Nicole is adamant.

Dorothy keeps promising benefits, but Nicole just refuses. Finally, dorsi couldn't help looking at Chen Yang more. She sighed and said, "OK, you are cruel. It's barely enough. If you look at it more carefully, it's OK. I'll make do with it. "

Niehei said, "we can improve this to a great extent. You just steal the music. It's too hard to catch a human now. "

So the two of them agreed. Next, Nicole asks Dorothy not to talk. Together with Dorothy, she comes to Chen Yang and Dongfang God.

"Gentlemen Nicole smiles and pretends that nothing ever happened. She continued, "let me introduce you to this. This is the daughter of our king, your majesty AUX, the royal highness of the princess. Your highness is very happy to hear that you are here, so I'm here to invite you two to get together. "

she did not plan to be too tough. She thought she would first deceive two people into the mansion of her royal highness, and then lay hands on it. When the raw rice is cooked, everything is not afraid.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Nicole girl, your Highness Princess, is really not very embarrassed. We don't have time. We're leaving now. " Although he was laughing, he was sneering.

Nicole and Doris also feel the change of Chen Yang's attitude.

Dorothy is also a violent temper. She sneered and said, "little thing, you'd better pay attention to what you say. The princess thinks highly of you. That's your blessing. Don't ask for trouble. "

After a pause, she said, "forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Somebody, grab this little thing for me and take it away! "

She orders the orc behind her and points to Chen Yang.

The Eastern god's eyes were cold. He was about to make a move. But Chen Yang made a gesture to stop the Oriental God. Dongfang God doesn't know what Chen Yang is selling, but he respects Chen Yang and stops at the moment.

Four strong, burly, beast like orcs quickly come to Chen Yang.

They are going to catch Chen Yang.

Dorothy said, "don't be rude. Don't be rude about this little thing."

The four orcs made a pause, but they still grabbed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang laughs again. This time, he laughs coldly. He stood still, but he performed a kind of Psychedelic skill. In his eyes, the mental power is out, and suddenly forms a kind of puzzle!

The four orcs stood still and couldn't get out.

When dorth and Nicole saw this, their faces changed.

"Human wizard?" Dorth and Nicole are surprised.

But immediately, Dorothy was happy and said, "great, human wizard, more interesting. The princess's interest is greater. Manmeng, take them to the princess at once She ordered the black wizard this time.

The black robed mage has been waiting.

He answered and lifted the mask. The black robed mage is a half bird man with a sharp face. His eyes are like a cold spring.

He waved the scepter in his hand and broke it with a soft drink.

So there was a strong light.

"I'm still a master at longevity!" Chen Yang saw the cultivation of master heipao. He gave a sneer.

The light was shining like a cold moon to break the four orcs' mystery barrier.

But it's a pity that this black robed mage can break Chen Yang's mystery.

The four orcs were still in the same place, without any reaction. Black robed mage can't help but be anxious. He then looks at Chen Yang and decides to give him a hand. He waved his scepter and gave a loud drink. The jewel at the top of the scepter bloomed with blood. Then, the blood light forms a python demon soul. The demon soul roars, which is terrifying, and attacks Chen Yang.

"Do not kill him!" Dorth warned the black robed mage again.

The spirit of the demon roared and twined to Chen Yang like lightning.

Chen Yang sneered and said: "the light of rice grain is also shining. It's ridiculous!" He grabbed the demon soul in his hand, and then kneaded it into pieces.

Seeing this, the black robed mage immediately hated him and said, "I want to die!"

"You want to die!" Chen Yang's eyes give out cold light, he is far away, big hand empty grasp.

The black robed mage immediately felt a great spiritual power enveloped him, and his throat was choked by this power.

"How is that possible?" The black robed mage had a look of unspeakable fear in his eyes.

Chen Yang strangles the black robed mage and raises him. The black robed mage struggled desperately, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally felt something.

How does it feel? Just like in those years, when he was weak, he was helpless in the face of the Supreme God. And now, he felt that he had become the Supreme God.

This is a happy thing.

After all, the efforts over the years have not been in vain.He grew up from a mole ant to today, and became the person he wanted to be.

He has been running, for family, for friends, for responsibility, but finally achieved himself.

So, it's also for myself.

This life is not for others, but for yourself.

"No, brother!" Seeing that Chen Yang wanted to kill the black robed mage, the Eastern god immediately stopped him.

"Don't worry!" With a wave of his hand, Chen Yang abandons the black robed mage. He knew in his heart that this was the territory of the beast God. Ordinary orcs and the fighting between humans and orcs were not controlled by the beast God. But there are consequences for those who have great power to come to show off their evil deeds.

The black robed mage fell to the ground and passed out.

Nicole and doth are horrified.

Several orcs protect them and dare not fight against Chen Yang. Chen Yang and the Oriental God looked at each other, Chen Yang said: "go!"

The Oriental God nodded.

They immediately turned into a rainbow and flew into the sky.

"God, God of man!" Nicole and dorse murmured. At the same time, they also felt extremely ashamed, and moved the vulgar heart to the God.

Chen Yang came out of Southern Xinjiang with the Oriental God.

Then Chen Yang and the Oriental God came to an island in the ocean.

"What are we here to do?" The eastern God asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "do nothing."

"Nothing?" The Eastern god was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "we do nothing, but the enemy will doubt what we are doing. It belongs to no matter where they are, they don't have to worry about it. Let's wait here. I believe that with the power of Zifu, after we get the news, we can trace it all the way according to the residual breath we left before. "

The Eastern god suddenly realized and said, "I hope everything is like your calculation, brother."

Chen Yang said: "now there are two points. One is to be afraid of mengqingchen. Second, we are afraid that the other party will not do anything at all, or we will not be aware of our small moves. "

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