Xianyu is silent.

After a while, she suddenly asked, "how is my father? Just now I suddenly felt that I had lost my father's mark. What did you do to him? "

In fact, fresh in the snow heart has a very bad feeling.

Chen Yang was slightly shocked.

He's a good liar. He can be absolutely quiet. But He couldn't bear it.

Father, mother, what a heavy topic.

Xianyu Xue's father died, and he had to cheat her. How cruel it was.

Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

Xianyu Xue is a smart person. When she sees Chen Yang's look, she suddenly loses face and says, "what's wrong with my father?"

"He killed himself." Chen Yang took a deep breath and said.

Fresh in snow, the whole person immediately confused, after a long time, she came back to God and said: "this is impossible!"

Almost desperate, she snapped at Chen Yang: "it's impossible. You're lying to me, aren't you? My father, a hero of a generation, how could he commit suicide. It's impossible, it's impossible! "

Chen Yang did not speak.

He doesn't need to talk.

And Xianyu will finally accept the reality.

Fresh in snow, tears, remorse. "I should have killed you. I killed you early. You killed my father. It's you... "

She yelled at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said faintly: "whatever you think, your father could not have died. As long as he's willing to obey us, but he won't, so he committed suicide. We can only respect his choice. "

"What about you now? What do you come to me for now? Laugh at me? " Xianyu questions Chen Yang in tears.

"Laughing at you?" Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not so bored or so idle. I'm here because I need you to be loyal to me. I want you to open up your brain and be controlled by my mind from now on. "

When Xianyu Xuejiao was shocked, she looked at Chen Yang and said in a trembling voice, "you killed my father and wanted me to be controlled by you. Don't you think you are too cruel?"

Chen Yang said: "joke!" After a pause, he said, "how many human families are separated in the eastern Xinjiang. Your body still occupies the human body, you this body, no brothers and sisters? Now that you, your father, are involved in the rules of the game. So it's fate to be caught and killed. It's nothing to complain about. There are so many human spirits dying under the purple mansion. You have no right to talk about cruelty with me. "

"What if I don't want to? Like my father, I have to choose to die, right? " Xianyu asked.

Chen Yang of course will not tell the truth, he said faintly: "that's right!"

"Good!" Xian Yuxue agrees with Chen Yang. "I'd like to be controlled by you!"

Chen Yang slightly surprised, he did not expect Xianyu snow will be so readily agreed.

"Why don't you dare?" Xianyu asked with a sneer.

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "little girl, I know you think you are very smart. But your cleverness is not worth mentioning in my eyes. I may not be able to guess the ghost idea in your mind. "

Xianyu Xue said, "is that right?"

Chen Yang is too lazy to pay attention to Xian Yu Xue and says, "since you are willing, let's start."

Xianyu Xue said, "good!"

Chen Yang directly controls Xianyu snow at the moment, and Xianyu snow is very cooperative. After that, Chen Yang said, "next, there is one thing you need to do."

"I want to see my father's body!" Xianyu said.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He immediately said: "this requirement is not too much, but after your father killed himself, the energy explosion in his body has become a powder. This is what your grandfather saw with his own eyes. You can ask your grandfather in the future. "

"Then I want to see my grandfather!" Xianyu said.

Chen Yang light said: "temporarily can't see."

Fresh in snow angry, said: "why?"

Chen Yang said: "there's no reason. Work hard for me. We'll talk about other things in the future. You have a lot of tricks, but if you don't know how to cooperate, you'll stay in the blood cell all the time. "

Xianyu Xue takes a deep look at Chen Yang. She then chooses to compromise and asks, "what do you want me to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I know that your brother xianzhengyun has always been upright. I want him to obey me, but he may not be willing. In particular, your father is no longer here. If you don't want your brother to die, go and persuade him. "

Xianyu snow immediately said: "you must not hurt my brother!"

Chen Yang said, "what qualifications do you have now to say no?"

It's better to be silent than Sherton.

After a while, she said, "my brother will not obey you, but you can make a bet with him. He is a man of his word

Chen Yang's eyes brightened.

Fresh in snow words reminded him, yes, to deal with xianzhengyun really is to suit the remedy to the case.So, Chen Yang took Xianyu snow to see xianzhengyun.

Xianzhengyun sits on his knees in the blood prison, seemingly calm.

After xianyuxue and Chen Yang arrive, xianzhengyun opens her eyes. Xianyuxue rushes over and hugs her head and cries.

"Brother, brother, my father is gone..." Fresh in snow cry.

Xian Zhengyun has sensed all this, so he is relatively calm. He held his little sister tightly and said nothing.

But there were tears in his eyes.

Chen Yang did not urge him.

After a long time, xianzhengyun and xianyuxue separate. Xianzhengyun looks at Chen Yang and says, "what are you doing here?" He repressed his feelings and asked Chen Yang calmly.

Chen Yang said: "all the people who have been arrested have been surrendered. Including your sister, her spirit is under my control. Now you're the only one left. "

"My father..." Xian Zhengyun said, "he didn't obey, so he was killed by you?"

"He committed suicide," Chen said

"It's impossible!" Xianzhengyun said categorically.

"You said impossible? Then you don't know your father well enough Chen Yang said, "your father is afraid of mengqingchen. He is afraid that you will all die and have no burial place in the future. Now that he's dead, if mengqingchen wins in the future, he can still recite his death and give you a way to live. "

Xian Zhengyun was silent.

"I have been loyal to the Lord since I was a child!" Xian Zhengyun then looked up and said to Chen Yang, "don't waste your time."

Chen Yang said: "I'll give you a chance. Let's fight fairly. If you win, I will release your sister and let you two go back to Zifu. If you lose, you will obey me. I don't have the right to release your grandfather. But I still have the power to let you two go. "

"Is that true?" Xianzheng cloud smell speech, eyes emit a ray of excited light.

When Xian Zhengyun first met Chen Yang, he thought he was sure to defeat Chen Yang

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