As soon as the words of the Oriental God came to an end, the shadows of people in all directions were flashing in the sky.

Seeing this, the Oriental god suddenly turned pale.

Chen Yang had a good idea. He said to the Oriental God, "drive away the smell of Pulsatilla." Between his words, he had already forced away the source of his strength. In a moment, Chen Yang had recovered his true colors.

Oriental God's face is very ugly, but he did.

Both of them are back to their original appearance.

In the twinkling of human shadow, four masters surround Chen Yang and Dongfang God. It was xiantianque, xianzhengyun, and an acquaintance of Chen Yang, xianyuxue. Another stranger is an old man in black.

The old man in black is the father of xiantianque. Xianguinong!

It turns out that the Department of heaven worship has always been responsible for the capture of the Oriental God. Therefore, xiantianque will not disturb other prefectures when he is arrested today. Zifu is the most powerful, but the biggest problem is the serious internal strife among all the departments. If all the prefectures and departments were monolithic, the other three continents would have been in Zifu's pocket.

But as a leader of the dream of light dust, she did not dare to let his men are monolithic. That would endanger her position. It's a royal trick. She has to keep her balance.

Therefore, this is also a helpless problem, and it is also an eternal problem no matter on that planet or tribe.

Where there are creatures and desires, we can't escape this kind of political struggle!

Xiantianque is dressed in gorgeous clothes. She looks well-dressed. She is in her fifties and she is not angry. He is a good-looking man with the dignity of a big parent.

Xiantianque's father, xianguinong, is old and spicy. He seems to be in his seventies, but he is in a good spirit. His eyes are as sharp as hawks.

As the first of the eight divisions in Zifu, the power of the Department of offering sacrifices to heaven should not be underestimated.

Chen Yang and the Oriental God were surrounded in the middle.

When Xianyu Xue saw Chen Yang, she said with a smile, "Chen Yang, we meet again."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "it's not a good thing to meet under such circumstances."

Xianyu Xue smiles and says, "it doesn't matter. You're not the main culprit. After you go back, I can ask my father to abolish your cultivation, and then you can be a little follower for me. I will not treat you badly

Chen Yang laughs and says, "it's a good idea, but it's doomed to fail."

"Is it?" Xianyu Xue was very interested and said, "do you think there will be miracles at this moment? There's no goodwill here. You won't have another chance. Besides, my grandfather and my father are here. No matter how many tricks you have, you can't escape. "

"Not necessarily." Chen Yang laughs.

Xianzhengyun frowned and said, "little sister, what are you talking about with him?"

Xianyu spits out her tongue and makes a face.

Xiantianque and xianguinong are more direct, and they fight together. They know that the Oriental God can't be underestimated, but they don't take Chen Yang seriously.

Because xianzhengyun has given them a lot of information, they think Chen Yang is just a opportunist and can't be regarded as a real threat.

Xiantianque directly grasps Chen Yang, and the target of xianguinong is Oriental God. At the same time, their long purple hair forms a big space array, which instantly covers Chen Yang and Dongfang God.

At this moment, Chen Yang's figure flashed, but he stopped in front of the Oriental God. First of all, he grasped the Oriental God.

When the Eastern god was about to fight to death, Chen Yang immediately thought and said, "come in and give up Xumi. I have a way to get away from it!"

The Eastern god was slightly stunned, and then he no longer resisted and entered Chen Yang's jiexumi.

Although he did not know what Chen Yang could do, at this time, the Oriental God could only believe Chen Yang. He knew that his resistance had no effect. This xianguinong and xiantianque together, he is not a bit lucky.

Chen Yang put the Oriental God into the Buddhist monk Xumi. The next second, the big handprint of xiantianque has covered Chen Yang.

The breath of the purple house of creation surrounds it, in which the endless laws run. Chen Yang felt that he was in the middle of the clouds and the universe around him.

Chen Yang has no black hole crystal in his body, so it's really hard for him to get rid of the mystery around him.

Fresh sky que hand a tight, instant contraction. He clenched his fist, and then everything was quiet.

At this time, xianguinong took out a magic weapon, which is xinghunjing bottle! It's a magic weapon of Xian GUI Nong. When he sacrifices it, Xian tianque's fist goes into the xinghunjing bottle and throws Chen Yang into the xinghunjing bottle.

Then xianguinong uses his magic power to seal the Xinghun bottle with the air of creating the purple mansion.

After that, the fresh returned farmers were slightly relieved.

Xiantianque was still a little uneasy and said, "I'm sure I've caught these two people, but the Eastern god didn't resist. It's really strange."

Xianguinong said in a deep voice: "don't think about it. They are just dead when they enter the pure bottle of Xinghun. You know the power of xinghunjing bottle. "Xiantianque said, "we'd better go back to the temple at once and sacrifice them with great magic power."

"Ah?" Xianyuxue quit immediately and said, "Dad, you can't kill Chen Yang. Keep him for me to play

"Nonsense!" Xiantianque scolds Xianyu snow. Fresh in snow can't help but hate and regret, but she has nothing to do.

To her, Chen Yang is just a little more interesting, that's all.

She'll feel sorry, but she won't make any more unnecessary waves.

At this moment, the xinghunjing bottle locks Chen Yang and Dongfang God. The mana of xianguinong is integrated with Jingping. If Chen Yang and Dongfang God want to fight against Jingping, they will fight with xianguinong's mana.

Therefore, xianguinong can feel whether Chen Yang and Dongfang God resist, and he is not afraid that they will run away. The pure bottle of star soul is so mysterious that the people who are imprisoned have never escaped.

At the moment, a group of four quickly left the spot and flew into the purple mansion.

In the temple of offering sacrifices to heaven, xianguinong and xiantianque are very serious. They open the boundary of the palace.

Xianyu snow and xianzhengyun are just watching. Xian Zhengyun said to Xian Yuxue: "this time, we will seize the Oriental God, and the Oriental clan will be completely disintegrated. The rest of us, even if we don't get caught, can't make it. This is a great achievement. We can go to the supreme Pavilion for this. "

Xianyu Xue was not very excited and said, "it's a pity that interesting guy."

"Eh!" At this time, the fresh GUI Nong, who was sacrificing and refining the pure bottle of star soul, said softly.

Xiantianque's face is also full of doubts.

Xian Zhengyun was surprised and asked: "grandfather, Dad, what happened?"

Xiantianque, like a ghost, said, "it's gone."

"What's gone?" Xian Zhengyun can't believe it.

Xianyu's eyes brightened, and she thought it was more interesting.

In xinghunjing bottle, Chen Yang and Dongfang God are indeed gone.

"Can it be that it has been refined?" Xianzhengyun can't help saying.

Xian GUI Nong's face was very ugly. He said, "it's impossible. These two people's cultivation is extremely deep. Before the Xinghun pure bottle is refined by us, it's impossible to refine them."

"However, xinghunjing bottle was locked and never failed. How could they disappear out of thin air? " Xian Zhengyun said.

Xianguinong said, "I also want to know what's going on."

"Queer, queer!" Xiantianque said.

Xian Yu Xue said with a smile, "that guy is very cunning. I knew it was not so easy to catch him."

At this moment, where are Chen Yang and the Oriental God?

These two people have already returned to the mainland of Southern Xinjiang.

Chen Yang suspected that there was a ghost for a long time, so he deliberately made a space array with black hole crystal in the southern Xinjiang continent. In order to break through xinghunjing bottle, there is also the magic exploration of xianguinong, which can only be done by black hole crystal. Mo Xiangji in Yuantai has done this before, because Yuantai is more wonderful and vast.

With Chen Yang's power, the black hole crystal has also achieved this.

However, Chen Yang is also embarrassed. Now he has left the black hole spar and his power has been reduced by at least half. So, it's better not to leave yourself.

Moreover, this backhand can only be used occasionally. Use more, the opponent has a guard, once someone breaks through the space transmission, it is a dead end.

In a word, it can't be used frequently.

After coming to the southern Xinjiang, Chen Yang took back the black hole crystal.

The Oriental God admired Chen Yang.

"I didn't expect..." The Eastern god then felt distressed and said, "I didn't expect that the Pulsatilla and my brothers all rebelled."

Chen Yang said: "not necessarily. Don't draw a conclusion before the truth is clear. Brother Dongfang, you just like to draw conclusions too much. You said I can absolutely believe it, I really can absolutely believe it? Do you think Pulsatilla can be trusted? Is it absolutely believable? Everything has two sides. "

The Eastern god was speechless.

Chen Yang thinks that the people on the Danube planet are still a little more honest, and they can't engage in conspiracy. Oriental God's brain is still good, but also a little simple.

Chen Yang, on the other hand, has gone through too much deceit on earth, and has already made a hundred irons. He was originally regarded as an individual on the earth, so here, he felt that there were some intrigues and tricks, which seemed a little childish in his eyes!

"Come on, take this first!" Chen Yang sealed a drop of xuanhuang liquid and gave it to dongfangshen.

"What is this?" The Oriental God was surprised.

Chen Yang said, "well, I'm afraid we still have breath. Taking this should be able to remove the breath."

This xuanhuang liquid was improved by Chen Yang, but it was instructed by Mo Xiangji in Nayuan fetus. Xuanhuang liquid has fused with the air of the universe, so it should be able to dispel some of the breath on Danube.Dongfangshen once again sighed that Chen Yang was meticulous and took it calmly.

Chen Yang a smile, say: "not afraid of poisonous?"

Oriental God also a smile, said: "brother, if you want to harm me, I have died a hundred times."

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