The sky of the magic mountain was silent.

But he didn't keep silent for long. After a moment, he agreed to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and others were slightly relieved.

Then Chen Yang said to Arthur ratty and the Oriental God, "for the sake of safety, we will control the rest of them separately. In this case, it's not easy to be taken out in one pot. "

His thinking is really meticulous.

Arthur ratty and the eastern gods naturally agreed.

Arthur ratty is in charge of the magic mountain. The Eastern god controlled the deadly scholar and Quine. Chen Yang also took control of kuiju.

After this, the whole magic mountain house is controlled by Chen Yang.

Zifu has always been arrogant and domineering, but this time it was definitely a fiasco. All this happened because of Chen Yang, the earth man.

"Next, what should we do?" Arthur ratty also more convinced Chen Yang, asked.

Chen Yang said: "help them recover first. Otherwise, they will die when they go back. "

"Dead end?" "What do you mean?" the magic mountain sky said immediately? Does mengqingchen dare to kill us directly after we go back? "

"What dare not!" Chen Yang said: "if you are seriously injured, she can kill you with a wave of her hand. Although this is not appropriate, how many people will complain for you? She'll be guilty of you, too. "

The magic mountain sky was shocked.

At this time, Arthur ratty is not stingy, he will bring infinite elixir, Elixir all out. And use great mana to provide them with healing convenience.

Chen Yang also absorbed the energy of the universe and took some pills of yaserati. He also needs a good cultivation. You have to be energetic to meet bigger challenges.

Zifu, zishengong, East Xinjiang.

Xiantianque reports to mengqingchen that the magic mountain mansion is always empty. All of them didn't come back.

"It seems that the whole army has been destroyed." Dream light dust murmured.

Xiantianque said in a deep voice, "Lord, if they all die, it's not a bad thing, is it?"

Mengqingchen took a look at xiantianque and said, "if you were them, would you kill them all?"

Xiantianque was slightly stunned. He immediately said, "no, I will control them."

"That's right!" Dream light dust said.

Xiantianque couldn't help losing face and said, "what can I do? If the devil mountain mansion is controlled by them, when the devil mountain sky comes back, they will certainly encourage the other two mansions to revolt together. "

"Rebellion?" Meng Qingchen sneered and said: "rebellion is not a simple thing, it needs long-term planning. Under such circumstances, if ziyue mansion and Tianshan mansion were given ten courage, they would not dare to rebel. If it's as simple as you say, it's easy. Because now, their rebellion is hasty and not enough to be feared. "

Xiantianque looks at mengqingchen.

The longer he contacts with mengqingchen, the more he fears and admires mengqingchen.

"What are you worried about, my lord?" Asked xiantianque.

He hopes to have a better understanding of mengqingchen in the conversation with mengqingchen.

Dream light dust heavy voice said: "what I am worried about is unknown things. I have lost the first game of chess. "

After a pause, she said, "all this is from Chen Yang, a man on earth. I don't think Arthur ratty has the courage. Yaserati's family has a great career and has too many scruples. Only this young man alone can be so fearless and dare to challenge his authority. "

Shang Wudao failed in Chen Yang's hands.

Xiantianque and his son also failed in Chen Yang's hands.

Now it's the Lord's turn. The peerless dream of the Lord, Qingchen, has also failed.

At this time, they have to reconsider Chen Yang.

This move under the dream light dust is extremely stable.

She wants to use the magic mountain sky to lead yaserati, and use yaserati to seriously injure the magic mountain house. After that, she will arrive at the right time, ask Arthur ratty, and clear the magic mountain house by the way.

She counted thousands of times, but did not count that Chen Yang, a group of people, disappeared directly into space. Her backhand is chicken ribs!

She's always in charge of the war

But it collapsed.

But that's the beginning. Dream light dust is not impetuous.

Magic mountain sky and others took three days to recover.

After the recovery, Chen Yang and others also started a discussion.

"Now you are in a very awkward situation. After such a long time, Meng Qingchen can be sure that something is wrong with you. You go back now and pretend to be seriously injured. In this way, mengqingchen calls you to meet in Zifu. You can also have an excuse not to go. " Chen Yang gives advice to the sky of magic mountain.

Magic mountain sky said: "pretend to be seriously injured? What if she does it to us? "Chen Yang said: "hum, now the time line is over. She'll suspect that you're pretending to be seriously injured. She did not dare to act rashly, because she was afraid that her highness and we would also ambush by her side. She doesn't even dare to visit you herself. "

The eyes of the magic mountain sky brightened.

"And then?" Looking at Chen Yang, he said, "is your plan aimed at mengqingchen or rescue Mo Yu?"

The lethal scholar is a man who lives very clearly. In a word, he asked the key point.

Chen Yang also said: "this question is very good. From my point of view, I just want to save Mo Yu. But if I did, it would be unkind. Because Dongfang brother and his highness have been pulled down from the water. As soon as I leave, mengqingchen is safe and sound. That is to harm them. Also hurt you, so, defeat dream dust is also one of my goals. However, the first goal is to rescue Mo Yu. Because once mengqingchen controls the universe, our chances of winning will be even more slim. "

After hearing the words, the deadly scholar put down his heart slightly.

He continued: "I know that mengqingchen has a big killer, which has always been the shadow of the people in the eighth division. With this big killing weapon, the purple mansion is controlled as steady as Mount Tai by mengqingchen! "

"You mean Loulan heaven?" Oriental God slightly surprised, asked.

The lethal scholar was also surprised and said, "do you know Loulan heaven?"

The Eastern god said in a deep voice, "I've heard of it!"

The life taking scholar said: "if what I expected is right, Mo language should be controlled in Loulan heaven. However, as long as we enter Loulan heaven, it is a dead end. Therefore, it is almost impossible to save Mo Yu. "

The magic mountain sky immediately said, "but there is one more thing. Loulan gold seal of Loulan heaven has a root connection with Danube, which can draw energy directly from the planet. So Loulan heaven can't leave Zifu. "

"What if we lead mengqingchen out of Zifu?" Said the Oriental God excitedly.

Yaserati said: "find a way to let mengqingchen and most of his experts leave Zifu. We'll send someone to Loulan heaven to save people. If possible, we'll destroy Loulan heaven again. That's the best way! "

Magic mountain sky said: "but what happens, can dream light dust and a crowd of experts lead out?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Chen Yang was silent.

Yaserati looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, what are you thinking?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to think about it for a night. Now, you go back to the magic mountain mansion and pretend to be seriously injured. And your highness, go back to the elves first, and don't act rashly before I can figure out a way. "

Arthur ratty nodded and said, "good!"

Magic mountain sky some worry, he said: "I'm still worried, pretending to be seriously injured will lead to dream light dust."

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, mengqingchen was cheated once. She won't allow herself to be cheated a second time."

He's very determined.

"I agree with Chen Yang," the student said

Magic mountain sky is also helpless, now can only leave.

Soon, they went to their own places.

Chen Yang is sitting on the death star with his knees crossed. He is thinking hard.

The Oriental God has been with Chen Yang.

He was at a loss and couldn't think of any way.

"Brother Chen Yang, don't you always have a way? Why do you find it more difficult after this first victory? " The eastern God asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang opened his eyes. He looked at the Oriental God and said, "in fact, Meng Qingchen was very cautious in his first battle. The only thing she didn't figure out was that I could hide you all in the universe. This is unknown! So what's my winning point in the second battle? That's what I need to think about. She's in a very good position, she's in control, she's powerful, she's smart. This battle is simply impossible to fight. "

He paused and said, "you can't rely on cleverness."

The Eastern god pondered and said, "what you said is very reasonable. However, they mentioned trying to bring out the dream dust. Have you ever thought about that? "

Chen Yang said: "the things about Loulan's kingdom of heaven must have been clear in mengqingchen's heart. She knew that the sky of magic mountain would leak the news to her. At this time, if we want to lead her out, she will know what's going on with her toes. Therefore, she will certainly make plans and deliberately pretend to lead us into Loulan heaven. And wipe us out at one stroke. "

After listening to this, Dongfang god suddenly felt creepy.

"This Isn't there no way? If she sticks to Loulan heaven There's nothing we can do! " Said the Oriental God.

"She's still calm. I'll try to keep her calm. There is less and less time to save Mo Yu, eh I want to find a way. Well, I have a plan. " At this time, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened.

His eyes twinkled with the essence of wisdom.The Eastern god was overjoyed and said, "brother Chen Yang, what's a good way?"

Chen Yang said: "ha ha, it doesn't work to say it. Let's go and see your highness

When the Oriental God saw that Chen Yang didn't say it, he stopped asking. He felt that Chen Yang had a lot of ideas anyway, so he didn't have to think much.

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