The kingdom of DOK believes in the God of beasts, and even more in the king of beasts. The beast king they wrote to was a giant bear. On some wall reliefs of the city, you can see the king of beasts. In the center of the city, there is also a statue of the Bear King. When Chen Yang entered the capital of oak, his mind was already shooting in all directions. And have a general understanding of the city.

And Chen Yang also learned the orc language.

The Oriental God didn't talk much at this time, so he followed Chen Yang all the time.

The orcs around him always point out to Chen Yang and the Oriental God. The Oriental God is not used to it and says to Chen Yang, "are we too deliberate? Will it make Zifu suspicious? "

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said: "their first reflex is not to be suspicious, but to be happy to find the target. And then there's the temptation, the capture. Let's play it by ear! "

Dongfang Shen thinks Chen Yang's plan is too bold. He thinks Chen Yang is sometimes very cautious and sometimes very bold.

Chen Yang didn't care what the Oriental God was thinking. He then advanced to a shop similar to an inn. There are a lot of orcs eating in it, and the orcs eating here are well dressed. And there will be less hair on the body.

Chen Yang knows that in the kingdom of orcs, he is also very particular about blood.

They are still envious of human civilization and yearn to become a pure human body. So, there are orcs who have intermarried with humans. I don't know whether those humans are willing or not, but under this genetic change, some noble orcs are born. That is, the hair is less and less, the animal's characteristics are less and less, and the wisdom is much higher.

This kind of ORC has a fixed surname, ordinary orcs can not use those noble surnames.

No matter what country, race, or creature, there will be such a strict hierarchy.

This is the eternal conservation principle throughout the universe!

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen find a table to sit down, and immediately a little Orc girl comes to order. Chen Yang ordered a plate of chicken, a plate of beef and so on. Most of the food here is meat, and there are few vegetarians.

Chen Yang also knows that orcs no longer regard themselves as beasts. So they eat without too many taboos. It's just that half bull people don't eat cattle. Other races should or will. Otherwise, these carnivores will not be able to find meat to eat.

There is also animality in the human body.

And the orcs have more animal nature in their bodies. The consequences of not eating meat are very serious.

Chen Yang then asked for some wine, but the official name here is not wine, but black soup.

"Brother Chen Yang, come on, let's have a drink!" At this time, the Oriental God is also coming, then it is settled. Raise your glass and drink to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "good!"

He drank all the wine in one gulp, but when he drank it, he almost vomited. One is that it's too hard to drink. The other is that the degree of alcohol is very high.

The Oriental God also has a strange look. He said with a wry smile, "it's my first time to drink this kind of black soup. In my life, we don't come to the kingdom of orcs."

Chen Yang also has a bitter smile. The Oriental God smiles again, but takes out the wine from his storage bracelet and says, "I still have some aged wine here, which is made by elves. It tastes very good."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "that's great."

So they drank the wine of the Oriental God. The meat is not very delicious. It's very old. However, these are small sections, and Chen Yang and dongfangshen don't care much about them.

Just halfway through the meal, a few orcs from the next table came up. The first of them was a Orc girl. From the face, it belongs to the half bear. This girl is a real tiger backed, tall, like a small tank. Chen Yang knows that the girl is still slim and petite among the orcs. In Chen Yang's eyes, the girl is really ugly.

But in the eyes of orcs, this girl is absolutely beautiful.

There is no hair on the girl's face. This is the proof of noble blood!

Orc girl came to Chen Yang and Oriental God, she was very polite. "Gentlemen, my little girl is very polite."

Her courtesy is very standard, plus her expensive clothes, you can see the ladies.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen were slightly surprised. Naturally, they were not arrogant and got up at the same time. Chen Yang doesn't judge people by their appearance either. He smiles and salutes, saying, "hello girl!"

"You are Human beings? " The girl said tentatively.

Chen Yang said, "exactly!"

The girl's eyes flashed with excitement. The following orcs seem to be her subordinates. They have been guarding the back, and they don't say much.

The girl saluted again and said, "nice to meet you, Nicole

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen have their own taboos.

Nicole continued: "we rarely see pure humans here. I don't know if the little girl can have a drink with you two."Chen Yang knows that it's normal for women to be bold and unconstrained in the folk customs of orcs.

Naturally, he did not refuse and said, "girl Nicole, please sit down!"

Nicole said happily, "thank you."

Three people sit down, Nicole immediately called the little Orc girl who served the diner. "Bring up all the good black soup and dishes. Today, it's all on me. "

The orc girl was so happy.

Nicole then said to Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen, "Mr. Chen Yang, Mr. Dongfang, you've come all the way here. You're honored guests. It's my treat today. Don't argue with me. "

She seems very hospitable.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Nicole girl is so hospitable, we will listen to you girl."

Nicole is even more happy. She doesn't like fussy people. Then Nicole sees the delicate wine pot on the table.

"This is..." Nicole asked curiously.

"This is the black soup brewed by the elves," the Oriental God explained

Nicole took the bowl and said, "I'd like to try it. I've heard my grandfather say that the black soup made by the elves is unparalleled in the world."

The Oriental God immediately poured a bowl of wine for Nicole.

Nicole took the bowl and drank it all.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen were stunned. They are both men, and both of them are very manly. But in front of Nicole, they all felt as if they were a bit of a mother.

"It's not good to drink. It's tasteless. My grandfather is full of lies. Our black soup is good, it's delicious Nicole said immediately. She grabbed the black soup jar next to her and took a few mouthfuls of it directly. After that, she said, "it's a pleasure!"

Chen Yang and Dongfang God look at each other and then smile bitterly together.

Nicole then looks at Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen. She asks curiously, "where are the two gentlemen from? What's the matter with oak

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