Facing Nicole's problem, Chen Yang said with a faint smile, "it's nothing. I'm just playing around with Dongfang brother. I'm also very interested in the local conditions and customs of your country, so I came here. "

Nicole said, "I see. We don't forbid people to come here. I heard from my grandfather that a long time ago, people would come here, but now, there are almost no more

When the Oriental God heard the words, his eyes suddenly darkened.

There used to be people who would go to southern Xinjiang and do business with orcs. However, there are only a few of them. The main reason is that some orcs are too strong and can hurt people. Those who come here are desperate people. But now, the Terran is oppressed by Zifu, where there is still this leisure.

Once human beings, once the eastern Xinjiang mainland bred a splendid culture, which makes the elves, the dragon group and the orcs yearn for incomparably. But now, the human race is miserable and unparalleled.

Nicole didn't notice the change of the Eastern god's expression. She continued: "but I heard that there is a big problem in the eastern Xinjiang."

The Eastern god said unhappily: "the problem has already appeared for more than 200 years."

Nicole saw the displeasure of the Eastern god, she said: "sorry, I don't know much about the eastern Xinjiang mainland, is it against your taboo?"

The information of the orcs is very closed, and they have to cross many oceans from the south to the East. They, ordinary orcs, really don't know much about them.

Oriental God is not stingy, waving his hand, said: "nothing, it's my own problem."

Chen Yang didn't talk much.

Afterwards, all the food and wine came up. During the chat, Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen know that Nicole's father turned out to be an important minister in oak capital, similar to that of the prime minister. This is the first one!

Besides, Nicole is the only child in the family. In the future, if there is no big problem, he will inherit his father's first position.

Nicole has a lot of concubines

Concubine is naturally a man, she is the dominant position.

As they chatted, Chen Yang and dongfangshen gradually understood something.

Damn it, Nicole regards herself and the Oriental God as a beautiful little lady. She's here to soak up girls.

Chen Yang has the feeling that he's been a dog for a long time. Today, he's going to be soaked by Niu. But this girl is too shabby!

After having enough to eat and drink, Nicole invites Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen to her house.

Chen Yang quickly waved his hand and said, "we still have something important to do, so we won't bother."

Nicole said, "what can I do for you gentlemen? Just say it to me. In my generation, it works. "

Chen Yang said, "we are going to leave. Thank you for your kindness."

Nicolton was disappointed.

However, she did not have too much entanglement.

"If you want to leave, I'll at least see you off." Nicole said later.

"Thank you," Chen Yang said He didn't continue to refuse, he needed to make some noise here. So I don't really want to leave. It's just that he doesn't want to go to Nicole's house. He's too uncomfortable with Nicole.

Chen Yang doesn't know what it's like for a woman to be soaked by a man.

Chen Yang thinks that being soaked by women is not unacceptable.

But by such a big Orc girl bubble, his goose bumps are going to fall out.

After that, Nicole waves her hand and checks out.

Then the party left the inn.

The weather is pretty good these days. It doesn't continue to snow. Although the cold in the air is very heavy, but this kind of cold, half orcs have long been used to.

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon, and the streets are very busy. The streets here are very wide, and the snow on the road has been removed. But you can't see the sun in Danube.

Nicole has a snowox. It's Xueniu who pulls the car. Xueniu has great strength and runs fast in the snow. The value of a snow cow is very expensive, but a snow cow can pull a carriage running for five hours.

In the orc capital, owning a snow ox cart is a symbol of absolute status and wealth.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen feel that the snow ox cart or something is rather shabby, but Nicole has the feeling of taking her sister to her Ferrari.

After getting on the bus, Chen Yang said he would leave the city. Nicole let the orc out of town.

A few Orc guards were running behind. It's Pediatrics for the orcs.

Driving all the way out, Nicole talks a lot. Chen Yang talks to Nicole in some ways.

The Oriental God talked to Chen Yang with his mind and said, "shall we just leave?"

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "I didn't expect to meet such a pretty girl. I dare not go to her house. Dare you? "

Oriental God also wry smile, said: "I dare not go!"

Chen Yang also said: "my plan is not detailed. At present, I just want to bring out some important people, and then catch them and force them to find out something, or use them as a chip. But there's a big hole in my plan! "Oriental God slightly surprised, way: "what loophole?"

Chen Yang said: "if mengqingchen is highly involved and calm, no matter the two of us. If she decides to start with Mo first, we will be passive. "

Oriental God thought of this, but also disgraced, said: "yes, if it is true, what should we do? This is their simplest coping strategy, but our most helpless strategy. Your Highness the spirit king has been hiding in your commandment. We can't hurt your highness like this all the time? "

Chen Yang said: "it's the best to be able to bring it out. If you can't bring it out, just rush in and take it by surprise. I only give them half a day. If they don't come out today, we'll go in tomorrow. "

The Oriental God said, "well, that's all."

When the ox cart was running smoothly, there was a sudden brake. Nicole was talking, and the sudden brake hit her forehead. Nicole let out a cry, then angrily lifted the car curtain and scolded the driver: "stupid thing, what are you doing?"

Meanwhile, Nicole sees what's going on outside.

There was a more luxurious ox cart blocking the way ahead.

The coachman tried to explain something, but Nicole said, "shut up!"

She then turned back to Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen and said in a deep voice, "two gentlemen, stay inside. There are some situations outside. I'll deal with them."

Chen Yang nodded.

Nicole is out of the bullock cart right now.

As soon as Chen Yang's thoughts were shot, he understood the situation.

was the eldest daughter of King AUX, the royal highness of the great princess. Princess

, toy boy, heard that Nicole had soaked up two nice little white faced humans, so he ran over to intercept them.

Chen Yang's mind can only shoot some simple information. But this information has been able to make a lot of judgments.

The Oriental God also knows these messages.

"Let's get out of the car and have a look." Chen Yang said to the Oriental God.

The Oriental God said immediately, "but Nicole told us not to go down."

Chen Yang said, "no, we still have to listen to this silly girl?"

He followed and got off the ox cart, but Dongfang God had no choice but to follow him.

It's secluded here, but it's a snow field.

In the snow, the eldest princess Dorothy oak is fighting with Nicole with a group of orcs. In general, Chen Yang's impression is that the princesses are not beautiful at all, so they can get by. But when he saw Dorothy, he was still a little hearty. It was a tall, stout, fat woman with a mountain.

Chen Yang immediately thought of Maitreya.

Thanks to the nice names of Doris and Nicole.

There is a special existence in the orcs who follow dorsi. It was a semi Orc mage, covered in black robes, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Dorothy asks Nicole to hand over the two little white faces. Nicole says it's impossible.

Although Dorothy is the eldest princess, she is afraid of Dorothy. Even if it goes to the king, King Oakes will only think it's a ridiculous joke. Maybe both of them will be punished.

Dorothy and Nicole are always at odds. Then Dorothy lowered her voice and said, "at least, one for one. You can't take all the benefits yourself. "

She thought Chen Yang and the Oriental God couldn't hear, but Chen Yang and the Oriental God couldn't hear. If you want to listen, they can both hear the wind and grass from a thousand miles away.

When Chen Yang and Dongfang God came out, dorsi saw them, their eyes were shining with desire, and she wanted to rub them into her body.

This made Chen Yang feel terrible.

Nicole looks back at Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen quickly look away, pretending to hear nothing. Nicole was relieved. She lowered her voice and said, "what are you talking about? I haven't got one."

Dorth said, "what is not done? Are you stupid? If you want their bodies first, are you afraid that they will not be determined? "

Nicole said, "do you have any fun, you guy? How can you be abrupt, gentlemen? "

"Don't worry, I don't care. I'm going to take one with me, and the others. It's up to you what you want to say. "

Nicole is also helpless, said: "OK, OK, but there must be conditions. This is what I found out. You have to do me good! "

Dorsi said, "can I find you a secret collection of Dali Quan Jing in the palace?"

Nicole brightened her eyes and said, "OK, deal. I'll choose the one over there, the one in green, the Oriental God. "

Dorothy looked at Chen Yang from a distance and said, "that's not good. I want to wear green clothes, too. Chen Yang is a bit ugly. "

"Damn it When Chen Yang heard this kind of talk, he couldn't help but scold him secretly. "Smelly girl, I don't think I'm ugly."

Oriental God in the side of this embarrassing ah!This is the first time in my life!

But at this time, Nicole immediately refused Dorothy's unreasonable request, said: "no, you don't push an inch!"

"We can talk about it again," said dorth

Nicole said, "it's not negotiable!"

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