Chen Yang and the Oriental God went to the elves and met the elves king the first time. Later, King Arthur ratty once again hid in Chen Yang's black hole crystal.

Then, Chen Yang and the Oriental God entered the eastern Xinjiang directly.

The target is magic mountain house.

Chen Yang has many ideas. For example, he also wants to unite with Arabi, the beast God, and the dragon clan. But yaserati told Chen Yang that in every clan, the relationship is complicated. Many decisions are not so easy to make. The dragon clan and the beast God won't do it easily.

At the same time, yaserati also told Chen Yang. Even those senior masters in his family, he would not move. Because the decision didn't go through Parliament. What yaserati is doing is private action.

Therefore, Chen Yang can only give up those ideas.

Just like the dream of light dust, if Zifu is a piece of iron, she doesn't have to be so sad. If the other three groups unite, they will become an iron plate. Purple house is not enough for fear!

People are changeable and complex!

Mengqingchen doesn't want to capture the elves while the elves are away. But it's a huge project to capture the elves. If she wants to attack formally, she needs the support of the whole clan. This is the reason why mengqingchen doesn't move the elves.

Zifu, in Zishen palace.

Xiantianque of the Department of offering sacrifices to heaven has been closely monitoring the whole eastern Xinjiang. He quickly came to the purple temple and reported to mengqingchen. "Lord, we have found out that Chen Yang, the Oriental God has gone to the magic mountain mansion. Do you want to send someone to arrest him? "

Dream light dust eyes slightly a Lin. "To the magic mountain house? When did it happen? "

"Just now, we will report to you as soon as we find out." Xiantianque said.

Dream light dust murmured: "at this time, what do you do in magic mountain mansion?"

Xiantianque said: "I think they only want to unite with the devil mountain mansion to deal with the other two. If they take the three into their pocket, then the spirit king will cooperate with them. At that time, they can really become the enemy of Zifu. "

Dream light dust said: "they don't want to die? In our territory, so reckless? "

Xiantianque was slightly stunned. He also felt that the other party's plan seemed unreasonable.

Dream light dust continued: "the spirit king and the magic mountain house, as well as Chen Yang, the Oriental God these people cooperate together. If I send you there, it's just death. It seems that we have to be with you to have an absolute chance of winning. "

She thought about it and said, "but if I had, I would have gone too. What are they trying to do? Picture Loulan, heaven

Dream light dust beautiful eyes a bright, said: "a good move to move the tiger away from the mountain.". If I lead you to go there, it will lead to emptiness in Zifu. At that time, the spirit king ran to Loulan heaven, didn't he just save the Mo language? "

Fresh sky que also eyes a bright, said: "Lord wise, in time to see through their tricks.". I admire you

Meng Qingchen said, "but there are still problems. The spirit king's time is not much. If they can't hold me back, I will withdraw in time, and the spirit king will die. Is it Is there any unknown on the other side of the magic mountain that can trap me for the time being? "

For mengqingchen, other things are not terrible, and the unknown things are the most terrible.

Mengqingchen took a deep breath, and then said to xiantianque: "continue to check, don't act rashly."

Xiantianque said, "yes, Lord!"

Then xiantianque retreated.

Dream light dust has its own trump card, with Loulan Tianguo big killer, but the biggest drawback of Loulan Tianguo is that it can't be taken away. She wants to be in the purple mansion, can urge Loulan heaven. She now saw the enemy's intention, that is, the other party wanted to lead her out of the purple house, so to deal with Loulan heaven.

The enemy obviously knows the power of Loulan heaven!

Mengqingchen said in secret: "even if I transfer Mo language, I will take it with me. But if you leave Loulan heaven, you will no longer have an advantage in fighting against the spirit king. Once Loulan heaven is destroyed, the power of controlling Zifu will be weakened. No, this is not allowed. With Loulan heaven, we can be invincible. From here to the magic mountain house, it's only a few seconds. Since they dare to use their tactics to divert the tiger from the mountain, they must have a way to trap me for some time. Good, good Chen Yang, I haven't met you yet, but you have exhausted your cleverness to me! Since you are going to take the tiger out of the mountain, I'll do it! "

Dream light dust after careful consideration, the heart has an idea.

She wants to pretend to be deceived and send the fake spirit to pacify the chaos. The real body is in Loulan heaven, waiting for work. If you can capture or kill the spirit king at one stroke, then her status and dignity will reach an incomparable level.

Mengqingchen then ordered the soldiers and generals, and sent the experts of Shenbing department and Jitian department to go together.

She had to act like the enemy was on the hook.

In the purple mansion, there are many elders, and the rest are guarded by experts. In addition, she controls Loulan heaven by herself. It's more than enough to deal with an ELF KING like this.If mengqingchen is not there, then the experts and elders of each department will not be the opponents of the spirit king. The spirit king breaks into Loulan heaven. Once the fight starts, it's a disaster. And her dream light dust personally guard Loulan heaven, everything is very different.

Mengqingchen creates a yuan God, quickly leads Shang Wudao, goodwill, xiantianque, xianguinong, xianzhengyun and xianyuxue to stand by at any time.

Dream light dust will not take the initiative to attack.

Because ziyue and Tianshan don't listen to her orders very much. If she blindly orders ziyue and Tianshan. Maybe the two governments and the magic mountain government will deal with her together. She has to let the magic mountain mansion to the purple moon mansion. When Tianshan mansion shows its ferocity, she will be there again.

This is the wisdom and strategy of mengqingchen.

At this time, Chen Yang did not let Meng Qingchen down.

The sky of the magic mountain banquets the purple moon mansion, and the two lords of the Tianshan mansion discuss important matters together. The place is in the magic mountain mansion.

Mengqingchen issued a warning to the two governors in time.

Warn them that the magic mountain sky has been controlled by the spirit king, and this banquet is very dangerous. Please make sure that they bring all the experts. Then, she will help secretly and catch all the enemies.

This time, mengqingchen plans to make a success.

She wants to capture the spirit king in Loulan heaven.

In the magic mountain mansion, we should use all the people to kill the Oriental God, Chen Yang and the magic mountain mansion.

This is the second game of chess. The full swing of the game is about to start. The winner depends on his own way.

Purple moon mansion is like smoke and dust. Although Tianshan mansion has always been in the same mind with the magic mountain sky, now they also know that there may be something wrong with the magic mountain sky. So, for this banquet, they also kept a vigilant heart.

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