing to do. Come on, what's the matter?"

Before Dongfang God spoke, Chen Yangxian said, "master, have you ever had something unusual happened around you recently?"

Pulsatilla slightly a Zheng, he then face a change, said: "how, you there are spies?"

"No, sir, we're just being careful," he said

Pulsatilla slightly relieved, said: "that's good."

Chen Yang didn't speak, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Dongfang zhengse said: "master, there is a big event to happen in Zifu. We are here because..."

He made a clear statement of his short future.

After hearing the words, the Pulsatilla also turned pale. He said: "I've heard that dreamers have been searching for the spirit of the universe, but I didn't expect that they really found it. This cosmic spirit has the wonderful effect of fusing all matter. If they get the universe spirit and completely change the gene of the purple star family, then their integration with human beings will be 100% successful. What's more, it will greatly increase their accomplishments. "

The Eastern god was shocked. He said, "so you know all this?"

"I always thought it was hearsay," said the Pulsatilla. "Only when you say that, can I be sure!"

The Eastern god looked at Chen Yang, but Chen Yang did not speak.

The Eastern god believed Chen Yang's words more deeply in his heart. He said: "so, master, now we have to go to save Mo Yu, the little girl with the universe spirit. This is a very important thing. "

"By you? How can it be The Pulsatilla sighed and said, "who can be the opponent of mengqingchen

Oriental God said: "always try hard."

The Pulsatilla said, "OK, I see what you mean. I will try my best to change your breath and appearance. "

When it comes to the death of human race, he sighs. I've tried my best. Please don't blame my ancestors for it

The Oriental God can't help feeling dejected.

The situation of the Terran now is really too difficult.

The Pulsatilla then took some of its hair and boiled it with mana and potion. After that, he condensed these potions into two pills and gave them to Chen Yang and dongfangshen.

"Just the same." Said the Pulsatilla.

The Eastern god nodded and swallowed the pill in his hand.

Chen Yang hesitated.

The Pulsatilla looked at Chen Yang, he said lightly: "little brother, don't you believe me?"

The Oriental God also said: "brother Chen Yang, the power of the pill belongs to the original power. It's easy for you to get rid of it. Don't worry about taking it! "

Chen Yang didn't say much. He nodded and swallowed.

So soon, the pill began to melt in Chen Yang's body.

This is a warm current and the source of strength. Chen Yang pushed these forces into his brain.

Before long, both Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen grew purple hair, and even their eyes turned blue. Two people's appearance also produced the subtle change, became with oneself all dissimilar.Chen Yang feels the wonder of this power. As long as he doesn't get rid of it, it will always be like this. But it's also very easy to restore the original appearance. Just force this force out.

"Master, we are going to leave." Then the Oriental God said to the Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla eyes complex, he said: "this one to go, life and death risk, you have to be more careful."

Chen Yang suddenly said to one side, "don't you come with us, master?"

After a long silence, the Pulsatilla said, "I'm old and afraid of death."

Dongfang God said: "the master has done too much for us. Thank you! Brother Chen Yang, let's go! "

He directly pulled Chen Yang, and then quickly left the palace where the Pulsatilla was.

The next second, Chen Yang and Dongfang God have come to the sky above Xuefeng.

"Brother Chen Yang, you shouldn't talk to your predecessors like this. Our ancestors sacrificed a lot for us and paid more. " Oriental God said: "I listen to you between the lines, you always have doubts about your predecessors, don't you?"

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "I do have doubts, but whether my doubts are redundant or not will soon be revealed."

"Oh, how do you know the answer?" The Oriental God was surprised.

Chen Yang said: "it's very simple. As long as we leave the south of Xinjiang, if we come to kill us with the people of Zifu. That's the problem. If no one comes to kill us, that's the problem. "

"Good!" Said the Oriental God.

Chen Yang laughs and then leaves the southern Xinjiang with the Oriental God. But at the same time of leaving, he quietly left one thing. This is Black hole crystal.

Chen Yang and the Oriental God are heading for the east of Xinjiang. Their original goal is to enter Zifu to save people.

Their speed is very fast, and they have reached the eastern Xinjiang in the blink of an eye.

Dongfang God laughed and said, "brother Chen Yang, you see, we have come here. There's no problem. You're still too suspicious. "

However, as soon as his words came to an end

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