Although Chen Yang has defeated mengqingchen twice, Xian Zhengyun doesn't think it is Chen Yang's credit. He thought it was the king of the elves.

So now, Xian Zhengyun accepts Chen Yang's proposal.

So next, Chen Yang untied all the prohibitions on Xian Zhengyun. A moment later, xianzhengyun resumed his cultivation.

"Xian Zhengyun, don't play tricks to escape. If you dare to run away, think about your grandfather and your sister, they will die! " Chen Yang then warned Xian Zhengyun.

Xian Zhengyun sneered and said, "just keep your word!"

Chen Yang said, "when I speak, I always have a lot to say."

Xianzhengyun hasn't heard of the idiom "yiyanjiuding", but it seems to have the same meaning. After that, Chen Yang, Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue leave the blood prison.

Then came the elves over.

Chen Yang won't leave the elves with xianzhengyun, because if xianzhengyun and mengqingchen have some connection, he will die without burial. Although he won two games, Chen Yang was not carried away by the victory. He is still cautious.

Arthur ratty, the king of spirits, is naturally aware of the changes that have taken place here. But he still wants to give this right to Chen Yang.

It's a rare good weather for the fairies.

Fresh in the snow in the side watching.

Xianzhengyun stands in the air and doesn't say a word. At this time, he tries his best to nourish his spirit and is ready to give Chen Yang a fatal blow at any time.

His cultivation is in the same realm as Chen Yang.

He is the genius of Zifu's cultivation and is proud.

No matter how humble he is on the outside, he is absolutely proud on the inside.

Comparatively speaking, Chen Yang was born grassroots, while Xian Zhengyun was born after a famous family. Although Chen Yang's father is famous, he has never given him any help in his cultivation.

Chen Yang has gone through hardships all the way. All his accomplishments come from the experience of countless dangers and opportunities, one step at a time.

Chen Yang's face is indifferent. He just stares at xianzhengyun.

He won't be afraid of xianzhengyun. Even the city of magic mountain is defeated by him, not to mention xianzhengyun.

The war broke out soon, and xianzhengyun took the lead. He is the cultivation of the nine purple mansion. In a flash, his eyes burst out the purple God awn. The purple God awn enveloped Chen Yang for a hundred miles and completely trapped him.

There is still infinite space, meaning and so on!

Xianzhengyun starts with no mercy, and then sacrifices a magic weapon, the golden eye stone.

The golden eye stone is a golden stone like the eyes. It's made of special materials extracted from Danube by senior people in purple mansion and condensed with their own blue eyes and purple eyes. There is great power and profound meaning in it.

The golden eye stone was swallowed by xianzhengyun, and then a golden eye appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

The golden God's eye shoots out the golden God's awn and kills Chen Yang in an instant.

The power of the golden God awn is like a divine arrow shooting at the sun and the planet, with the unparalleled killing intention and great power.

Any power in front of the golden God awn, appear a little weak.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

The power of the golden awn was beyond his expectation. It also made him know that he could defeat the master of creation, but not necessarily the master of heaven and place. Because he is not the only one in the world who can kill people beyond his level.

The golden eyes make Chen Yang feel scared. He dodged in the air several times in a row, but the golden God awn locked him to death. Moreover, the space law of xianzhengyun also makes Chen Yang unable to leave this range easily.

Chen yangben didn't plan to escape either.

It's a shame to run away from a xianzhengyun.

It is Chen Yang's temptation to dodge for several times.

At this time, Chen Yang had a good idea and immediately put out the black hole vortex. The golden awn shoots into the black hole vortex and is immediately engulfed by Chen Yang's great phagocytosis.

Innumerable laws, mysteries, and forces are all disintegrated, absorbed, and finally transformed into pure energy by the great phagocytosis.

And xianzhengyun also felt his power was quickly absorbed. He was surprised, and then, with a flash of his body, he took back the golden eyes.

Immediately after that, xianzhengyun grabs the golden eye stone and turns it into golden light.

At the same time, all the long purple hair was sent out, turning into countless purple python. The golden light shines on the purple Python and turns into a golden python.

Tens of thousands of golden python, like the wind and cloud out, rolling waves, all toward Chen Yang.

The spectacle reached its climax.

Thousands of troops and horses are frightening, just like the whole dragon people.

Chen Yang didn't say much either. He condensed the black hole crystal on his fist and turned it into black armor.

Then, Chen Yang burst out with a roar, 36 punches in a row!

The power of each punch is the power of 20 billion horses, and each punch has the ability to shake the world.Vast and mighty, overwhelming, heaven and earth pale.

Fist front like a tsunami, a wave higher than a wave, and finally all the golden Python will be smashed.

Xianzhengyun can't resist Chen Yang's power. He is pale in his eyes. He can't believe that a person's power is so terrible and endless

After the battle, Xian Zhengyun was seriously injured, and his purple hair was only an inch long

Between heaven and earth, the wind and cloud are surging, the energy is surging, the cyclone is exploding

But at this time, it soon returned to calm.

Chen Yang stands aloof and says coldly to Xian Zhengyun: "you are defeated!"

Xianzhengyun has nothing to say, Chen Yang's victory is not a fluke. The other side is completely crushing him with absolute strength.

"I did lose, but I don't understand!" Xian Zhengyun couldn't help saying, "why is your realm similar to mine, but your strength is several times as powerful as mine? I've never met a weirdo like you

Chen Yang said: "there is a universe outside Danube. Things inside the universe are much more strange. I have practiced a Dharma, which is the Dharma of our earth. It's called big source Dharma. I practice very slowly, but my strength will be relatively strong. "

"I see!" Xianzhengyun suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said, "are you willing to accept defeat?"

Xian Zhengyun nodded and said, "I'm willing to admit defeat!"

Then, Chen Yang took control of xianzhengyun.

Xian Zhengyun also wants to see his father's body. Chen Yang refuses and explains. He wants to see his grandfather return to the countryside, but Chen Yang also refuses.

Later, Chen Yang arranged rooms for xianzhengyun and xianyuxue.

At this time, Arthur ratty had a meeting to discuss. Chen Yang said goodbye to xianzhengyun and xianyuxue.

After Chen Yang left, xianzhengyun and xianyuxue discussed together. Naturally, they were very sad, and Xianyu said sadly, "brother, what should we do in the future? Do you really want to be controlled by others all your life? "

Xianzhengyun took a look at Xianyu snow, he said: "little sister, don't be afraid, if you have brother, you will be OK."

Xian Yu Xue nods, but she has no idea.

Xianzhengyun murmured: "I really can't figure it out. It's only a few days. Why does his cultivation grow so terrible?"

Xianyu Xue's eyes are gloomy, and she doesn't know what to say.

In the golden palace, Arthur ratty called the assembly.

All the leaders and elders of the elves have arrived. All the people in the magic mountain mansion, as well as the businessmen who have no way and good reputation, are also involved in the fresh return to the farmers.

Everyone took their seats, and Arthur ratty sat on top.

Chen Yang sits with the Oriental God.

Arthur ratty looked around and said, "now, we're all in the same boat. If something happens to the king or even the elves, we can't escape. There is no need for me to say more about this point. "

The magic mountain sky immediately said: "Your Highness, it's unnecessary to say that we all know this in our hearts. Whatever your highness wants us to do, just tell us! "

Arthur ratty smile, said: "this is very good, we elves yearn for peace, never want to have more trouble. I hope that after destroying mengqingchen, Zifu will be led by brother Tianqiong. Moreover, human beings should have relative freedom. "

"That's nature," said the magic mountain sky

It is difficult for human beings and Zifu to coexist, which is a big contradiction. But now, we all know it by heart. Moreover, with the decline of human beings, it is very difficult for the Oriental God to change the situation in the future. Arthur ratty has his own stand of interests, he will not really completely make decisions for human beings.

Magic mountain sky knows this.

And the Oriental God knows that.

Magic mountain sky and others now have low expectations in their hearts. It's lucky that they can survive. In the future, we can only accept orders.

Yaserati then said, "that would be great." Then he said, "now, our top priority is to rescue Mo Yu. What Mo language means is very clear to all of you. If her universe spirit falls into the hands of mengqingchen, we can't turn over. "

Magic mountain sky said: "Your Highness is right." He looked at Shang Wudao and said, "as far as I know, shenbingsi has been in charge of Mo language. Shang Wudao, tell your highness about the progress of this matter. "

Shang Wudao is not shy at the moment. He salutes yaserati and says, "if you go back to your highness, now Mo Yu is imprisoned in Loulan heaven. At present, mengqingchen controls the Amethyst soul, but the crystal body has disappeared. We are refining the Amethyst body, which will take about half a month to complete. Once the Amethyst is finished, it will lead to Mo's universe spirit. "

"Half a month!" Chen Yang murmured.

Arthur ratty nodded and said, "very well, Mr. Shang. Thank you for your information. Then, the next step is how to save Mo Yu. Do you think it's safe to attack Zifu by force? "Magic mountain sky said: "I don't think it's a big problem to attack Zifu. Now in Zifu, the two will not interfere. And eight division of dream light dust has no important power, not enough for fear. At present, the only resistance is the four elders, as well as dream light dust and Loulan heaven

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